Uncovering Hidden Threats in Bluetooth Low Energy Medical Devices
In this blog, we'll focus on securing BLE medical devices.
Cybersecurity and the internet of medical things
For connected medical devices, cyberattacks are a massive threat to patient safety. For example, an attack against a BLE radio interface can interfere with the essential performance of an IoMT device — which could harm or potentially kill a patient. Multiple vulnerabilities like these have already been discovered in Bluetooth-enabled medical devices, leading to widely publicized disclosures, mandatory mitigations, and device recalls. One of the most impactful examples is the SweynTooth vulnerabilities which impacted a number of BLE IoMT devices. The impact was so severe that the FDA published a safety communication to medical device manufacturers, warning of the dangers imposed if one of the vulnerabilities were triggered — which could crash, deadlock, and freeze devices, or even enable an attacker to bypass its security safeguards.
The biggest lesson from SweynTooth (and other vulnerabilities like it) was that it made manufacturers aware of upstream vulnerabilities in the supply chain. As concerning the vulnerabilities, medical device manufacturers didn't write the flawed code. In fact, they were unaware they existed. They simply sourced a Bluetooth System on Chip (SoC) from a trusted, well-known electronic component manufacturer and included it in their device. The SoCs delivered the vulnerabilities. There simply wasn't enough security testing performed prior to product shipment, which puts every system they're included at risk.
Uncovering hidden vulnerabilites with protocol fuzzing
The SweynTooth vulnerabilities affected several experienced manufacturers, including Texas Instruments, NXP, Cypress, Dialog Semiconductors, Microchip, STMicroelectronics, and Telink Semiconductor. How were so many different manufacturers impacted? The problem is that the vulnerabilities were hidden in the protocol stacks, making them incredibly difficult to detect and diagnose. While the security community has developed a series of best practices for discovering application-level vulnerabilities — including common tactics and databases of threat libraries that can be crossed-checked with application software and libraries — protocol-level vulnerabilities are much harder to pinpoint. In fact, there’s only one way to adequately test for this kind of vulnerability: an exhaustive testing mechanism known as protocol fuzzing.
In layman's terms, protocol fuzzing involves systematically injecting various errors into a communication exchange to confuse the entity at the other end of a connection and put it into an incorrect state. This can involve relatively simple errors, such as sending multiple copies of a packet, or more sophisticated protocol corruptions. Here are a few examples:
The flags indicating the beginning and end of a connection can be set in a single packet.
Fields within a packet can be too large or too small.
Fields within a packet can be set to invalid values.
Packets can be delivered out of order.
In many cases, the "handshake", which occurs at the beginning of a connection to establish security, encryption, and other communication parameters, is an easy target for exploitation. Since the remote device is configuring itself based on settings established during the handshake, especially corrupted packets (or packet sequences) can cause shutdowns or communication errors, which need to be manually reset.
In a worst-case scenario, an attacker could target the handshake itself, as documented in CVE-2019-19194. Since the handshake establishes security and encryption parameters, an attacker can bypass the controls which would normally restrict certain actions and enable arbitrary control of the system. For some devices, in particular, this could have obvious and disastrous impacts. An attacker could instruct the device to report incorrect telemetry data, ignore other commands, violate patient privacy rules by reporting data to an unauthorized system or even administer a potentially lethal medication dose.
Securing protocol-level vulnerabilites in BLE-enabled IoMT devices
Clearly, this type of vulnerability is a serious concern for medical device manufacturers — as reflected by the FDA's focus in the USA and similar regulatory scrutiny worldwide. But what's the best way to protect connected devices? For starters, that means implementing validation and verification strategies to identify vulnerabilities in SoC protocol stacks. Manufacturers need to serve as the last line of defense. After all, they're on the hook to rapidly distribute warning communications, mitigation strategies, and remediation firmware updates for impacted devices to patients and care providers. And, as noted in the above example, even the most well-resourced suppliers aren't immune from delivering vulnerable chipsets.
