For Analog Audio Processors, What type of product is Hi-VOL type?
Typical output of analog audio processors is about 2Vrms. Hi-VOL type can output 3 to 5Vrms.
For Analog Audio Processors, How should unused output pins be handled?
Unused output pins can be left OPEN.
For Analog Audio Processors, Why is the noise level higher when EQ is on than when EQ is off?
When the EQ is off, the signal does not pass through the equalizer circuit.
For Analog Audio Processors, Is power-on reset function built into all products?
Not built into BD34700FV, BD34701KS2, BD381x series, and BD3843FS.
For Analog Audio Processors, Are there products that only have a volume function?
Yes, there are. BD34602FS-M, BD346x series, BD381x series, and BD384x series are applicable.
你好,我们有用到ADI品牌的 LT8301ES5和ROHM的BD4840FVE-TR的IC,我们现在想找国产IC可以替代的,性能一致就可以,是否有推荐的国产品牌可以替代呢?
推荐圣邦微隔离电源芯片SGM46000(替代LT8301ES5)和复位芯片SGM706-J(替代BD4840FVE-TR),均为功能性替代,相关技术资料参考链接:SGMicro(圣邦微) SGM46000 3W主变压器和用于隔离电源H桥驱动器数据手册SGMicro(圣邦微)SGM706 Low-Cost, Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit
推荐ROHM品牌的锂电池充电管理芯片:BD99954MWV,支持最多4节锂电池串联充电方式,产品带通讯接口。详细参数看如下链接 1 to 4-Cell Li-Ion Battery Manager For Application Processors BD99954MWV, BD99954GW数据手册
For Analog Audio Processors, Do I also need to set the registers to its initial values?
When power is turned on, be sure to send data to all addresses as initial data. It is also recommended to mute the device until the initial data is transmitted.
罗姆的BD99954MWV,支持1-4节锂电池的充电管理,带通讯口控制。规格书如下:1 to 4-Cell Li-Ion Battery Manager For Application Processors BD99954MWV, BD99954GW数据手册
In the FSK mode, when continuously transmitting the modulated wave using RF_TEST_MODE, the center frequency shifts by about 3 KHz.
As described in the data sheet, when using RF_TEST_MODE in FSK mode, the modulator reads unnecessary data before the generation of the expected test data just after TX_ON is started up. Therefore, the center frequency changes. To use RF_TEST_MODE correctly, check again through the following procedure. 1. Initialization register setting 2. Execute VCO_CAL 3. TX_ON 4. After starting up TX, MODEM reset * Note: Usually, this event does not occur when transmitting packets containing DIO control. So, it is not required to perform a MODEM reset after TX_ON. This is also an event specific to FSK mode. There is no problem in GFSK mode. Related Products: ML7344/ML7406 family, ML7345 family, ML7404, ML7414
For Analog Audio Processors, Can a product that writes commands via I2C I/F also read back register values?
Reading of register value is not supported.
I created a library file using LIBU8, but some of them were not imported. For example, it is a source code (file) in which an interrupt function is defined. All the interrupt functions are static functions. Is it possible to create it as a library in such a case?
Files containing statically declared functions can be registered in library files. However, since it cannot be referenced from the outside, the module in the library cannot be found, and an error occurs when linking and it cannot be used. Create the function to be registered in the library as a global function.
When performing A/D conversion for multiple channels, are channels put into the sampling wait state until sampling of one channel is completed? Or, can sampling be performed simultaneously?
The ADC of our microcontroller performs A/D conversion while switching channels and therefore unprocessed channels are put into the wait state. Simultaneous conversion cannot be performed.
When programming with C language using the SFR (Special Function Register) name, how should I proceed?
When programming with C language using the SFR name, make sure to include a target header file corresponding to the microcontroller you use. Check the target header file corresponding to your microcontroller, select [Start] -> [All Programs] -> [U8 Tools] -> [About Model Information File] on Windows after installing U8 Development Tools. (*Note in a model information name written in "About Model Information File" (U8DevInf_j.htm) opened as described above, "Q" for the flash ROM version, and "P" for the temperature extension are not attached.) For example, ML610Q482 is displayed as "m610482.h" in the target header file. Include "m610482.h" using the #include preprocessing command. (Program code example) #include /* Including the target header file */ void initial_timer(void) { TM0CON0 = 0x08; /* Timer control register setting */ TM0D = 0x7f; /* Timer data register setting */ ETM0 = 1; /* Timer interrupt permission */ T0RUN = 1; /* Start timer count */ } The target header file is installed in "C:\Program Files\U8Dev\Inc" folder when U8 Development Tools are installed by default. For details on SFR referencing, also see "1.1 How to Refer SFR" in "CCU8 Programming Guide". Related Products: ML610(Q)48x
After setting the register value of [PA_ADJ1 to 3] register (B1 0x04-0x06), [PA_REG_ADJ1 to 3] register (B1 0x33-0x35), [PA_REG_FINE_ADJ] register (B1 0x13) through adjusting PA of ML7396, how long does it take for them to be reflected in the wireless output?
After completion of register settings, the control signal is sent to the PA without time lags. Therefore, the time taken for them to be reflected is almost equivalent to the response time of PA. Since PA provides quick response, they are reflected within 100 us. Related Products: ML7396 family