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- Reference values of the impedance of each pin measured with the LAPIS evaluation board are described in respective design guides. there is no problem to adjust one element at a time. In addition, it can be adjusted by fine-tuning the constants based on the topology in the reference circuit diagrams described in the design guides.
Related Products: ml7344/ml7406 family, ML7345 family, ml7396 family, ML7404, ML7414 - 创建于2024-06-04
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Is there a way to prevent interference between the transmitted radio waves from two transmitters? If possible, how many sets can be done?
The following two methods can be considered. (1) Identifying by changing SyncWord(When transmitter-receiver is one-to-one) The setting can be up to 4Byte (2^32) of SyncWord setting. Except patterns with extremely large number of 1's or 0's, it is assumed that approximately 2^24 patterns can be used. (2) Managing addresses When one transmitter (master) and multiple receivers (slaves) exist, set the addresses of the slaves. The slave units receive only packets destined to themselves (addresses) (using field check function). Addresses can be assigned for up to 2^48-1 units (6 bytes). Related Products: ML7345 family, ML7404, ML7414
Is it possible to include a SAW filter in transmission/reception common matching?
Impossible. Since the input impedance of the SAW filter is as low as 50Ω, it appears as a load during transmission. As a result, the transmission output power drops. When including the SAW, use it separating the transmission and reception with the antenna switch. Related Products: ML7344 family, ML7345 family, ML7404, ML7414
Can Walmate provide CMM report?
Walmate does not provide design services, so you will have to have a CAD file ready to use our service. You are responsible for submitting 2D and 3D CAD drawings, and we can then provide a Design for Manufacturing (DFM) review upon receiving your order.
Can Walmate make design drawings for me?
Walmate does not provide design services, so you will have to have a CAD file ready to use our service. You are responsible for submitting 2D and 3D CAD drawings, and we can then provide a Design for Manufacturing (DFM) review upon receiving your order.
Why does my function generator amplitude not match the set point?
The most likely cause is that the generator output is not configured with the correct value that matches the actual load.
SiC MOSFET 5kW 高效率无风扇逆变电路
ROHM - SIC场效应晶体管,SIC MOSFET,PS2501L-1,MCR18ERTJ200,NJM78L05UA,MCR03EZPJ332,MCR03EZPJ334,RK73B1JTTD104J,PC092-01-00,B4B-XH-A,TR10P,DE1E3KX222MA4BN01,RK73B1JTTD472J,GRM188B31H104KA92,RB751S-40,MB3P-90,RK73B2BTTD105J,RK73B2BTTD4R7J,PH-1X10RG2,RK73B1JTTD103J,B5B-PH-K-S,PH-2X09SG,SSM3K318T,GRM1851X1H472JA44,KRB-408,GRM188B11H103KA01,HOT-2608B,ELXZ350ELL101MF15D,TLP700A,SCT3030AL,GRM188R11H104KA93,MCR10ERTJ4R7,TC4069UBF,RK73B1JTTD102J,PC045-00-00,S4B-EH,MOSX1C1R0J,NJM431U,GRM185B31E105MA12,DE1E3KX102MA4BN01,2SCR542P,GRM188R71E104KA01,PH-2X04SG,FHU-2×4SG,MCR10EZPJ105,PH-2X08SG,RK73B1JTTD153J,RK73B1JTTD101J,MCR03EZPJ101,ADR-48-50-0R5YA,MCR03EZPJ102,MCR03EZPJ103,24LC64SN,EG01C,MCR03ERTJ302,CQ-3303,CT-6E-P5KΩ,TR008A,1SS355,NE555D,ECQE6103KF,MCR18ERTJ4R7,ES1A,GRM188B11H102KA01,PC089-01-00-50P,NJM2732M,BFC233920105,MB4P-90,MCR03ERTJ331,B3P-VH,TBD,STR-A6079M,ACPL-C87AT,SCS212AM,MCR18ERTJ1R0,TRANS-LINK,GRM1851X1H222JA44,2SAR542P,MOSX1C334J,MCR03ERTJ202,FHU-2X9SG,VDCT,UDZS5.1B,ECQE6104KF,ELXZ100ELL681MF15D,S3B-EH,RK73B1JTTD271J,2SC3325,PH-1X04SG,MCR03EZPJ152,GRM188R71E105KA12,ELXS451VSN561MA50S,GRM21BR71E105KA99,MCR03ERTJ470,RK73B1JTTD470J,SCT3017AL,RK73B2BTTD563J,RK73B1JTTD000J,TA48M05F,MCR03ERTJ102,MCR03ERTJ103,SBR1U150SA-13,FHU-2X8SG,450MPH105J,UCS2W220MHD
For BD37033FV-M,BD37034FV-M,BD37524FS,BD37534FV,BD37543FS, What is the level meter function?
