Rogers developed Thermal Simulation Tools to Accelerate Time to Market

2022-06-11 Rogers

When using SiC, a key aspect to consider is how to dissipate the losses from a smaller area compared to that of Si devices. The higher cost of these devices is pushing many to reduce the die size to a minimum, further enhancing the challenge of dissipating the losses without increasing the total system costs.

Multiple recent power module concepts have been released to address this challenge; one thing most of them have in common is their utilization of metalized ceramic substrates. Their superior mechanical, thermal, and electrical characteristics make them an essential element in the design of power modules for EV traction applications. It is important to pay special attention when selecting the substrate's material combination to achieve the best thermal performance, meet reliability requirements and optimize costs.

The questions arise — what is the best material combination, and should an HPS (Zr doped Al2O3) substrate with 0.3 mm Cu be selected? On the one hand, there can be good mechanical stability at a great cost, yet have limited thermal performance. Or, what if the Cu thickness is increased to 0.6 mm? Also, what if the substrate is changed to Si3N4, increasing the cost but also the thermal performance?

There are no simple answers to the "what if" questions.

To help customers answer these questions and accelerate their decisions, the team at ROGERS developed a series of simulation tools using our extensive experience. In this blog, we will showcase a small portion of these simulation tools using a simplified thermal model. This simulation could be extended to include customized layouts, different module constructions (e.g., baseplate with or without fins; dual-side cooling; etc.), or other material combinations to analyze impacts on a specific design in more detail. Additionally, it is possible to run a more in-depth fluid analysis using the FEM simulation, as well as lifetime prediction models.

The model

To keep things simple for the purpose of this blog, we used a basic generic model, based on a classic baseless module connected to a copper water cooler at a constant temperature (see Figure 1). The module is either soldered to the heat sink or connected to a thermal interface material (TIM). We compared substrate materials and Cu thicknesses (see Table 1) on two different layouts. The first layout has enough Cu area around the dice to enable a good thermal spreading (see Figure 2). On the second layout, the dice are as close as possible and have a minimal Cu area around them (see Figure 3). In order to further simplify the model, we considered a single heat transfer coefficient of 15000 W/m2K for the heat sink and a constant loss of 200 W per die. 

The model could be made significantly more complex. Customized layouts, dynamic losses, specific heat sink profiles, or interconnection technologies are among the parameters that could be adapted to a specific request.

Figure 1: cross-section simplified model

Table 1: Materials and properties used for the simulation

Figure 2: Layout 1; 5x5mm SiC dice with 5mm free Cu around them

Figure 3: Layout 2; 5x5 SiC dice with 1mm free Cu around them

Analyzing some scenarios

With the model built, we can look at several possible scenarios. We could analyze several different influencing parameters, such as the ceramic material, its thickness, the Cu thickness, the influence of the interconnection to the heat sink (TIM or solder/sinter), the distance between chips, and many more. In order to keep it simple, we concentrated on just a couple of scenarios, but nevertheless, a more in-depth analysis could be conducted upon request.

We know that some of the temperatures presented in the figures below are well beyond any design targets. They are not meant to be taken literally, but rather as an indication to compare different solutions. Another approach to this would have been to normalize the results.

The influence of the ceramic substrate and the layout

In the first stage, we will compare the influence of the ceramic substrate material with the two different layouts on the chip temperature. In Figure 4, the comparison can be observed when using either a solder material to the heat sink or a standard 0.3 mm Cu thickness for all solutions.

Figure 4: Maximum chip temperature for different ceramic materials and thicknesses with 0.3mm Cu and soldered to the heat sink with a SAC material

The graphic above contains a lot of information, but firstly, we can highlight the significant difference between Layout 1 and 2 regardless of the material combination. This highlights the need to have sufficient Cu area around the dice to facilitate the heat spreading. The influence of the layout could be reduced with a higher heat transfer coefficient to the ambient which would enhance the thermal dissipation in the y-axis. Nevertheless, sufficient Cu area around the dice should be used, if possible.

As expected, using ceramic materials with a higher thermal conductivity results in a lower temperature. For the same material thickness, there is a big step between HPS and the remaining materials. However, the difference between a standard Si3N4 with 90 W/mK and AlN, which has doubled the thermal conductivity, is still visible but less pronounced.

We can also observe that material thickness can bring you an extra degree Celsius that it is needed to meet design parameters, which is especially true for HPS.

