Low Power Consumption in Beacon Positioning Technology
With the rapid development of indoor location technology and the gradual implementation of the related projects, the indoor location technology based on Beacon has matured step by step, thus, Beacon is widely used in indoor location service.
According to the survey data of Markets & Markets, the global indoor location market size to grow from USD 6.1 billion in 2020 to USD 17.0 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.5% during the forecast period. The major factors driving the growth of the indoor location market are the increased number of applications powered by beacons and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tags and growing integration of beacons in cameras; and Light Emitting Diode (LED) lightning, Point of Sales (PoS), and digital signage. The proliferation of smartphone connected devices and location-based applications is also expected to drive the market growth.
North America is expected to hold the highest share in the global indoor location market, while Asia Pacific (APAC) is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The region is witnessing significant developments in the market. North America is projected to hold the largest market size during the forecast period. Key factors favoring the growth of the market in North America include the increasing investments in the development of various technologies and application of indoor location solutions. The growing number of indoor location players across regions is expected to drive the market growth further.
Asia-Pacific market will play an important role in driving the development of the global market, especially due to the rapid growth of China, India and Southeast Asian countries. In 2018, the market scale of China's indoor positioning was RMB 3.5 billion, an increase of 47.7% compared with 2017, with a compound annual growth rate of 39.3%. Business expansion based on data has become the most popular business model, especially the accumulation of economies of scale, which has gradually reduced the cost of positioning solutions. In particular, the cost advantages of positioning solutions based on Beacon technology have become more prominent, which also brings new opportunities for indoor positioning industry.
The positioning accuracy of Beacon is 2 m ~ 3 m, which can basically meet the application needs of factory visitor tracking, indoor navigation of shopping mall, and anti-lost alarm of valuables. This kind of Beacon devices often have very high requirements for battery life. Let’s see how Beacon devices achieve a long battery life as follows.
Beacon device has the advantages of ultra-low power consumption and low cost. Achieving better positioning accuracy needs large numbers of Beacon devices deployed in the sites. Most Beacon solutions on the market are used coin cell CR2032, because CR2032 can ensure small size and low cost. However, the capacity of CR2032 is only 240 mAh. The battery needs to be replaced frequently during use, which will obviously increase the workload. Therefore, battery life is a decisive factor of measuring the performance of Beacon devices.
In real usage scenarios, battery life will be affected by many parameters such as discharge current, temperature, humidity, self-discharge, etc. In theory, the actual battery capacity is only 80% of the nominal capacity at most. Combined with the battery discharge curve, the theoretical battery life of a Beacon can be calculated by dividing the nominal battery capacity by the average current during broadcasting, and then multiplying by 0.8. According to the actual situation, the theoretical value obtained at this time may be slightly different due to different battery manufacturers. You can estimate the battery life by multiplying the relevant loss ratio according to the specific situation.
The following example illustrates the calculation process: using CR2032 with 240 mAh capacity, removing 20% capacity loss, the remaining capacity is about 190 mAh. Set the broadcast interval to 1000 ms and the Tx power to 0 dBm. At this time, the average current of the Beacon RF-B-AR1 of RF-star is 6.8 μA. According to the above calculation method, the service life of the battery can be up to 2 years. Under the same broadcast interval and transmit power conditions, the service life of other manufacturers' Beacon is about one year. Using the CR2477 with 1000 mAh capacity, with the same calculation method, RF-star beacon products can last up to 10 years, and other manufacturers are 3 years.
At the same time, the excellent antenna design can achieve the wider coverage of RF-star RF-B-AR1. The range that RF-star RF-B-AR1 can reach at 0 dBm Tx power may need 4 dBm to cover for other manufacturers. Therefore, the power consumption will be doubled, and the battery life will decrease even fall by a half.
Beacon’s low power consumption feature can guarantee the excellent service life with a small capacity battery. How to verify this low power consumption? We choose RF-star RF-B-AR1 to do the tests, set different broadcast intervals, and measure the power consumption in different broadcast modes.
The following is the measured results:
It can be seen from the test results that the sleep power consumption of RF-B-AR1 is less than 3 μA, and the power consumption is very low. The rest of the power consumption in the working state is also maintained at the μA level. And the overall power consumption is very good.
When the transmit power is 0 dBm and the broadcast interval is 500 ms, the average current is 11 μA. Compared with other manufacturers under the same test conditions, the average current is as high as 40 μA. Therefore, RF-B-AR1 has a great advantage in power consumption.
