Bluetooth tag connects and tracks construction assets wirelessly, increasing productivity and reducing maintenance costs
SILICON LABS, a leader in secure, intelligent wireless technology for a more connected world, today announced that global fleet management solution provider Trackunit leverages Silicon Labs’ Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) modules in its Trackunit Kin asset tracking solution, helping global construction companies better manage their tools with intelligent wireless technology.
“Wireless connectivity is changing the dynamics and modes of operation across numerous vital industries, such as construction, which at times might be slower to adopt new technology,” said Matt Johnson, president, Silicon Labs. “Silicon Labs Bluetooth technology empowers Trackunit to help construction companies greatly improve overall site productivity by allowing them to keep accurate track of their assets – a feat that might sound small but is far from it.”
The Trackunit Kin product uses an easy-to-deploy, compact self-powered tag to bridge the gap between large machines and smaller accessories by enabling the entirety of a site inventory to be connected and tracked via their secure, open, cloud-based productivity platform Iris. Kin allows users to increase productivity and cut costs by locating small assets in large construction sites – a task that can otherwise translate to a delay in schedules and an overblown budget. Kin also collects thorough data on the assets it’s tracking, allowing users to monitor and evaluate which equipment is under-utilized or needs to be reallocated.
' Silicon Labs’ Bluetooth 5.2 SoC modules enable secure, wireless communication between the Kin tags and the Iris platform and meet the unique requirements of high-volume, battery-powered Bluetooth products, all while delivering industry-leading energy efficiency. With annual Bluetooth device shipments forecast to surpass six billion by 2025, Silicon Labs designed these modules to meet the fundamental need for secure connectivity and extremely low power consumption in the billions of Bluetooth-enabled IoT devices coming in the next couple years.
“Silicon Labs is a trusted partner that clearly understood our vision for asset tracking technology within the construction industry and saw the potential of the Trackunit Kin solution,” said Soeren Brogaard, CEO, Trackunit. “As a pioneer in asset tracking and monitoring, it is exciting to see our customers gain tremendous productivity and operational business value from our technology. Trackunit is confident our IoT telematics technology will change the future of construction.”
Kin uses Silicon Labs’ EFR32BG22 Bluetooth 5.2 SoC module. Additional Kin features include:
1. Find My Asset: Deploys the mobile app anywhere in the field to locate an asset
2. Lost Mode: Provides the ability to set an asset to ‘Lost’ and send a notification when the asset is found
3. Pairing: Tracks the utilization of machine attachments and tools
4. LED indicator: Identifies a specific asset by activating the LED light on the tag
About Silicon Labs
Silicon Labs (NASDAQ: SLAB) is a leader in secure, intelligent wireless technology for a more connected world. Our integrated hardware and software platform, intuitive development tools, unmatched ecosystem and robust support make us the ideal long-term partner in building advanced industrial, commercial, home and life applications. We make it easy for developers to solve complex wireless challenges throughout the product lifecycle and get to market quickly with innovative solutions that transform industries, grow economies and improve lives.
About Trackunit
Trackunit is the leading SaaS-based IoT solution and machine insights provider to the global construction equipment industry. Trackunit collects and analyzes machine data in real-time to deliver actionable, proactive and predictive information, empowering customers with data-driven foresight.
Trackunit promises to lead the technology engagement to help eliminate downtime. The ambition of this mission is not only to recover from budget and schedule overruns, but also to re-establish the reputation of the industry for innovation and leadership.
From operator safety and machine health to business optimization, Trackunit’s industry-leading telematics software, hardware and fleet management services benefit the everyday operations of the customers worldwide. Trackunit services its customers .
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根据用户的蓝牙模块,使用Bluetooth 蓝牙测试装置MT8852B,测试蓝牙1.0至5.1,包括传输速率、功率、频率、调制和接收机灵敏度,生成测试报告。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
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