What is the difference between the PLAY command and the START command for playback sound?
The START command is used to start playback of multiple channels at the same time by specifying a phrase in advance with the FADR command. Use the PLAY command to play a single channel. It is possible to play multiple channels by continuously inputting the PLAY command of another channel, but there will be a difference in the playback start time for each channel.
Will there be conflicts when multiple devices report at the same time?
The LoRaWAN node will use the frequency hopping mechanism when going upstream. If there is a concurrent situation of the same frequency, there is a possibility of packet loss. In actual use, you can reduce the possibility of concurrency by setting the message confirm or adding a random delay time based on the reporting interval.
Precautions for Using Multiple Connected Supercapacitors
When connecting supercapacitors in series, insert a voltage balancing circuit in parallel with the supercapacitors to suppress voltage imbalance among them.
Is there an upper limit for suspended interrupts if multiple interrupts occur at the same time?
There is no upper limit to the suspended interrupt. The suspended interrupt is not canceled. However, when a suspended interrupt occurs several times, it is treated as a single interrupt. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
How is it handled if multiple interrupts occur at the same time?
Interrupts that run from high priority interrupts and have low priority are suspended. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
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有没有Pin To Pin 替代Ti的升降压芯片TPS63020?
世强代理的品牌暂时没有找到Pin to Pin直接替换TPS63020的Buck-boost。推荐ROHM品牌的升降压DCDC:BD8306MUV,输入1.8V-5.5V,输出1.8V-5.2V/2A(switch)。数据手册链接:1.8V to 5.5V, Integrated 2.0A MOSFET 1ch Buck-Boost Converter BD8306MUV 数据手册
The code size increased after using sprintf function with the standard library. Is there any way to compress the size?
The sprintf function executes the floating point type conversion processing, which results in increase of size. If the floating point type conversion is not executed, add the dummy function _Ldtob() to C source as shown below to compress the code size. Example) #include char buf[32]; void main(void) { sprintf(buf, "test"); } void _Ldtob(void *p, char code){} // Dummy function for code size reduction Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
In the A/D converter of the ML62Q1000 series, it is said that it is possible to select whether or not to discharge the sample hold capacitance with the SAINIT bit. What is the standard for using with or without discharge?
With no discharge, the charging and discharging of the sample hold capacitor inside the A/D converter is minimized, and the voltage fluctuation of the terminal becomes small, which is effective for A/D conversion of only one channel. With discharge, the phenomenon that the result of the previous A/D conversion affects the next channel is eliminated, and the degree of influence becomes the same each time, so it is effective when performing A/D conversion for two or more channels. However, even with the above settings, there is a concern that the A/D conversion results may be shifted due to fluctuations in the terminal voltage. In this case, it is necessary to take countermeasures such as extending the A/D sample hold time or reducing the frequency of A/D conversion. Related Products: ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
Is it possible to use direct conversion (zero IF)?
Setting is possible. However, the sensitivity is affected because the leakage of local frequency components to the ANT always appears as Co-Channel interference. For this reason, its use is not recommended. Related Products: ML7345/ML7345D, ML7404, ML7414
Is it possible to restore from the STOP mode using UART, A/D converter, and timer?
Because all clocks stop in the STOP mode, restoration cannot be done with UART, A/D converter, and timer. Restoration is possible from the Deep-HALT, HALT-H, and HALT mode with LTBC, timer, and multi-purpose function timer. It is possible to restore from the HALT-H and HALT mode with the A/D converter. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
Does the A/D converter include a sample/hold circuit? Or, does a hold occur for the number of input ports?
The ADC of our microcontroller includes a sample/hold circuit. Note that the sample/hold circuits for the number of input ports are not provided.
你好,推荐ROHM(罗姆)的碳化硅N沟道功率MOSFET SCT3040KL,VDSS 1200V,ID 55A,详细资料如下:SCT3040KL N-channel SiC power MOSFET Datasheet
How is the sequential comparison type A/D converter connected to each analog input pin?
Each analog input port is connected to one input of the sequential comparison type A/D converter via a switch. To convert analog signals to digital ones, turn on only the switch of a selected analog input pin. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
Is it possible to use I2S output (master) on the ML22Q53X?
Since the SAI interface (I2S) of the ML22Q53X is a slave, I2S output (master) is not possible. Related Products: ML22530/Q53x, ML22660/Q66x

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