Beacons from different manufacturers have advantages and disadvantages in power consumption, and it will be reflected in the service life. The power consumption of Beacon will change according to the different broadcast intervals and Tx power. For example, if the broadcast interval is set to 100 ms and 1 s, and the Tx power is 0 dBm and 4 dBm, which may cause a large gap level of power consumption.
Many manufacturers on the market claim that their Beacon service life can be as long as 3 years or even 5 years. For CR2032, can it reach that long time? The service life can never be calculated by simple division. When the coin cell is under discharge, it will no longer discharge after the actual voltage is lower than the limit voltage. What's more, the Beacon requires a certain voltage to work normally, and the battery itself will discharge. According to the working mode of (0 dBm, 1000 ms), the RF-star RF-B-AR1 has an average current of 6.8 μA. Combined with the actual measurement of the battery discharge curve, the service life of RF-B-AR1 can reach 2 years.
Even if large numbers of Beacon devices are deployed, a Beacon with such an excellent battery life can guarantee a longer service life without battery replacement, thus, the overall costs are saved. The following is a comparison of the battery life of Beacon devices from RF-star and other manufacturers:
Beacon can meet different application functions by setting key parameters such as UUID. The quality of the Beacon configuration APP on the market is difficult to guarantee. Some are with poor user experience, and some can only set few parameters.
To optimize the user experience of the Beacon configuration APP and configure more abundant Beacon parameters, RF-star Technology integrated the industry's excellent R & D strength and independently developed and launched beacon configuration APP Beaconsetting, which realizes the efficient and fast configuration of Beacon / Eddystone data parameters and promotes the application of indoor location service.
The Beaconsetting APP contains the following functions:
1. Basic device parameters: device name, signal strength, UUID, and other key broadcast parameters of surrounding Beacon devices.
2. Set device parameters.
3. Choose advertising format: Beacon, Eddystone
4. Set advanced parameters: set connectable or unconnectable mode, Tx power, password.
