What is Wireless Standard WIFI Module and How to install it?

Wireless Standard WIFI module promises big changes in wireless networks everywhere. Get answers to frequently asked questions about its latest features and improvements.The last decade has brought our lives more and more online, and wireless Internet connections have helped make this transition possible.In this paper SKYLAB will share What is Wireless Standard WIFI Module and How to install it?
What is wireless WIFI module?
The term "Wi-Fi" was created by the non-profit Wi-Fi Alliance. It refers to a group of wireless networking protocols based on the IEEE 802.11 networking standard. Wireless Standard WIFI module has been around since the late 1990s, but has improved dramatically over the past decade.
To make the differences between each generation more evident. Moreover, the Wi-Fi Alliance recently adopted a more traditional naming convention, eliminating the 802.XX designation in place of a simplified numeric suffix. This simpler labeling convention allows you to know how the technology generation is used and to determine compatibility with devices that support this version.
How is wireless Standard WIFI module different?
Standard WIFI module represents a substantial upgrade over previous generations. Although the differences may not seem immediately obvious to the average user. These changes may not drastically change the way we use wireless routers or the wireless network connection. But instead consist of several progressive improvements that come together in one substantial update.
Standard WIFI module allows faster connection speeds
Faster Wi-Fi means higher upload and download (or throughput) speeds. Thanks to the higher bandwidth offered by wireless Standard WIFI module.
Moreover, this factor is becoming more and more important as file sizes grow, as well as increased demands of high-quality video streaming and increasingly demanding online games. Playing multiplayer while streaming on Twitch * requires large bandwidths and a reliable and stable connection.
For a basic card, there is the version with a single 2dBi detachable antenna. It has a maximum WIFI transmission speed of 150 Mbps and has only the 2.4 GHz band.Alternatively there is the version with 2 removable 2dBi antennas with a wireless speed of up to 300Mbps, always with single band.
Supported MIMO technology: for interference and signal degradation
Wireless Standard WIFI module also supports MIMO technology that allows you to overcome any interference and signal degradation, useful if you have a distant router and need to cross obstacles.The variant with 3 2dBi antennas allows for a transmission speed of up to 900 Mbps. There is also another version with 3 antennas that reaches up to 1900 Mbps. Both are dual band.
PCIe x1 WIFI network card
If you need a basic card, there is the Asus with a single detachable antenna that can reach a transmission rate of 300 Mbps. It has the 2.4 Ghz band.
Wireless Standard WIFI module also has the version with two antennas that offers a speed of 300 Mbps, with the rest of the characteristics similar to those of the previous model, so with the 2.4 GHz band. Alternatively there is also another 2 antenna model that reaches i 433 Mbps dual band.
SKYLAB has also created a series of special wireless cards
It allows you to connect the antennas through a wire. In this way you can place the antennas on your desk or in a point with greater reception capacity, optimizing the signal.
Moreover, you can find the card with external base for the 2 antennas which can reach speeds of up to 867 Mbps. It supports dual band mode. Alternatively, wireless Standard WIFI module is the version with 3 antennas on an external base that can reach up to 1167 Mbps and integrates dual band technology.
Finally, if you want a very powerful wireless card, you can get the Asus with 4 antennas on an external base, which offers high gain and speeds of up to 2167 Mbps. It supports the 2.4 GH and 5 GHz band.
PCI WIFI network card
If you are looking for PCI -attached cards, you can find them on Amazon. For example, there is this model from TP-Link which offers speeds of up to 300 Mbps with MIMO technology. Moreover, the 2 2dBi antennas are removable and supports the 2.4 GHz band.
How to install the wireless Standard WIFI module?
Assembling the wireless network card is very simple. After turning off the PC, simply locate the PCIe x1 slot on the motherboard, free a slot in the case and insert the card with a light pressure.
Basically, it's a similar process to installing a video card, but in this case, you won't need to plug in any power cables. a simple push is all it takes to install the card into the motherboard slot.
Remember to screw the antennas onto the network card. Recent operating systems recognize the card and install drivers automatically.
How much faster is wireless Standard WIFI module?
9.6 Gbps is the maximum throughput of Standard WIFI module across multiple channels. Conversely, Wi-Fi 5 offers a maximum of 3.5 Gbps. However, these valuesrepresent maximum thresholds; in realistic situations, local networks may not reach such high speeds.
That said, as these thresholds refer to multiple devices, devices equipped with Standard WIFI module can enjoy noticeably faster speeds, even if they don't hit their maximum potential.
Speeds can be faster than Wi-Fi 5
It is assumed that you are using a Wi-Fi router with a single device. Moreover, wireless Standard WIFI module can achieve faster data transfer rates through a variety of techniques, starting with more efficient data encoding and intelligent use of the wireless spectrum, made possible by more powerful processors.
Standard WIFI module can lead to a reduction in latency of up to 75%. This reduction is achieved by handling large amounts of network traffic more efficiently. For gamers, this translates into faster downloads, better loading speeds for streamed gameplay, and more reliable multimedia multitasking.
Standard WIFI module increase performance of wireless or wired networks
Wireless Standard WIFI module potentially allows more users to free themselves from the constraints of a wired modem connection. Moreover, many gamers or content creators still connect directly to network routers or switches via Ethernet cables rather than taking advantage of the flexibility offered by a wireless link. Standard WIFI module helps to further bridge the gap between wired and wireless connectivity.
Internal WIFI network card for PC: conclusions
Moreover, now you know exactly all the essential features to choose your WIFI network card and install it inside your PC. In this way you will be able to connect to your home wireless Standard WIFI module and access the internet.
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可根据用户的wifi模块,使用无线连接测试仪MT8862A,测试IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4Ghz和5Ghz)设备的TX、RX射频特征,输出测试报告。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
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