The influence of the Cu thickness

Unfortunately, an improvement on the ceramic substrate does not come for free and, in some designs, the increase in the ceramic's cost cannot be justified. A more economical alternative would be to increase the thickness of the Cu layer, e.g. from 0.3 to 0.6 or even 2 mm. The latter brings some design and reliability challenges but it is still worth considering. The result of the comparison of the different Cu thicknesses can be seen in Figures 5 and 6 with layouts 1 and 2 respectively.

Figure 5: Maximum chip temperature for different ceramic and Cu thicknesses, soldered to the heat sink with a SAC material. Only for Layout 1

In Figure 5, we can clearly observe that when enough Cu is around the dice, increasing the thickness of this layer can bring a tremendous benefit to the system. For instance, a 0.6mm Cu layer used with a 0.25 mm HPS can achieve a similar chip temperature as a 0.3 mm Cu Si3N4 at a better cost (green line). Moreover, a 0.6 mm Cu Si3N4 could also improve the performance compared to a 0.3 mm Cu AlN with better reliability.

An even thicker Cu layer of 2mm brings yet an additional improvement in the chip temperature. At this point, we can see a certain saturation in the improvement, and thicker Cu would not bring any significant benefit.

Of course, it is not always possible to place the dice with enough Cu area around them. In case the layout is more compact, the situation changes completely as can be observed in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Maximum chip temperature for different ceramic and Cu thicknesses, soldered to the heat sink with a SAC material. Only for Layout 2

In this case, the thicker Cu does not bring any added value, as the dice do not benefit from the spreading effect of the thicker Cu. Moreover, for very thick Cu layers, such as 2mm, the added material hinders the thermal conduction in the y-axis, reducing the Rth and thus increasing the chip temperature. Overall, thicker Cu might be an advantage under certain conditions, but it is not always the best solution.

The influence of the interface to the heat sink

So far, we have focused on the substrates. There are of course many other barriers in the thermal path, with the interface to the heat sink being one of the most relevant. In Figure 7 we can see the results of this comparison.

Figure 7: Maximum chip temperature for different ceramics, soldered to the heat sink with a SAC material or connected with a standard TIM. Only for Layout 2

Regardless of which ceramic substrate is used, the temperature differences are quite striking. The temperatures are in both cases out of most design targets; nevertheless, it shows the relevance of this interface layer in the overall design. One could argue that the thickness for the TIM layer (100 µm) and the material itself could be further optimized, but so could the solder material.


Deciding on the best set of materials for your power module can be a laborious task. Many different parameters must be considered to find the best solution, such as the ceramic material, its thickness, the thickness of the Cu, the interface to the heat sink, the cooling method, and so on. Doing this by trial-and-error testing is impractical, and the support of simulation tools is necessary to ensure adequate time-to-market and development costs.

At Rogers, we have developed a series of tools to help our customers and support their decision-making. In this blog, we have shown a small part of these tools with a simple thermal model. Other aspects, such as reliability and cost, can also be simulated to complete the picture. Furthermore, the thermal model can be adapted to more complex and real environments. We are committed to extending and improving these tools and using them to the service of customers to help reduce their design costs and to save time.

Do you have any questions or require more information about Rogers' ceramic substrates? 

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设计经验    发布时间 : 2018-08-19



设计经验    发布时间 : 2024-04-29


目录- Introduction of Littelfuse    Index    Symbols and Terms/Nomenclature    New Pressfit Pin packages    ISOPLUS™ family    IGBT Discretes    IGBT Modules    Power MOSFETs    Diodes    Thyristors    Rectifier Bridges    Protection Devices    Gate Drivers/Power Relays    Diode & Thyristor(IXYS Chippenham)    Power Semiconductor Chips/Direct Copper Bonded Ceramic Substrates    Application Notes Highlights    Outline Drawings   

