Renesas Introduces Complete Power and Functional Safety Solution for R-Car V3H ADAS Camera Systems
March 30, 2021 - RENESAS Electronics Corporation, a premier supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions, announced a new power and functional safety solution for systems based on the R-Car V3H system-on-chip (SoC) for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) automotive front cameras and driver monitor cameras.
The new solution includes the RAA271050, a 42V synchronous buck 'pre-regulator' that accepts the vehicle's 12V supply and steps it down to an intermediate supply voltage of 3.3V or 5.0V. The RAA271000, a seven-channel PMIC (power management IC), then takes the RAA271050's output and steps it down further to the various supply voltages needed by R-Car V3H and its peripherals such as LPDDR4 memory. Both devices were developed per the ISO-26262 standard, and can support system safety requirements up to ASIL D. The solution satisfies all the power and functional safety requirements for the R-Car V3H. It provides supply voltages with the current capability to meet all power specifications, including sequence, voltage accuracy, and load step response. For safety, it provides all the necessary power and digital monitoring functions.
Renesas' new solution provides best-in-class efficiency, with power loss reductions of up to 33 percent compared to competitive PMICs under comparable operating conditions. Lower power loss enables operation at higher temperatures, reducing cooling costs and delivering better reliability. Additionally, the RAA271050 and RAA271000 were designed to match R-Car requirements with no unnecessary overhead, reducing component cost and PCB area. Renesas is providing a reference hardware solution that includes the new components, speeding design time and reducing testing requirements for customers.
“This new power and functional safety solution showcases our power design expertise to offer R-Car V3H customers significant cost savings,” said Niall Lyne, Vice President of Renesas' Automotive Analog Power and Video Business Division. “And we're delivering a complete, tested design that enables designers to implement the latest in ADAS camera applications quickly and efficiently.”
Key Features of the R-Car V3H Power Solution
· Programmable Output Voltage, Sequencing, I/O Configuration and Safety Configuration providing flexibility to support R-CAR V3H and an expansive range of SoCs
· Integrated 12-bit SAR ADC with up to 16 external inputs monitors internal and external signals, eliminating the need for an added system ADC
· Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) adjusts output voltage to minimize power consumption
· Optional Spread Spectrum Clocking mitigates EMI
· Built-in Support for R-Car V3H SoC Activation streamlines SoC self-test procedures
Complete ADAS Camera Solution
The RAA271050 and RAA271000 are included in a complete ADAS front camera solution featuring the EagleCam camera module from LUPA-Electronics GmbH and Renesas' R-Car V3H and R-Car V3M system-on-chip (SoC) devices. This “Winning Combination” is an open, turnkey solution that delivers flexible, high-performance perception while shortening time to market and reducing the bill of materials (BOM) cost.