However, security is a journey, not a destination. That's why, at minimum, device manufacturers must insist on remedial updates from chipset vendors prior to product release. And, at the same time, they must also take it upon themselves to conduct extensive protocol fuzzing assessments of their devices — while including their validation and verification strategies in FDA pre-market clearance submissions. KEYSIGHT can help with this process; while developing our LOT Security Assessment product, which finds both application- and protocol-layer vulnerabilities, we developed a patented intelligent fuzzing algorithm that can dramatically accelerate the protocol fuzzing process. Driven by an intuitive point-and-click UI, it lets even those without extensive security backgrounds discover hidden vulnerabilities.
As BLE connectivity for IoMT devices becomes more prevalent, protocol fuzzing validation will become even more critical in maintaining patient safety and trust in advancing technologies. Fortunately, protocol fuzzing toolkits are becoming more widely available and easier to use — even for quality control teams who have little to no experience in cybersecurity. And given the time it may take for a chipset vendor to thoroughly reproduce, diagnose, remedy, and validate vulnerabilities, the time to start the process of testing products in the development pipeline is now. One need only look to SweynTooth to see that the later a vulnerability is found, the more costly the impact of remediation.
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Infiniium 示波器:50 GHz
50 GHz
2 Gpts
160 GSa/s
Windows 10
选型表 - KEYSIGHT 立即选型
KEYSIGHT数字万用表选型,手持式数字万用表、USB 模块化数字万用表、手持式钳形表等,基本 1 年 DCV 精度0.00%-0.5%。
Digits of Resolution
基本 1 年 DCV 精度
数字万用表,七位半,Truevolt DMM
7 ½
LAN,USB,GPIB (optional)
DCV and ACV,DCI and ACI,2- and 4-wire Resistance,Frequency,Capacitance,Diode test,Continuity test,Temperature
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Keysight Technologies计算机病毒控制计划
Keysight Technologies Inc. 针对仪器可能连接到计算机或网络而带来的计算机病毒感染风险,实施了多项措施以降低风险。包括在所有业务计算机上实施集中管理的防火墙和防病毒程序,对操作中接触仪器的计算机进行定期扫描,以及在制造、服务、支持、销售、分销和演示环境中实施严格的病毒控制协议。对于病毒感染报告,Keysight 将立即采取措施,包括缓解威胁、追踪病毒来源和范围,并更新内部预防措施以应对新的威胁。
Keysight i3070 09.20pc软件修补程序