型号- R1280NC25M,MCD 26-16IO1B,N2055HE420,IXTT 30N50L2,R1280NC25K,R1280NC25L,MCD 56-18IO8B,IXBOD 2-52R,R1280NC25J,IXTQ 52N30P,MCK 200-18IO1,IXYR 100N120C3,LSIC2SD120C05,MDC600-22IO1W,IXYH 16N250CV1HV,LSIC2SD120C08,M0863LC360,IXTP 100N15X4,VBO 125-08NO7,DPG 15I200PA,F1600NC080,IXTH 1N450HV,T0600TB45A,LSIC2SD065E40CCA,DSEP 2X91-03A,IXBOD 2-51R,IXTX 4N300P3HV,IXTA 36N30P,VBO 72-18NO7,M4305TJ240,IXFR 64N60P,N6405EA240,IXYR 50N120C3D1,MCD580-28IO7,VUO 25-14NO8,0440 007.WRA,IXFY 36N20X3,VBO 25-12NO2,IXTT 120N15P,M1010NC400,IXBH 6N170,MCC 56-14IO1,VBE 26-06NO7,MCD160-30IO3,SXB4869G,IXTJ 3N150,DHG 10I1200PM,IXTH 120P065T,VTO 39-08HO7,IXFN 32N80P,IXTL 2N450,DMA 30P1600HR,IXBOD 2-54R,MDK950-18N1W,CS 20-25MOT1,IXBOD 2-55R,IXTK 140N20P,IXTR 48P20P,DH 20-18A,W2115MC560,IXTP 05N100P,IXFT 18N90P,QJ8030LH4TP,N4340TJ180,DMA 30P1600HB,W3841VC340,MKH 17RP650DCGLB 11,,SXB4649HEXT,IXBOD 2-17RD,DSEP 40-03AS,IXFH 42N50P2,Q8025K6TP,IXFH 22N50P,DPG 30C200HB,DSI 30-12AS,MCMA 240UI1600ED,IXBOD 2-53R,M0367WC220,VUM 25-05E,CPC1786J,IXYT 80N90C3,T0840NC17E,CLA 100E1200HB,N3533ZD180,R0717LC16H,IXTR 140P10T,R0717LC16G,IXFT 60N50P3,VUM 33-06PH,IXFA 22N65X2,VUO 84-16NO7,MIXA 60W1200TED,MDD275-30N3,IXA 70I1200NA,IXYH 80N90C3,IXTQ 86N25T,IXFN 80N60P3,MDMA 65P1600TG,IXTL 2N470,IXTT 88N30P,XAA170,MCR500-30IO7,N6405EA280,DSA 30I100PA,IXGX 55N120A3H1,E0770HF65F,IXFR 40N90P,W7045MC030,IXTQ 44N50P,XK2000SA114M,IX4351NE 130,MDNA 660U2200PTEH,MIXG 180W1200TEH,LOC210,IXFK 120N25P,LOC211,IXGH 20N120A3,DSB 15IM30UC,IXTQ 26N50P,IXTP 450P2,IXFH 86N30T,IXFK 120N65X2,N2086NC060,IXTP 60N20T,MDD 142-12N1,IXXH 30N60B3D1,XSK4400DA116M076,CPC1788J,IXFB 40N110P,N2055HE450,IXBOD 2-56R,DHG 10I1200PA,M4305TJ280,DSA 60C60HB,IXFK 240N25X3,MCD720-18IO7,F1300NC45P,R0717LC14H,W121CEC180,W4205TE520,R0717LC14G,XW180GC34B,MMIX 1G75N250,XW180GC34A,IXBOD 1-30R,IXTY 1R4N100P,MDO 500-18N1,XSK3400DA076038,VBO 25-16AO2,VBO 50-16NO7,K1947ZC400,IXFQ 26N50P3,DSEP 2X91-06A,MEO 450-12DA,S0500YC25Y,IXYQ 30N65B3D1,W3842MC240,S6004DS2RP,G4000EF250,CLA 100E1200KB,IXTT 1N450HV,VUB 116-16NOXT,H0700KC140,VW 2X60-12IO1,MCMA 265P1600KA,DPG 10I200PA,IXFT 46N30T,IXYP 10N65C3D1,IXTH 440N055T2,N3533ZD140,DPG 10I200PM,Q8015LTP,DSA 70C200HB,DPG 30I300HA,DSA 50C100QB,IXTH 30N50L2,R3047TC28M,R3047TC28N,MCC 44-14IO8B,R3047TC28K,MCNA 180PD2200YB,MCD 255-16IO1,N2172ZD450,MCO 500-16IO1,DCG 20C1200HR,MCD 162-18IO1,VVZB-16IOXT,DSSK 40-006B,IXGH 10N170A,VUO 62-14NO7,M0710LC600,Ø IXTP 130N15X4,N4472HK180,IXBOD 1-32RD,DHH 55-36N1F,DSSK 18-0025BS,MCD 56-18IO1B,IXFK 220N20X3,Ø IXG 