Ignion’s Antenna Intelligence Cloud™ technology short-listed for 2022 Elektra Awards
Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, October 06, 2022 – Ignion, a global provider of ground-breaking IoT antenna solutions announced that the Antenna Intelligence Cloud™ digital twin has been selected as a finalist in the Design Tool and Development Software Product of the Year – Sponsored by Swindon Silicon as part of the prestigious annual Elektra Awards sponsored by Electronics Weekly Magazine.
“We are thrilled to be recognized by industry peers for our unique digital twin product solution that makes RF design easy for IoT developers,” said Dr. Aurora Andujar, Ignion’s Director of Engineering.
Ignion’s submission to this year’s competition is a novel technology called Antenna Intelligence Cloud™ which, in combination with the Ignion Virtual Antenna® portfolio has allowed IoT device manufacturers both large and small to get to market faster with a highly optimized RF design. To get a head start, developers take advantage of Ignion’s free Antenna Intelligence Cloud™ service. Within 24 hours, users receive an antenna design customized for their device along with an estimation report including antenna efficiency graphs, easy tuning guidance, and design recommendations for optimal RF performance. The use of Virtual Antenna® technology shortens the development process and Ignion guides the users through the antenna system design, integration, and testing phase, avoiding design mistakes that delay product certification and time-to-market. The platform has achieved a 95% accuracy and the time it takes from submission to complete the report is just hours. The Antenna Intelligence Cloud™ supports any wireless technology (NB-IoT, LTE-M, Cat1, GNSS, Bluetooth, LoRa, Z-Wave, 5G, UWB, Wi-Fi 6 and beyond) and ensures faster time to market. The flexibility and simplicity of the platform mean that even makers and start-ups with little to no RF experience can successfully design an IoT product with reliable connectivity. This democratization of RF design opens up the IoT world to new entrants of all stripes, only limited by their imagination.
The winners will be announced in London at the gala awards ceremony, taking place on Wednesday 30 November at the Grosvenor House Hotel.
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AI & Machine Learning: Simplifying IoT Antenna Integration with Virtual Antenna® Technology
Ignion has embraced this opportunity Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to automate the development process for its Virtual Antenna® technology, giving the IoT market access to a powerful, useful and ML-powered digital twin design tool—Antenna Intelligence Cloud™.
Ignion提供Virtual Antenna™技术用于可穿戴设备,以提高物联网生态系统设计效率
Virtual Antenna™技术用新型天线增强器取代传统和定制天线解决方案,以新系列的微型和现成芯片天线组件的形式交付。Comp Tech Sales将其添至旗下可穿戴设备中,和ignion为整个物联网生态系统的最小设备提供更快的设计、更高的性能和效率。
Ignion天线设计智能云服务技术入围 2022 Elektra大奖,准确率达95%,进一步助力行业射频设计
2022年10月6日,全球突破性物联网天线解决方案提供商Ignion宣布,其名下的天线设计智能云服务(Antenna Intelligence Cloud ™)数字孪生解决方案已入围年度设计工具和软件产品开发决赛。
服务提供商 - IGNION 进入
描述- 该资料介绍了一种无线关节镜设备(WAD©)的创新,该设备由创伤专家Dr. Pedro Guillén在ARTROTEC发起,由工程公司Izertis负责工程开发和制造。设备旨在提供高质量的无线手术视频流,以实现精确的手术操作。资料重点介绍了在小型化设备中实现高效天线设计的挑战和解决方案,包括使用Ignion的ONE mXTEND™天线放大器,确保4K视频流的连续性。
【产品】专为无线设备设计的ALL mXTEND™芯片天线,能实现全球通信频段覆盖,具有效率高、小尺寸、易于使用等特性
ALL mXTEND™芯片天线组件是Ignion推出且专为无线设备(特别是移动设备)而设计的,具有多频带性能,能够实现信号在全球范围内的覆盖。器件特性:效率高、小尺寸、高性价比等。
Ignion Virtual Antenna™芯片天线选型指南
型号- NN02-220,NN03-310,TRIO MXTEND™,NN02-101,EB_NN02-101-C-BT,NN02-201,NN03-320,NN02-224,EB_NN02-201-5G,ONE MXTEND™,NANO MXTEND™,EB_NN02-224-1B-2RJ-1P,RUN MXTEND™,EB_NN03-310-M,ALL MXTEND™,EB_NN02-220-1B-2R-1P,DUO MXTEND™,EB_NN03-320-M-GNSS-BT
一款水下探测器的产品,产品框图如上,需要对水情及水质等各种信息采集上报,产品中涉及到了4G天线,GPS定位天线。Ignion虚拟芯片天线NN03-310是采用Virtual Antenna™技术的虚拟天线产品,它具有非共振、所有频段独立、全向等特征。
Ignion´s Compact Antenna Powers 4K Streaming in Wireless Surgery
Engineering firm Izertis chose Ignion´s application engineers as they were confident that Ignion´s expertise would be crucial in achieving maximum antenna efficiency in their Wireless Arthroscopy Device. Ignion team was up to the challenge of providing the guidance needed to find the optimal antenna component. Two parallel working ONE mXTEND™ antenna boosters were chosen.
Ignion公司推出的NANO mXTENDTM系列芯片是迄今为止最小的虚拟天线芯片。这款现成的芯片天线尺寸为3.0 mm x 2.0 mm x 0.8 mm,其设计适合从入门级到高端产品的几乎所有物联网设备。
描述- DUO mXTEND™ (NN03-320) 是一款多用途的物联网芯片天线组件,具有两个独立端口。该组件专为全球范围内的 GNSS 和蓝牙连接设计,同时支持 5G 和 UWB 等频段。其特点是尺寸小巧(7.0mm x 3.0mm x 2.0mm),无需额外空间,适用于多种设备。
型号- NN03-320
Duo Mxtend™(NN03-320)规格书
描述- DUO mXTEND™ (NN03-320) 是一款多用途的物联网芯片天线组件,具备两个独立端口,支持全球范围内的GNSS和蓝牙连接,同时还能支持5G和UWB频段。该产品具有小型化设计,无地面间隙限制,适用于多种设备角落或中心边缘安装。
型号- NN03-320
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
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