Rogers curamik® Ceramic Substrates offer superior thermal properties and have applications in many of the world‘s most advanced electronic systems
Ceramic substrates are materials typically used in Power Modules with unique thermal, mechanical and electrical properties that make them ideal for demanding power electronics applications. These substrates enable the electrical function of a system providing mechanical stability and a superior thermal performance to meet the requirements of each unique design.
Ceramic Substrate Advantages
Ceramic substrates are usually found within the copper/metal layers of a Power Module as part of a power electronics circuit. They assist in the function similar like a PCB, allowing it to best perform its desired purpose. The diagram below shows a typical representation of the location and function of the substrate.
There are many advantages in choosing a ceramic substrate over other substrates based on metal or plastic. ROGERS curamik® Ceramic Substrates offer superior thermal properties such as high-heat conductivity, extended heat capacity and enhanced thermal spreading. Their low coefficient of thermal expansion enables a range of mechanical benefits making them suitable for the most critical applications. On top of this, they provide a rugged electrical insulation protecting the users from the electrical system.
Types of Ceramic Substrates
Choosing the right substrate for your application is a key factor in optimizing the performance of your system. Our Advanced Electronics Solutions team is available to help you select the ideal substrate and find the best trade off among mechanical parameters, thermal performance and cost.
Rogers' curamik® portfolio includes curamik® Power, curamik® Power Plus, curamik® Thermal and curamik® Performance substrates.
*Values are valid for bare ceramics
Applications for Rogers Substrates
Ceramic substrates have applications in many of the world's most advanced electronic systems, including the expanding renewable energy and vehicle electrification industries. Below are just a few notable markets and applications that can benefit from the implementation of curamik® substrates.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles and Vehicle Electrification
Many upgrades in automotive comfort and safety features are driven by advances in vehicle electrification. Automakers are also notably interested in electrifying cars’ powertrains from mild hybrid into full electric vehicles to meet growing market demand for low emissions vehicles.
More electrification requires more power. High-current, high-voltage solutions are needed to drive all-new electric functionalities within strict mechanical boundaries. Because of their superior qualities, Rogers substrates are found in market applications including electric power steering, electrical braking systems, integrated starter alternators, diesel and water-pump controls, motor and engine controls, and converters/inverters for HEV/ EV, LED lighting and alternators.
Renewable Energy
Rogers substrates can be found in diverse applications throughout the renewable energy industry, including technologies used for wind and solar energy production and storage, such as inverters for photovoltaic solar (PV) and wind as well as concentrators for concentrator photovoltaics (CPV).
Our curamik® substrates have shown excellent performance in broad applications under the umbrella of the general industry. Some industrial applications for ceramic substrates include pump controls, variable frequency drives, traction drives, power supplies, Peltier coolers, customized motor controls, standardized semiconductor modules with chips on board, DC/DC converters and AC/DC converters.
Major Home Appliances
Demand for large electrical home appliances (also known as white goods) is influenced by customer preference for energy efficiency, noise control, maintenance accessibly and safety features. Rogers substrates have a number of applications in major home appliances, including the intelligent power modules that drive appliance motors.
Contact Us About curamik® Metalized Ceramic Substrates
With almost 40 years of expertise in joining metal and ceramic technologies, Rogers is a trusted, leading manufacturer of Direct Bonded Copper (DBC) and Active Metal Brazing (AMB) substrates under the curamik® brand.
Rogers offers full access to our team to customize a product design to match your design's unique needs. Contact us for additional information or assistance on your project.
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ROGERS正在大规模生产可用于更高功率密度的新型Si3N4 AMB 基板
随着功率半导体在诸如电动汽车和储能等应用中的重要性日益增加,面临的成本和性能压力也不断加大,这需要不断地创新来满足市场的需求。幸运的是,新的Si3N4陶瓷原料现已上市,ROGERS正在利用其强大的合作伙伴网络大规模生产更高性能的Si3N4 AMB 基板。
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The 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games have captivated audiences worldwide, and part of that excitement has centered around the new and innovative technology applications utilized in this year’s games. Many of these technologies are enabled by materials that Rogers Corporation manufactures, including applications in footwear, 5G wireless infrastructure, renewable energy, and more.
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大型家用电器以及空调和供暖系统都需要高效可靠的电力分配方式,罗杰斯的curamik®金属化陶瓷基板让变频驱动器和高效转矩电机以及IGBT 和 MOSFET 模块得以实现,将电力分配到更广泛的功能区,同时最大程度地降低传导损耗。
散热解决方案专家 | 罗杰斯激光二极管curamik®散热解决方案重量更轻、体积更小,冷却效率比传统模块结构高出4倍以上
【材料】大功率应用专家——ROGERS罗杰斯推出DBC基板curamik® Endurance解决方案,拥有显著增强的可靠性
作为金属化陶瓷和全系列DBC、AMB基板的制造商, ROGERS罗杰斯拥有众多高性能的陶瓷基板产品。其中,curamik® Endurance解决方案是罗杰斯DBC基板家族中出色的一员,相较于其他带dimple设计的基板,Endurance拥有显著增强的可靠性。
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