70IF1200NA,F0900VF520,IXBOD 2-35RD,IXTA 90N075T2,R2475ZD28R,VUB 120-16NOX,IXYP 20N120C4,R2475ZD28N,M0367WC280,IXYP 20N120C3,M1609NC260,R2475ZD28M,IXXH 40N65B4,MDD 26-14N1B,VUO 98-16NO7,MDD 310-18N1,MCD 26-16IO8B,MITA 300RF1700PTED,H0700KC14Y,MDC500-22IO1,VBO 52-08NO7,XAA117,DSEP 2X61-12B,DSEP 2X61-12A,IXFX 180N15P,S8055RTP,VUO 68-08NO7,MCNA 120PD2200TB-NI,MIXA 41W1200ED,IXTH 06N220P3HV,IXTP 10P50P,MCD500-18IO1,MMO 140-12IO7,IXYP 20N120B4,MCC500-22IO1,IXFH 50N85X,W3842MC280,DSSK 40-008B,DSSK 60-02A,IXFR 102N30P,N4472HK160,IXFH 12N120P,H0700KC17Y,MCC320-36IO2,M1494NK250,XSL300C2WS,DSEP 2X25-12C,IXFH 100N25P,IXTK 200N10L2,DSEP 12-12B,MMIX 1B20N300C,DSEP 12-12A,IXTH 50N25T,IXFN 140N30P,H0700KC17D,W3842MC28A,DSEI 60-06A,MCD 225-12IO1,LSIC2SD065D06A,M0451YC120,DSEI 2X161-12P,DHG 50X650NA,MCMA 35PD1200TB,MDC550-12IO1,DSI 2X55-12A,IXTY 8N65X2,MCC 255-16IO1,IXYP 20N120A4,IXTH 460P2,LCA220,MDD 56-18N1B,MDC580-28IO7,W9830TJ150MBR,R1280NC21J,CLA 100E1200TZ,IXTP 230N04T4,R1280NC21M,VBE 17-06NO7,R1280NC21K,R1280NC21L,M1609NC200,IXGX 120N60A3,MMO 175-16IO7,IXGK 82N120A3,DSSK 48-0025B,CS 19-08HO1S,DSEC 30-12A,MCD501-16IO2,MIXG 240W1200PTEH,LSIC2SD120E30CC,SJ6012DRP,VUO 105-18NO7,R1280NC22J,MCD 72-18IO1B,VUO 160-18NO7,IX4310T,R1280NC22K,R1280NC22L,R1280NC22M,F0900VC450,MEO 500-06DA,SXB2167FB,IXTQ 60N10T,IXFN 30N120P,VUO 30-08NO3,M0334RJ200,DSA 60C60PB,MDD 255-16N1,IXFH 18N65X2,MCC 225-12IO1,R2620ZC22L,MDA 810-18N2,R2620ZC22K,IXBH 10N170,R2620ZC22J,MDMA 140P1200TG,MDA950-18N1W,NANOASMDC016F-2,IXFN 40N110P,IXFX 250N10P,MCD320-30IO2,IXTY 10P15T,IXBOD 2-50R,DPG 30I300PA,IXFN 50N120SK,CPC3902,N2172ZD420,IXTT 16N20D2,MDD 710-26N2,W3841VC300,N4340TJ180MBR,IXTP 12N65X2,N3175HE160,SV6020R2TP,DSEI 60-02A,DPG 60C400QB,CPC3909,W2115MC520,DSEC 60-06B,DSEC 60-06A,MCMA 450UH1600TEH,DSSK 30-018A,IXYP 10N65C3,IXBH 22N300HV,IXTA 62N15P,CNE 60E2200TZ,DSI 2X55-16A,IXFR 180N15P,F1500NC200,LSIC2SD120C10,IXFP 220N06T3,MCD600-22IO1W,IXTA 36P15P,MIXG 360PF1200PSTED,F1500NC250,IXFH 80N65X2-4,MDD 175-28N1,IXBT 32N300HV,DSA 35-12A,IXTX 60N50L2,M0710LC560,R5145FA42V,IXTH 30N50P,R5145FA42W,DHG 100X650NA,IXGT 10N170A,IXFA 10N80P,MMIX 1T132N50P3,FMM 22-06PF,DMA 30P1200HB,DSA 75-16B,W5130MK280,IXTH 2R4N120P,LSIC1MO120T0080,IXTX 80N30L2,IXYN 75N65C3D1,MDD630-36N2,DSEI 2X161-06P,W5838ZD220,DSEI 60-12A,IXYH 40N65C3H1,W5282ZC240,IXTR 210P10T,MDMA 425P1600PTSF,IXXK 300N60C3,P0848YC06B,P0848YC06C,DHG 60C600HB,DPG 30P300PJ,LSIC1MO120E0040,S0700KC14Y,IXFK 220N15P,MCC 26-16IO1B,IXGK 55N120A3H1,DSA 1

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