Six key functionalities that will set your 5G product ahead of competitors
Realizing the full potential of 5G requires that all the components in a 5G device work properly and seamlessly with others. That includes radio units and non-radio units such as processors and batteries.
In most cases, speed is the key measure for the 5G user experience. However, many factors other than the radio unit could affect 5G device speed performance. Additionally, speed is not the only performance indicator for 5G devices. More and more performance indicators have emerged. Different device types require different performance indicators and measuring standards.
What are the key performance indicators for 5G devices? Why are they so important? How do you address them during the 5G device design process?
Key Functionalities:
1. Data throughput:
One of the key features of 5G NR is enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), which promises 10Gbps peak throughput, and 1 Gbps throughput in mobile scenarios. Inside a 5G device, other than the radio components, many other components that process IP and MAC layer throughput need to support such speed. All processing units need to process data equally fast as the radio transmitting speed. In other words, if a user experiences a slowdown, the problem might not be from the wireless connection. It is possible that many other data processing units dropped the ball. Proper verification and testing of device data throughput will help 5G device makers ensure their data processing units can keep up with the 5G speed standard.
Figure 1. KEYSIGHT’s S8703A Functional KPI Toolset setup
Keysight's S8703A Functional KPI Toolset leverages the power, flexibility, and test coverage of the market-leading E7515B UXM 5G Wireless Test platform. It provides an automated benchtop solution for the verification of 4G and 5G user experience testing around key functional test areas.
The S8703A solution has a smart scheduling function that helps users to simplify scheduling configuration for different modes and frame structures, and it considers all necessary parameters required to configure the scheduling settings.
2. power consumption/battery life:
Many elements of 5G communication challenge device battery life, including mmWave frequencies, higher-order modulation schemes, carrier aggregation, multiple carrier and multiple bands support, and many others. It is imperative for chipset and device manufacturers and even software vendors to closely monitor device performance in relation to the current drain while performing routine real-user tasks such as paging, standby mode, voice calls, and data streaming. In addition to this, power and data-hungry applications are constantly running in the background, thus requiring thorough validation of battery performance over diverse user profiles.
With Keysight's S8703A Functional KPI Toolset, engineers can easily characterize battery performance by measuring device current drain while performing usage activities in idle or connected mode.
3. Audio:
Figure 2: Audio / Voice deployment scenarios for 5G
5G wireless networks have different voice call deployment scenarios. You need to test and verify different scenarios to ensure wireless devices can be functional in all use cases. Current 5G networks support one of the four-voice deployment scenarios in Figure 2.
These scenarios are critical to real-world performance, so testing each scenario carefully is essential. Keysight's S8703A Functional KPI Toolset helps device makers to define a test campaign that includes key signaling parameters and conditions. With the powerful E7515B UXM network emulator, we can easily test audio performance under all possible audio scenarios with the latest LTE and 5G standards and specifications.
4. Mobility:
In wireless communication, devices must be able to seamlessly hand over between different cell sectors, bands, bandwidths, and networks while maintaining connectivity in idle or active mode. This is one of the most important performance indicators for mobile operators. 5G device makers need to consider and test all possible handover scenarios to make sure their connection transition is seamless. As operators continue to build more 5G networks, devices must be able to support standalone and dual connectivity handovers.
5. Emergency services
3GPP has clearly defined a public warning system for mobile devices to receive emergency alerts. Although this function exists outside of the ordinary wireless communication scenarios, 5G device designers must take it into consideration. The typical alert types are commercial mobile alert system (CMAS) and earthquake and tsunami warning system (ETWS). Devices must also support LTE and 5G NR message customization in different languages.
6. Dual Subscriber Identity Module (SIM):
Most new mobile devices support both physical and embedded SIM, thus increasing the need to ensure proper coexistence and functionality when both systems are active. Device designers need to test for common issues such as 5G NR aggregation, registration, and throughput. S8703A functional KPI Toolset along with the UXM 5G can easily detect issues in those aspects.
With 5G technology, mobile devices are getting more and more compact. More features and more communication scenarios will emerge. Focus only on radio performance will no longer help you to have a marketing leading product. Considering a bigger variety of performance indicators, testing all these performance indicators properly with Keysight's S8703A Functional KPI Toolset will help you win.
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是德科技联合ETS Lindgren推出创新NB-NTN OTA测试解决方案
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从Release 15到Release 18:5G标准演进的脉络和技术走向
在5G标准演进方面,随着Release 17正式冻结,5G标准进入到了5G Advanced(5.5G)的阶段,正在为6G铺平道路,是德科技汇总了从Release 15到Release 18的重点内容,希望向大家清晰地展示5G标准演进的脉络和技术走向,在研究学习,开发测试,生产制造等涉及5G的领域能够对大家有所帮助。
东南大学选择了是德科技的网络仿真解决方案(基于UXM 5G无线测试平台),用以验证5G终端设备中VoNR和收发信机的射频性能。这些终端设备是专门为交通运输、无人机和无人自动驾驶汽车而研发的。东南大学借助是德科技的Infiniium UXR示波器和信号分析测量仪表,可对分布式MIMO天线系统和5G小型基站进行深入研究。
PROPSIM FS16射频通道仿真器F8820A
型号- F8820XXXX,F9870AXXX,F9809A,M1740A,F9340AXXX,E7515B,F9860AXXX,F8820ACXX,F9510A,F8820ACE1,F8800A,E7770A,F8820A
EMC测试评估电子设备在电磁环境中工作的兼容性,分为辐射和传导测试,整车EMC测试验证车辆是否符合国际、国家、企业标准。车载无线制式测试关注发射功率、接收灵敏度和抗干扰性。是德科技N5182B和E7515B UXM等设备用于整车EMC测试下的车载无线制式测试。
【产品】S8702A 5G射频自动化工具包,利用E7515B/E UXM 5G无线测试平台提供全面的测试范围
Keysight推出的S8702A 5G射频自动化工具包,利用E7515B或E7515E UXM 5G无线测试平台,为用户提供全面的测试范围,根据3GPP规范快速验证5G新无线电(NR)设备的发射机(Tx)和接收机(Rx)性能。该工具集构成了Keysight的5G网络仿真解决方案套件的一部分,并提供了一个灵活和易于使用的软件环境。
为了应对C-V2X目前的挑战,是德科技开发了C-V2X测试系统解决方案,加速技术的快速实现,推动行业发展。Keysight SA8700A C-V2X测试解决方案提供了从物理层,协议层到应用层的全面测试方案。它还提供 GNSS 仿真用于时间和位置同步,提供用于 C-V2X 信道和信号的 UU 和 PC5 信令测试以及 ITS 堆栈场景生成和监控,这些可以大幅缩短在实际道路上进行路测的时间。
目录- 端到端测试覆盖解决方案 5G设备研发 5G设备验收 5G设备制造
型号- S8710A,M1740A,E7515B,E6640A,S87078A,S8708A,S8709A,S8706A,S8707A,S8704A,S8705A,E7770A,S8702A,S8703A,S8701A
本文KEYSIGHT用通俗易懂的话阐述了5G超级上行技术,详细解析了基于UL CA的uplink switching、基于SUL 的uplink switching以及3GPP Release 17中的uplink switching。并介绍了利用UXM 5G综测仪去进行SUL和基于SUL的uplink switching的连接测试以及手动测试RF指标。
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