Keysight Enables Microamp Solutions to Accelerate Development of mmWave Radio Units for Private 5G Networks
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a leading technology company that delivers advanced design and validation solutions to help accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, announced that Microamp Solutions has selected Keysight Open Radio Architect (KORA) solutions to meet the increasing demand for mmWave radio units in private 5G networks.
A wide range of industrial internet of things (IoT) use cases are driving demand for simple, robust, and rapid roll-out of high-performance connectivity in customized implementations. Microamp selected KORA solutions to verify compliance with O-RAN specifications and ensure interoperability between the company's plug-and-play O-RAN radio unit (O-RU) and other network elements. KORA offers end-to-end system testing, from the edge of the open radio access networks (RAN) to the 5G core (5GC). Unified software platforms simplify complex multi-vendor network environments.
“Keysight is pleased to deliver comprehensive test capabilities that enable Microamp to develop O-RAN-compliant O-RUs, with support across multiple standards, and deploy them with confidence," said Kalyan Sundhar, Vice President and General Manager for Keysight's Wireless Network Access business."Keysight's continuous commitment to developing design, emulation, and test solutions, along with participation in industry consortia, supports the progress of specifications that underpin large-scale commercial deployments of networks built on open, disaggregated network architectures."
Specifications defined by the O-RAN ALLIANCE enable a worldwide community of more than 300 mobile operators and vendors to design, develop, and deliver fully interoperable mobile networks based on open standard interfaces efficiently and securely. Microamp leveraged Keysight's newly established O-RAN laboratory in Milan to test and debug the company's O-RU.
“Access to a wide range of Keysight's open RAN solutions enabled Microamp to speed development and validation of our innovative O-RAN-compliant and energy-efficient O-RUs with support for high data rates and low latencies," said Marcin Goralczyk, Chief Technology Officer at Microamp."Keysight's comprehensive suite of O-RAN solutions, spanning early pre-silicon development to system integration, enables us to reach crucial milestones and capture strategic market opportunities."
Since the O-RAN ALLIANCE was founded in 2018, Keysight has launched a comprehensive range of software-centric solutions for verifying virtualized RANs and supporting interoperability, conformance, performance, and security.
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Keysight, TIM and JMA Wireless Join Forces to Showcase O-RAN Technology at Mobile World Congress 2021
Keysight Technologies has joined forces with TIM, an information and communication technology company in Europe and JMA Wireless to showcase the latest open radio access network (O-RAN) technology at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2021 (MWC 21). TIM and JMA leveraged Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) solutions to verify conformance, interoperability and performance of O-RAN subsystems, supporting new 5G service revenue opportunities.
Keysight Brings Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) to AWS Outposts
Keysight Technologies announced that the company‘s open radio access network (O-RAN) test solutions are now available on AWS Outposts. AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that offers the same AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs and tools to virtually any datacenter, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a consistent hybrid experience. It delivers a flexible 5G test environment that simplifies interoperability challenges and validates performance.
Keysight Enables MICAS to Obtain One of the First O-RAN Certifications for Open RAN Radio Unit
Keysight Technologies eannounced that the Keysight Open Radio Access Network Architect (KORA) solutions enabled MICAS to obtain one of the first O-RAN certifications for its 5G Open RAN Radio Unit (O-RU). The O-RAN Conformance Certification was issued by the Asia & Pacific OTIC in PRC (APOP).
Keysight Solutions Selected by Synergy to Advance 5G Virtualized Open Radio Access Network Technology Development
Keysight Technologies announced that Synergy Design has selected Keysight Open Radio Architect (KORA) O-RAN solutions to validate radio units and small cell infrastructure based on open standard interfaces defined by the O-RAN Alliance, advancing 5G virtualized radio access network (vRAN) technology development.
Keysight Selected by Azcom Technology for Verifying Open Radio Access Network Equipment Compliant to O-RAN Specifications
Keysight Technologies announced that Azcom Technology has selected Keysight Open Radio Architect (KORA) solutions for O-RAN equipment.
