How many target devices can be connected to one Bluetooth Low Energy module at the same time?
The number of units that can be simultaneously connected depends on the SoftDevice used. For S132/S140 up to 20 units can be connected at the same time. For S112/S113 up to four units can be connected at the same time as peripheral devices.
Can Bluetooth Low Energy modules from LAPIS Technology communicate with each other?
Yes, they can. Since "Serial communication sample software" by LAPIS Technology implements peripheral and central functions, data communication can be established between modules.
请教下EFR32蓝牙SOC的Voice over Bluetooth Low Energy这个demo应该怎么用?
是否可以提供详细的demo型号,每个demo都有对应的用户手册指导如何使用;目前EFR32没有支持Voice Profile,如果实现语音传输需要用户自己编写相关应用代码。可以请先参考Silicon Labs(芯科科技) EFR32BG 蓝牙BLE低功耗实现指导文档
基于RN42蓝牙芯片需要RN42 FCC许可吗??
基于芯片做的模组是需要另外做 FCC 认证的。RN42/RN42N Class 2BluetoothModule 已经通过 FCC, ICS, CE 认证。请参考 https://www.sekorm.com/doc/previewDoc?docId=82472
芯科的EFR32BG2X系的蓝牙芯片在软件开发中“Bluetooth on-demand start”组件有什么作用?
该组件使应用程序能够按需启动或停止蓝牙协议栈。默认情况下构建中若未包含此组件,则蓝牙堆栈在初始化时自动启动,并且永远不会停止。若添加此组件:蓝牙协议栈直到调用sl_bt_system_start_bluetooth()才会运行。此功能的主要目的是DMP(低功耗蓝牙设备管理器(Device Management Profile))用例,在该用例中,蓝牙不是所有时间都需要,并且需要将资源释放给其他应用程序使用。可以使用sl_bt_system_stop_bluetooth()停止蓝牙协议栈,通过断开任何活动连接和停止任何进行中的广告和扫描来将蓝牙恢复到空闲状态。当蓝牙协议栈未运行时,除System之外的所有BGAPI类都不可用。
无线电源设计套件-中等功率订单代码:760308MP,版本1.0发射器模块、接收器模块和LED负载模块符合Qi v1.2.2
ROHM半导体和Würth Elektronik联合推出的无线充电设计套件(订单号760308MP),旨在展示无线充电的优势,并让开发者有机会测试和集成无线充电解决方案。该套件基于Qi 1.2.2规范,支持无线充电联盟(WPC)的扩展功率配置文件(EPP),同时兼容低功率模式(基线功率配置文件)。套件包含发射器模块、接收器模块和LED负载模块,适用于移动无线充电应用。
ROHM - WIRELESS POWER DESIGN KIT,无线电源设计套件,MCU,单片机,BD6142AMUV,ML610Q112,760308MP,ML610Q772-B03,BD57020MWV,760 308 102 207,BD57015GWL,760 308 110,TX MODULE,RX MODULE,BD9E151NUX
In the A/D converter of the ML62Q1000 series, it is said that it is possible to select whether or not to discharge the sample hold capacitance with the SAINIT bit. What is the standard for using with or without discharge?
With no discharge, the charging and discharging of the sample hold capacitor inside the A/D converter is minimized, and the voltage fluctuation of the terminal becomes small, which is effective for A/D conversion of only one channel. With discharge, the phenomenon that the result of the previous A/D conversion affects the next channel is eliminated, and the degree of influence becomes the same each time, so it is effective when performing A/D conversion for two or more channels. However, even with the above settings, there is a concern that the A/D conversion results may be shifted due to fluctuations in the terminal voltage. In this case, it is necessary to take countermeasures such as extending the A/D sample hold time or reducing the frequency of A/D conversion. Related Products: ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
Battery connection order is designated?
Please refer to each datasheet. Basically, GND, VDD are connected first, and connect each battery terminal. Disconnection order is reverse.
Is LE Audio supported?
No, it is not supported. LE Audio is an optional feature of Bluetooth v5.2. Neither MK71511 nor MK71521 supports this function.
数据表中记载的“Energy Sharing control Operation Example”示意图,在使用2层基板和使用4层基板时有区别吗?
Can we modify threshold values easily?
Customers can save threshold values in the external EEPROM and control their systems with this threshold values. Please refer to each documents.
What types of interfaces does the module have?
SPI (Master/Slave), UART, I2C, PWM, 12bit ADC can be commonly used with MK71511/MK71521. MK71521 has additional I2S and NFC interfaces.
I created a library file using LIBU8, but some of them were not imported. For example, it is a source code (file) in which an interrupt function is defined. All the interrupt functions are static functions. Is it possible to create it as a library in such a case?
Files containing statically declared functions can be registered in library files. However, since it cannot be referenced from the outside, the module in the library cannot be found, and an error occurs when linking and it cannot be used. Create the function to be registered in the library as a global function.
How should I connect the product and the uEASE?
Signal lines required for connection vary depending on the product. For details, please refer to "On-Chip Debug Function" of User's Manual for each product. Related Products: ML610(Q)40x, ML610(Q)42x, ML610(Q)47x, ML610(Q)48x, ML610Q10x, ML610Q11x, ML610Q17x, ML610Q30x, ML610Q35x, ML610Q36x, ML610Q38x, ML610Q41x, ML610Q43x, ML610Q46x, ML620Q13x, ML620Q15x, ML620Q416/ML620Q418, ML620Q503H/ML620Q504H/ML620Q506H, ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx
When the memory contents are displayed in the [Memory Browser] view of the LEXIDE-U16 (or LEXIDE-Ω), the upper and lower data appear to be swapped, unlike the actual memory values.
Check the display unit of [Cell Size] from the pop-up menu displayed by right-clicking on the [Memory Browser] view. If the display unit is 1 byte, the same image as the actual memory is displayed in bytes. If the display unit is 2 bytes or more, it will be displayed for each set unit. For example, if the display unit is 2 bytes, the value for 2 bytes is displayed by swapping the upper 1 byte and the lower 1 byte.

最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>

根据用户的蓝牙模块,使用Bluetooth 蓝牙测试装置MT8852B,测试蓝牙1.0至5.1,包括传输速率、功率、频率、调制和接收机灵敏度,生成测试报告。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
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