5. Intelligent filter: intelligent filter based on name and MAC address.
There are uncountable Beacon application cases in the market, and various technical information about Beacon can be searched online. Looking around the world, the huge application demands of Beacon technology have attracted more and more manufacturers to invest in research and development. RF-star Technology has played a role as a pioneer in the IoT industry. The advantages of RF-B-AR1, such as simple operation, complete supporting tools, visual configuration parameters, and extremely easy usage, help customers shorten the project schedule and make the product enter the market quickly. At present, the domestic Beacon applications are becoming more and more mature, and the overall indoor location industry chain is going to the improvement. Relying on the advantages of low power consumption and low-cost Beacon, RF-star Technology has opened a broad prospect for indoor location applications.
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Maxell的 CR2032,CR2450系列扣式二氧化锰锂电池采用高度密封结构和密封剂的使用使电池的自放电保持每年约1%。可直接替代松下型号CR2032,CR2450,价格比松下便宜10%~20%。世强的MAXELL CR系列纽扣锂电池库存丰富、长期备货,解决CR2032、CR2450纽扣电池的交期难题。
信驰达(RF-star)是一家专注于低功耗无线射频应用的高新技术企业,致力于为客户提供基于 BLE、Wi-Fi、 UWB、Zigbee、Thread、Matter、Sub-1G、Wi-SUN、LoRa等核心技术的软硬件设计与制造,APP及物联网云后台开发、大数据分析、以及OEM与ODM服务,其产品及服务广泛分布于新能源汽车、消费电子、医疗电子、工业物联网、智慧能源等领域。公司于2010年在深圳成立,并陆续在香港、成都、北京,苏州设立分部。
信驰达 - USB加密狗,低功耗蓝牙模块,ZIGBEE模组,SUB-1G模组,WI-FI模组,USB DONGLE,无线模组,低功耗BEACON蓝牙信标,低功耗蓝牙模组,多协议无线模组,无线通信模块,RF-BMPA-2541B1,RF-DG-52PA,RF-WM-20DNB1,RSBRS02AI,RF-WM-3235A1S,RF-SM-1277B2,RF-SM-1277B1,RF-BM-ND04I,RSBRS02AA,RF-WM-10AFB1,RF-BM-ND04C,RF-BM-S01,RF-BM-S02,RF-BM-2652P2I,RF-WM-3200B3,RF-WM-3200B1,3B32_V102,RF-BM-4044B5,RF-WM-20CMB1,RF-BM-ND05I,RF-BM-4044B2,RF-BM-4044B4,RF-SM-1077B2,RF-BM-4044B3,RF-SM-1077B1,RF-BM-2642B2,RF-BM-2642B1,RF-DG-40A,RF-BM-BG22B1,RF-ZM-2530P1I,RF-BM-BG22B3,RF-BM-BG22A3,RF-WM-3235B1S,RF-B-SR1,RF-BM-ND02C,RF-BM-4077B1,RF-BM-4077B2,RF-BM-MG24B2,RF-BM-MG24B1,RF-BM-ND04A,RF-BM-2652P7,VL-LE01B,VL-LE01A,RF-BM-2340T1,WE1005,RF-BM-2340T3,RF-BM-2340T2,RF-BM-BG22C3,RF-BM-2652P2,RF-BM-2652P3,RF-BM-2652P4,RF-BM-4077B1L,RF-BM-2652P1,RF-ZM-2530B1,RF-WM-ESP32B1,RSBRS02ABR-01,RF-BM-ND09A,RF-WM-11AFB1,RF-DG-22A,RF-BM-4055B1L,RF-BM-2340QB1,RF-BM-ND04CI,RF-BM-2340C2,RF-DG-52PAS,RF-B-AR3,RF-B-AR4,RF-B-AR1,RF-B-AR2,RF-BM-2652B1,RF-ZM-2530P1,RF-BM-2642QB1I,RF-BM-2652B2,RF-BM-BG22A1,