Keysight Technologies发布了一款针对i3070测试系统的软件补丁,版本号为09.20pc,发布日期为2018年11月。该补丁适用于装有i3070 09.20p软件的测试系统或工作站,支持Windows 7或Windows 10操作系统。补丁主要解决了多个变更请求,包括改进故障显示、电容补偿、用户界面布局、IPG功能、错误消息、安全性和其他功能增强。安装补丁时需以管理员身份登录,并遵循屏幕上的安装说明。安装后,用户可以通过Korn Shell窗口检查软件版本。
Keysight Technologies在Santa Rosa设有其智力中心,专注于高性能电子和通信测试产品及其相关技术。Santa Rosa位于旧金山北部55英里,太平洋海岸线东部30英里处,是一个艺术、文化和美食的交汇地。该校区拥有1300名员工,占地面积195英亩,提供户外工作区、步行道、运动场、健身设施、食堂和咖啡吧等。此外,Santa Rosa提供丰富的休闲活动,包括骑行、皮划艇、远足、滑雪等,以及世界级的葡萄酒产区。Keysight Technologies是一家平等机会雇主,欢迎有志之士加入。
Keysight N2780/1/2/3B电流探头用户指南
本资料为Keysight N2780/1/2/3B系列电流探头的用户指南。指南详细介绍了探头的规格、特性、安全注意事项、使用方法以及维护保养。内容包括探头的组成部分、测量步骤、安全操作指南等,旨在帮助用户正确使用和维护电流探头,确保测量准确性和安全性。
用于Keysight EDA模拟器的Keysight EESOF EDA铸造和组件供应商库手册
Keysight EEsof EDA提供广泛的晶圆厂工艺设计套件(PDKs)和组件供应商库,确保高精度设计。与众多晶圆厂和组件制造商合作,提供超过35个RFIC和MMIC晶圆厂PDKs,支持从原理图到设计规则检查(DRC)的完整设计流程。此外,Keysight EEsof EDA还提供超过10万个组件库,包括模拟电路、系统组件、无源组件和高速连接器,以及与HSPICE兼容的模型库,以支持高速串行数据链路设计。
Keysight N2879A小间距附件套件用户指南
本资料介绍了Keysight N2879A精密接插件套件,适用于Keysight N2870A系列无源探头。套件包含多种附件,便于在精密表面贴装组件上探测和测量信号。内容包括附件详情、安全信息、使用注意事项等,旨在帮助用户正确使用该套件。
Keysight Technologies示波器
Keysight Technologies提供多种型号的示波器,涵盖从20 MHz到90 GHz的带宽范围。产品包括手持式、便携式和台式示波器,具有不同的带宽、通道数和采样率。示波器具备先进的触发技术、深内存和波形处理能力,支持多种应用,如高速串行协议分析和合规性测试。Keysight示波器还提供多种升级选项和配套附件,以满足不同用户的需求。
KEYSIGHT - ACCESSORIES,示波器,OSCILLOSCOPES,配件,探针,PROBES,N8817A,DSO2004A,N8829A,N8805B,254A,N8817B,N8805A,N5415B,DSOX3AUDIO,1052B,DSOX3AERO,404A,U1882B,N1010A,DSOX4FLEX,DSOX6EMBD,V164A,U2700,DSOX6B10T402BW,DSOX2EMBD,N5399D,N8806A,N8818B,U7246A,N8818A,89601B,6004,DSOX3SGM,Z632A,N5399C,DSOX2MASK,N5416B,DSO1024A,3024T,N1045A,N2809A,N6463B,N5416A,3012T,MSOX2024A,MSOX2012A,U7246B,DSOX4WAVEGEN2,Z592A,U7249C,N5461A,1130A SERIES,U7249D,N8815A,N8827B,N8827A,N5461B,1000,DSOX4AUTO,N2808A,6000X,86115D,DSO1014A,90000A,N8803B,N8803A,DSOX4SENSOR,DSOX2WAVEGEN,N8900A,N6466B,90000A SERIES,N6466A,DSOX3COMP,Z254A,Z-SERIES,N8828A,U7236A,U7248B,N5462B,DSOX6USBH,U7236B,N2863B,U7248A,N8816A,Z634A,V-SERIES,9000 SERIES,54754A,3022T,V204A,3034T,N5406A,86116C,MSOX2014A,MSOX2002A,N1055A,N6465B,N6465A,U1600,DSOX6SENSOR,90000,1072B,N8809B,N8809A,N5463B,Z594A,DSOX6VID,N2862B,6002A,N5463A,N7020A,DSOX6FPGAX,V334A,U1604B,N2806A,DSO1004A,N6468A,DSOXEDK,DSOX6B10T404BW,DSOX6B10T254BW,N6456A,DSOX3FLEX,DSOX6AERO,10070D,U7238C,U7238D,DSO1072B,N2873A,1102B,N5464B,N5464A,4000X,4024A,S-SERIES,64996A,DSOX4FPGAX,3032T,N6467B,N8830A,N6467A,N8819A,N8807B,N8807A,N8819B,U1600 