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【产品】瑞萨新一代SOC R-Car V3H,专为自动驾驶前置摄像头应用
瑞萨开发了专门针对前置摄像头应用的SoC——R-Car V3H,集成了专门针对图像处理的功能单元,它比R-Car V3M在视觉处理方面的性能提高了5倍,并只有0.3瓦的超低功耗,更好的适应自动驾驶的需求。
新型R-Car V3M SoC符合ISO26262功能安全标准,为视觉处理提供了低功耗硬件加速功能,还配有内置图像信号处理器。
描述- BD9574MWF-M是一款专为车载信息娱乐系统(IVI)、仪表盘面板和高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)设计的汽车级电源管理集成电路(PMIC)。该芯片具有可定制的上电/掉电序列和控制状态、低功耗控制逻辑,内置过压保护等功能。
型号- BD9574MWF-ME2,BD9574MWF-M
REF66012 – 参考设计 ADAS SoC用 PMIC解决方案
描述- 本资料介绍了ROHM公司为ADAS SoC设计的PMIC(电源管理集成电路)解决方案。方案包括BD96801Q09-CE2四通道DC-DC转换器和BD9S303MUF-CE23A同步降压转换器,旨在提供高效率和高可靠性。该方案适用于智能前视摄像头(IFC),集成200万像素摄像头和多毫米波雷达,支持L2级前向ADAS功能。它采用Horizon Journey2芯片和Infineon TRAVEO II系列CYT4BF微控制器,实现AEB、ACC等功能。此外,还提供了详细的规格和应用说明。
型号- BD96801Q09-CE2,BD9S303,BD9S303MUF-CE2,BD96801Q09,BD96801,BD9S303MUF
描述- 近年来,在汽车领域中,由于全球不断追求汽车的安全性,整合多种传感技术的车载摄像头系统、雷达(Radar)、LiDAR以及传感器融合系统等构成ADAS(Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: 高级驾驶辅助系统)所需的产品的开发进程也越来越快。ROHM针对ADAS摄像头系统,以“低功耗”和“低噪声”为关键词,开发出有助于构建更先进系统的解决方案。
型号- BD86852MUF-C,BU18RM84-C,BU18XMXX-C 系列,BU18RM41-C,BU18XMXX-C,BU18TM41-C
BD39031MUF-C ADAS应用电源管理IC产品介绍
描述- BD39031MUF-C是一款适用于汽车应用的电源管理集成电路(PMIC),包含主降压控制器(BUCK1)、双次级降压转换器(BUCK2/BUCK3)和次级升压转换器(BOOST4)。该器件支持功能安全,适合用于高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)应用,如雷达、摄像头和激光雷达。它还通过内置自检(BIST)功能和相互监控功能提高系统的ASIL等级。
型号- BD39031MUF-CE2,BD39031MUF-C
描述- BD9576MUF-C是一款专为车载信息娱乐系统(IVI)、仪表盘、面板和高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)设计的电源管理集成电路(PMIC)。该芯片具有多种输出电压选项,支持功能安全(ASIL-B),并具备内置保护功能和诊断功能。
型号- BD9576MUF-CE2,BD9576MUF-C
【经验】R-Car H3/H3N/M3 SoC芯片的AVS模块介绍及寄存器的配置
Renesas推出驾驶安全辅助系统和车载信息娱乐系统的第三代R-Car SoC芯片,内核方面使用的是Cortex-A57 CPU、Cortex-A53 CPU和Cortex-R7,主要面向无人驾驶、智能辅助驾驶、车机、仪表和ADAS等应用场景,并以其强大的算力和丰富的外设资源赢得了广大车厂和Tier 1的认可。本文将介绍瑞萨R-Car H3/H3N/M3的AVS模块介绍及寄存器的配置。
How to Build Together a Safe and Efficient AD & ADAS Central Computing Solution
Should RENESAS stop here and call it a success? Clearly no! Progress has no limits and by working together we ensure to constantly update our understanding of how autonomous systems of tomorrow will be and anticipate that by providing state-of-the-art processing solutions that would bring them successfully to the mass market.
【经验】使用瑞萨SoC R CAR V3H2 cnn工具链实现onnx模型转caffe模型的实操
R CAR V3H2 的cnn神经网络模块需要运行int16的定点模型,而onnx模型首先需要通过cnn工具链转成caffe模型,然后再转成端侧的可执行模型,本文使用瑞萨的cnn工具链实现onnx模型转caffe模型。
【经验】车规级SoC R CAR V3H2平台端工具链转换前 mobilenetv2.onnx浮点模型推理验证
RENESAS 车规级SoC R CAR V3H2平台上推理模型前,我们需要训练好自己的模型,目前通常采用迁移调优模型方式形成满足需求的浮点模型,并验证浮点模型的精度,耗时等性能,本文在ubuntu上用python推理浮点mobilenetv2.onnx模型。我们根据链接在公版的mobilenetv2模型基础上,迁移调优学习了自己采集的图片数据形成了自己要求的mobilenetv2.onnx模型。
【经验】SoC R CAR V3H2 cnn模型转换后执行以及benchmark过程实操指南
RENESAS SoC R CAR V3H2 cnn模型转换后的输出文件有bcl和.pb 2类,都是可以在端侧执行的,本文记录.pb的推理输出以及benchmark过程实操及解析。
【应用】瑞萨R-Car H3 SoC和RH850/P1H-C MCU HAD解决方案套件,助力汽车自动驾驶技术开发
在高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)中,推荐Renesas的HAD解决方案套件,包含R-Car H3 SoC和RH850/P1H-C MCU,能够与摄像头、雷达、激光雷达、车辆与车辆以及车辆与基础设施之间的通信,实现了汽车自动驾驶。
【经验】SoC R CAR V3H2 端侧推理输出的rcar_output.npy数据查看方法
RENESAS R CAR V3H2 端侧推理输出的数据有cvs格式,总共512个输出,同时把cvs数据转化为npy格式保存为一个rcar_output.npy文件,那我如何查看这些数据呢,本文记录数据查看方法。
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