RF-TI1352B1,RF-ZM-2530B1I,RF-NBE01,RF-BM-2340A2I,RF-BM-BG22A1I,RF-BM-2340B1,RF-BM-2652RB2,RF-WM-3235B1,RF-BM-2340B1C,RF-BM-S02A,RF-CC2540A1,RSBRS02ABR,RF-BM-ND10,RF-BM-S02I,RF-DG-32B,RF-BM-BG24B1,RF-BM-ND01,RF-BM-ND02,RF-BM-ND04,RF-BM-ND05,RF-BM-ND06,RF-BM-ND07,RF-BM-ND08,RF-BM-ND09,RF-SM-1044B2,RF-SM-1044B1,RF-BM-2340A2,RF-BM-2340B1I,RF-SM-1044B4,RF-TI1352P1,RF-WM-3235A1,RF-TI1352P2,RF-BM-2652P4I,RF-BM-ND08C,RF-BM-S01A,RF-BM-ND08A,RF-WM-3220B1,RF-BM-2651B1,RF-BM-BG24B2,RF-BM-BG22A3I,RSBRS02ABRI,患者监测,智能手表,保健传感器,门锁,温度计,低功耗无线传感网络,智能照明,人机界面,个人健身,照明系统,音箱主机,资产标签,电梯,智能出行,物品追踪,无线通信,物联网,健身房器械,便携医疗器械,智能建筑,智能插头,保健,无线音频,住宅自动化,智能跟踪器,家庭影院,生活方式传感器,可穿戴应用,智能射频标签,MESH 组网,照明控制,电子销售终端,AR,消费型电子,智慧能源,射频远程控制,多协议设备,A4WP设备,可穿戴设备,蓝牙遥控玩具,传感网络节点,资产跟踪,机顶盒,IP网络摄像头,接近感应玩具,自行车传感器,价格标签,电子玩具,恒温器,智能灌溉,FACP,安全警示标签,网关,LED灯具,可穿戴产品,电子销售网点,高级遥控器,网络化家居,婴儿监控器,建筑安全系统,农业机器人,安全系统,媒体系统,生产制造自动化,健身追踪器,汽车检测设备,电子锁,远程控制,游戏手柄,智能家用电器,燃气表,销售点,智能扬声器,阿达斯,LED 照明,工厂自动化,开关,家庭动化,访问控制,仪表计量,汽车电子,电子游戏,安全锁,IP 网络传感器节点,汽车,交流充电桩,语音远程控制,RF4CE远程控制系统,心率监视器,室内外导航,医疗传感器,集线器,CPAP机,心率计,能量收集,已联网家用电器,工业遥控,无线环境传感器,电池供电医疗器械,家庭自动化,家电控制,机顶盒设备,PEPS,智能插座,专业照明,演示笔,消防安全系统,IP摄像机,玻璃破裂探测器,零售餐饮,活动监视器,电子门锁,工业总线,电子货架标签,自动抄表,环境传感器,火警控制面板,水表,VR,工业运输,网络处理器,HVAC 控制器,智能能源,钥匙查找器,热量探测器,楼宇安防系统,暖通空调,IP 网络摄像机,资产管理,车库门开启器,消费电子,无线控制传感器,手环,IP 网络摄像头,智能显示器,防火安全,工业物联网,智能家居,运动检测器,机器人玩具,游戏,电动牙刷,健身设备,智能服装,CE遥控器,工业,玩具,POS系统,工业控制,灯具,简单网络处理器,智慧农业,计算器外设,虚拟现实,医疗电子,零售,健身,遥控器,通信设备,健康监测,家用电器,鼠标,定点设备,人员管理,运动手表,HVAC 系统,健康,通用低功耗 IOT 数据记录器,电脑周边,互动娱乐设备,家庭保健,无线LAN,远程信息处理控制单元,WI-FI 接入点,个人护理,气体检测仪,便携式医疗设备,蓝牙网状网络低功耗节点,网络音乐播放器,团体运动装备,服务机器人,安防系统,智能温室大棚,交流充电站,血糖仪,零售自动化,交互式娱乐设备,无线医疗保健,通用蓝牙产品,工业机器人,SPO2,自动扶梯,家庭娱乐,室内导航,SRD 系统,通用低功耗 IOT 传感器集线器,应收账,RKE,视频监控,隐藏,网络广播,HVAC系统,防火安全系统,智能电网,WI-FI 音箱,计算机外围设备,电视,促红细胞生成素,信息推送,智能仪表,智能手环,物联网应用,无线LED显示系统,运动设备,智能按钮,一次性医疗器械,低功耗摄像头,健身传感器,门窗传感器,小型企业路由器,便携式 POS 终端,手写笔,ESL,升降机,无线 LAN,HID,WI-FI,助听器,自动扶梯控制装置,唤醒词检测,互联网网关,楼宇自动化,工业监控,零售支付,个人局域网,脉搏血氧计,支付应用,体重秤,手表,I/O器件,工业自动化,智能玩具,ISM 系统,遥控玩具,键盘,紧急按钮,健康设备,传感器,智能追踪器,医疗保健,观众响应系统,个人电子产品,资产追踪,高级驾驶辅助系统,医学,建筑自动化,照明,ADAS,MESH网络,智能家居产品,电脑游戏控制器,BLE智能灯,HVAC,工业MESH网络,密钥,楼宇安全系统,远程显示,遥测,工厂控制,消费电子远程控制,手机配件,建筑,热量分配表,医疗器械,边缘路由器,接近警示标签,汽车门禁,设置盒遥控器,广告,血压监测仪,增强显示,POS 系统,蓝牙键盘,跑步,电梯主控板,HVAC 系统控制器,热分配表,预测性维护,ZIGBEE系统,蓝牙智能应用程序,医疗,玻璃破碎检测,血糖监测仪,电子智能锁,患者诊断,支付系统,A4WP无线充电器,血压计,家庭,远距离传感器,定位服务,联网健康设备,安防,有线网络,实时定位系统,多点触摸板,智能家电,传感器网络,音频流媒体设备,日光传感器,低功耗蓝牙,高级个人健身设备,虚拟显示,电脑外设,政治公众人物,可穿戴健身活动监测仪,接入点,智慧城市基础设施,电子温度计,电表,电器,游戏控制器,车库门系统,自动化数据采集,电网基础设施,HMI,2.4GHZ IEEE 802.15.4系统,零售应用,音频设备,新能源汽车,电动汽车充电基础设施,手写板,OTT 电视盒,无线传感器网络,可视门铃,EPOS,室内定位,电网通信,烟雾探测器,物流,监控器,联网手表,数据采集