SERIES,N2872A,N5465A,6004A,DSOX6AUDIO,DSOX4USBFL,DSO1102B,Z504A,DSOX2COMP,N6175A,U1602B,64997A,86100D-SIM,U1561A,604A,DSOXDVMCTR,N8808A,DSOX3PWR,N5430B,N8808B,E2681A,N2871A,DSOX6MASK,N5430A,E2625A,86100D,N1019A,MSOX2022A,N6174A,86112A,DSOX6JITTER,DSOX6COMP,4022A,1004A,4034A,N6457A,DSOX3AUTO,104A,U1562A,3054T,N2870A,W2650A,DSOX4EMBD,N2894A,DSOX6FLEX,N5467C,1024A,N5467B,N5431B,3000T X-SERIES,N5431A,DSOX4MASK,DSOXDVM,6000X SERIES,4154A,DSOX6B10T252BW,U1583B,DSOX4PWR,N8821B,N8821A,86100,N2826B,N5391A,DSOX6USBFL,86100DU-401,N5391B,86100DU-400,DSOX4USBSQ,N2796A,N2893A,1146B,N5432C,DSO1052B,10074D,N5468A,U2700 SERIES,N1085A,4032A,1014A,V084A,U1560A,N8834A,U7250A,DSOX6B10T602BW,3052T,86100 SERIES,N2783B,N5392B,N5392C,054A,N2795A,33503A,DSOXT3SENSOR,DSOX6USBSQ,Z334A,9000,DSOX6AUTO,2002A,2014A,3104T,V134A,N1084A,204A,N8831A,N2739A,U1610A,N2891A,N2782B,N5393D,N5393E,2004A,DSOX2AUTO,DSOX3TAUTO,DSOX4AUDIO,4054A,DSO2022A,N1083A,N8820A,N8832A,N2738A,N8820B,N2781B,N8837A,U1591A,N5411B,DSO1152B,N1010A-SIM,DSOX4USBH,DSOX2SGM,2000X,3102T,N1014A,86105D,86105C,2012A,2024A,86117A,N6460B,86100D-300,N1082A,U7243B,N8801B,N8801A,U1620A,U7231B,804A,U7231C,DSOX3VID,3000TX,N2780B,86100D SERIES,86100D DCA-X,DSOX6WAVEGEN2,N5400A,N5412D,1130A,Z204A,2000 X-SERIES,DSOX3EMBD,MSOX2004A,V254A,4000 X-SERIES,86118A,N8814B,N1081A,N8802A,DSO2012A,DSO2024A,4052A,N8802B,DSOX4AERO,1000 SERIES,6000 X-SERIES,DSOX3MASK,DSOX6B10T604BW,E2688A,DSOX4VID,N2791A,N5384A,N5413C,N5413B,N1012A,N2750A-52A,N6462B,N6462A,DSOXT3DVMCTR,4104A,2022A,86100D-200,3000AX,86107A,U7233B,N8835A,DSOX6PWR,86100D-202,U7245A,U7233A,DSOX3WAVEGEN,N8823A,86100D DCA-X SERIES,DSOX4COMP,N5397A,10076C,1152B,N5414B,N6461B,3014T,N6461A,86108B,N8824A,N8836A,83496B,N8812B,DSO2002A,N8824B,N8812A,DSO2014A,U7232E,4000X SERIES,U7232C
Keysight EESOF EDA:有源混频器设计
本文介绍了使用Keysight EEsof EDA的Advanced Design System (ADS)设计低功耗单晶体管有源混频器的方法。内容包括设计步骤、仿真设置和数据展示。文章详细描述了电路规格、器件选择、设备模型验证、偏置网络设计、混频器匹配电路设计、混频器转换增益与LO驱动电平的关系、混频器转换增益与RF信号电平的关系以及混频器布局创建等过程。
Keysight PXIe机箱系列M9010A、M9019A、M9046A启动指南
本指南介绍了Keysight PXIe机箱的安装、启动和基本操作。涵盖了机箱的特性和功能、硬件和软件要求、嵌入式控制器安装、远程控制器连接、软件安装、使用Keysight Connection Expert和机箱软前面板(SFP)验证操作,以及安装和验证Keysight模块的概述。指南还提供了安全注意事项、术语解释和机箱发货验证步骤。
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
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实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
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