The Level Meter is a circuit that outputs a DC voltage proportional to the magnitude of the signal and holds the peak level of the detected signal. Since the held peak level can be reset by resetting the Level Meter, the transition of the peak level can be monitored by periodically performing a reset. The reset interval should be at least one cycle of the frequency to be monitored.
For Analog Audio Processors, Do I also need to set the registers to its initial values?
When power is turned on, be sure to send data to all addresses as initial data. It is also recommended to mute the device until the initial data is transmitted.
可以看一下ROHM的DTC114ECAHZGT116 NPN 100mA 50V Digital transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in transistor) 资料参考https://www.sekorm.com/product/54901.html
In the FSK mode, when continuously transmitting the modulated wave using RF_TEST_MODE, the center frequency shifts by about 3 KHz.
As described in the data sheet, when using RF_TEST_MODE in FSK mode, the modulator reads unnecessary data before the generation of the expected test data just after TX_ON is started up. Therefore, the center frequency changes. To use RF_TEST_MODE correctly, check again through the following procedure. 1. Initialization register setting 2. Execute VCO_CAL 3. TX_ON 4. After starting up TX, MODEM reset * Note: Usually, this event does not occur when transmitting packets containing DIO control. So, it is not required to perform a MODEM reset after TX_ON. This is also an event specific to FSK mode. There is no problem in GFSK mode. Related Products: ML7344/ML7406 family, ML7345 family, ML7404, ML7414
In a checksum calculation of program and memory space, the checksum value calculated by program and the checksum value calculated with HTU8 do not match when the test data area (rewriting not possible area) of the program memory space segment) is included. Why?
When calculating the checksum of memory with program, if data in rewriting not possible area in the test data area are read, the actually written value is read. On the other hand, HTU8 handles the data in rewriting not possible area of the test data area as 0FFh. Therefore, the value is different from the checksum value of HTU8. When calculating the checksum with program, handle the rewriting not possible area data as 0FFh. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
When performing A/D conversion for multiple channels, are channels put into the sampling wait state until sampling of one channel is completed? Or, can sampling be performed simultaneously?
The ADC of our microcontroller performs A/D conversion while switching channels and therefore unprocessed channels are put into the wait state. Simultaneous conversion cannot be performed.
Is there any way to reset microcontroller from a program? Or should I wait for watchdog timer reset to occur?
BRK instruction can be used to reset a microcontroller from a program. However, resetting by BRK instruction initializes only CPU, and initialization of SFR, analog circuit, etc. is not performed. Therefore, we recommend that resetting by watchdog timer, which initializes all parts of microcontroller, be performed for resetting from a program. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
有没有与1043 pin to pin兼容的CAN TRANCMACEIVER
非PIN TO PIN的CAN收发器推荐BD41041FJ-C、BD41044FJ-C,是全球知名的半导体厂商罗姆(ROHM)株式会社推出的车载级CAN/CAN-FD收发器。参考链接:https://www.sekorm.com/news/36425468.html