Keysight, TIM and JMA Wireless Join Forces to Showcase O-RAN Technology at Mobile World Congress 2021
KEYSIGHT Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a leading technology company that delivers advanced design and validation solutions to help accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, has joined forces with TIM, an information and communication technology company in Europe and JMA Wireless, a global innovator in mobile wireless connectivity solutions, to showcase the latest open radio access network (O-RAN) technology at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2021 (MWC 21), to be held in Barcelona, Spain from June 28th to July 1st.
The three companies are working on radio access network (RAN) technology based on open interfaces defined by the O-RAN ALLIANCE to speed deployment of O-RAN compliant 5G and 4G networks. TIM and JMA leveraged Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) solutions to verify conformance, interoperability, and performance of O-RAN subsystems, supporting new 5G service revenue opportunities.
"We're pleased to support TIM and JMA Wireless with solutions that enable O-RAN vendors to verify that each network component performs as expected in a multi-vendor network," said Giampaolo Tardioli, vice president and general manager for Keysight's network infrastructure business.
At MWC 21, TIM will adopt Keysight's RuSIM to emulate an O-RAN compliant radio unit (O-RU) and verify the functional, performance, and conformance of a distributed unit (O-DU) and central unit (O-CU) combination supplied by JMA Wireless. Supporting both 4G LTE and 5G new radio (NR), RuSIM enables users to verify delivery of multi-technology cellular services over the same O-RAN fronthaul interface.
"We are happy to join forces with TIM and Keysight to demonstrate open RAN solutions at MWC21," said Remo Ricci, Managing Director of JMA Italy and Head of International Sales. "Open RAN architectures give mobile operators the freedom to choose their preferred provider for each network element, while not constrained by previously deployed legacy technologies."
Keysight's RuSIM allows users to verify the end-to-end performance of the RAN by emulating real network traffic over an O-RAN fronthaul interface. It is part of Keysight's portfolio of radio access network (RAN), 5G core (5GC), and 5G new radio (NR) air interface test solutions, from the edge of the, RAN to the core of the network.
Keysight's Open RAN Architect uses thorough, repeatable, and automated processes to enable mobile operators and Open Test and Integration Centers (OTIC), as well as vendors of chipset designs and network infrastructure, to accelerate development, integration, and deployment of O-RAN-compliant equipment. Access to a common set of solutions simplifies the sharing of results across the workflow from pre-silicon to cloud deployments.
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是德科技的端到端Open RAN架构解决方案是专为芯片制造商、软件协议栈开发人员、网络设备制造商,移动运营商以及开放测试与集成中心(OTIC)量身定制的测试工具套件,助力在整个产品生命周期内进行一致性测试、互操作性测试、性能测试和安全性测试。
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Open RAN Studio O-RAN无线电单元(O-RU)测试和验证
KEYSIGHT - VSA SOFTWARE,VSA软件,N7631C,SW-MS-WINDOWS10-PRO-WS,89601BHNC,U5040IQEA,N76310RNC,89601200C,89600,U5040BSCA,N7631ORNC,TRBX-1000S-0001,XUPP3R-0121
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O-RAN,通常指O-RAN联盟,以及由O-RAN联盟制定的标准。是德科技推出了针对于 O-RAN 的“KORA”测试方案,让 O-RAN 测试不愁,端到端完整覆盖。
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Keysight Enables MICAS to Obtain One of the First O-RAN Certifications for Open RAN Radio Unit
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是德科技(Keysight Technologies,Inc.)日前宣布,在O-RAN联盟组织的2023年春季O-RAN全球PlugFest活动上,与14家行业合作伙伴合作展示O-RAN部署就绪测试,展示了其在O-RAN验证方面的领先地位。
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