信驰达 - 芯片,低功耗BEACON蓝牙信标,RF-NBE01,RF-B-SR1,RF-B-AR3,RF-B-AR4,RF-B-AR1,RF-B-AR2,信息推送,资产管理,人员管理,室内外导航
信驰达 - WI-FI 蓝牙二合一模组,无线串口收发模块,低功耗BEACON蓝牙信标,低功耗蓝牙模组,多协议无线模组,蓝牙SOC,小型USB设备,USB加密狗,ZIGBEE模组,无线SOC,SUB-1G模组,WI-FI模组,USB DONGLE,自研国产芯片低功耗蓝牙模组,无线模组,多协议模块,RF-BM-ND09A,RF-WM-11AFB1,RF-DG-22A,RF-WM-20DNB1,RF-WM-3235A1S,RF-BM-ND04CI,RF-SM-1277B2,RF-WM-RTL8720DNB1,RF-BM-ND04I,RF-SM-1277B1,RF-BM-2340C2,RF-BM-ND04C,RF-DG-52PAS,RF-BM-2652P2I,RF-WM-3200B3,RF-WM-3200B1,RF-B-AR4,RF-B-AR1,RF-BM-2652B1,RF-ZM-2530P1,RF-BM-BG22A1,RF-BM-2652B2,RF-TI1352B1,RF-BM-4044B5,RF-ZM-2530B1I,RF-WM-20CMB1,RF-BM-2340A2I,RF-BM-BG22A1I,RF-BM-ND05I,RF-BM-2340B1,RF-BM-4044B2,RF-BM-4044B4,RF-SM-1077B2,RF-BM-4044B3,RF-SM-1077B1,RF-WM-3235B1,RF-BM-2642B2,RF-DG-40A,RF-BM-BG22B1,RF-BM-ND10,RF-BM-BG24B1,RF-ZM-2530P1I,RF-DG-32B,RF-BM-BG22A3,RF-BM-ND04,RF-WM-3235B1S,RF-BM-ND05,RF-BM-ND06,RF-BM-ND08,RF-B-SR1,RF-BM-2340B1I,RF-BM-2340A2,RF-BM-4077B1,RF-BM-4077B2,RF-BM-MG24B2,RF-BM-MG24B1,RF-TI1352P1,RF-WM-3235A1,RF-BM-ND08C,RF-BM-2652P4I,RF-BM-ND08A,RF-BM-2652P7,RF-WM-3220B1,RF-BM-2651B1,RF-BM-BG22C3,RF-BM-BG24B2,RF-BM-2652P2,RF-WM-RTL8720CMB1,RF-BM-2652P3,RF-BM-BG22A3I,RF-BM-2652P4,RF-ZM-2530B1,智能手表,TPMS,智慧农场,智能楼宇,个人护理,便携式医疗设备,智能汽车,门锁,智能照明,智能医院,智能停车,计算机外设,智能穿戴,医疗传感器贴片,互联网医疗设备,零售自动化,血糖仪,智能插头,洁面仪,打印机,智能消防,隐藏,照明控制,电子销售终端,智能水表,逆变器,智慧能源,智能电网,无线鼠标,可穿戴设备,智能医疗,资产跟踪,信息推送,智能手环,自行车传感器,互联健康行业,智能安防,信标,网关,照明管理,智慧路灯,智能燃气表,存储,手写笔,智能游戏,智能电表,ESL,腕带,HID,血糖监测,唤醒词检测,无线传感器,楼宇自动化,脉搏血氧计,蓝牙标签,无线传感网络,智能健康,智能玩具,LED 照明,智能物联网,开关,门诊护理,蓝牙网关,传感器,个人电子产品,资产追踪,遥控装置,家庭网络,建筑自动化,智能计量行业,智能安全,语音远程控制,室内外导航,照明,集线器,头戴式显示器,胎压监测系统,WBMS,家庭自动化,楼宇安全,PEPS,边缘路由器,安防监控,智能汽车充电站,智能太阳能光伏系统,预测性维护,电子货架标签,无线抄表,无线键盘,医疗,玻璃破碎检测,工业空调,定位服务,工业检测,资产管理,消费电子,胰岛素泵,智能家电,新能源汽车行业,光伏储能充电站行业,工业物联网,扫地机器人,电子销售点,政治公众人物,智能家居,远程传感器,电动牙刷,游戏,智能计量,智能服装,游戏控制器,玩具,智能抄表,互联医疗设备,工业控制,灯具,电池储能系统,充电桩,电动汽车充电站,远程患者检测,新能源汽车,医疗电子,零售,零售EPOS,无线医疗,鼠标,人员管理,电动剃须刀,光伏储能充电站
信驰达推出的Beacon设备(信标设备)RF-B-AR1可支持BLE 5.0协议,发射功率为 0 dBm,核心优势为10年使用寿命。
Beacon Technology Makes Indoor Positioning Easier
The IoT technology is constantly updated and iterated, and the indoor positioning technology has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Let’s take a comprehensive perspective to understand the Bluetooth indoor positioning solution.
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