Tech Mahindra Selects Keysight‘s Test Solutions to Certify 5G Vendors‘ Equipment at its 5G O-RAN Lab
Keysight Technologies announced that Tech Mahindra has selected Keysight Open Radio Architect (KORA) solutions to certify 5G equipment of open radio access network (O-RAN) in a 5G O-RAN test lab facility located in New Jersey, USA.
Keysight Selected by Chunghwa Telecom to Accelerate Verification of Open Radio Access Network (ORAN) Equipment
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Keysight Selected by VTT to Support Open Testing and Integration Facility in Finland
Keysight announced that VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has selected its Open Radio Architect (KORA) solutions to build an open testing and integration facility in support of an open radio access network (RAN) ecosystem.
Infiniium 示波器:50 GHz
50 GHz
2 Gpts
160 GSa/s
Windows 10
选型表 - KEYSIGHT 立即选型
KEYSIGHT数字万用表选型,手持式数字万用表、USB 模块化数字万用表、手持式钳形表等,基本 1 年 DCV 精度0.00%-0.5%。
Digits of Resolution
基本 1 年 DCV 精度
数字万用表,七位半,Truevolt DMM
7 ½
LAN,USB,GPIB (optional)
DCV and ACV,DCI and ACI,2- and 4-wire Resistance,Frequency,Capacitance,Diode test,Continuity test,Temperature
选型表 - KEYSIGHT 立即选型
Keysight Technologies计算机病毒控制计划
Keysight Technologies Inc. 针对仪器可能连接到计算机或网络而带来的计算机病毒感染风险,实施了多项措施以降低风险。包括在所有业务计算机上实施集中管理的防火墙和防病毒程序,对操作中接触仪器的计算机进行定期扫描,以及在制造、服务、支持、销售、分销和演示环境中实施严格的病毒控制协议。对于病毒感染报告,Keysight 将立即采取措施,包括缓解威胁、追踪病毒来源和范围,并更新内部预防措施以应对新的威胁。
Keysight i3070 09.20pc软件修补程序
Keysight Technologies发布了一款针对i3070测试系统的软件补丁,版本号为09.20pc,发布日期为2018年11月。该补丁适用于装有i3070 09.20p软件的测试系统或工作站,支持Windows 7或Windows 10操作系统。补丁主要解决了多个变更请求,包括改进故障显示、电容补偿、用户界面布局、IPG功能、错误消息、安全性和其他功能增强。安装补丁时需以管理员身份登录,并遵循屏幕上的安装说明。安装后,用户可以通过Korn Shell窗口检查软件版本。
Keysight Technologies在Santa Rosa设有其智力中心,专注于高性能电子和通信测试产品及其相关技术。Santa Rosa位于旧金山北部55英里,太平洋海岸线东部30英里处,是一个艺术、文化和美食的交汇地。该校区拥有1300名员工,占地面积195英亩,提供户外工作区、步行道、运动场、健身设施、食堂和咖啡吧等。此外,Santa Rosa提供丰富的休闲活动,包括骑行、皮划艇、远足、滑雪等,以及世界级的葡萄酒产区。Keysight Technologies是一家平等机会雇主,欢迎有志之士加入。
Keysight N2780/1/2/3B电流探头用户指南
本资料为Keysight N2780/1/2/3B系列电流探头的用户指南。指南详细介绍了探头的规格、特性、安全注意事项、使用方法以及维护保养。内容包括探头的组成部分、测量步骤、安全操作指南等,旨在帮助用户正确使用和维护电流探头,确保测量准确性和安全性。
用于Keysight EDA模拟器的Keysight EESOF EDA铸造和组件供应商库手册
Keysight EEsof EDA提供广泛的晶圆厂工艺设计套件(PDKs)和组件供应商库,确保高精度设计。与众多晶圆厂和组件制造商合作,提供超过35个RFIC和MMIC晶圆厂PDKs,支持从原理图到设计规则检查(DRC)的完整设计流程。此外,Keysight EEsof EDA还提供超过10万个组件库,包括模拟电路、系统组件、无源组件和高速连接器,以及与HSPICE兼容的模型库,以支持高速串行数据链路设计。
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