Understanding Directional Coupler in Five Minutes
In a microwave system, it is often necessary to divide the microwave power of one channel into several channels in proportion, which involves power distribution issues. The components that realize this function are called power distribution components or couplers, which mainly include: Directional Couplers, power dividers, and various microwave branch devices.
This article mainly introduces the function of the coupler and its common properties.
The directional coupler is a radio frequency device that extracts a small portion of the signal from the main channel of the wireless signal. Like the power divider, it belongs to the power distribution device. The difference is that the coupler is a distribution device of unequal power. When the coupler and the power divider are used together, it is mainly to achieve the goal to distribute the transmission power of the signal source to each antenna port of the indoor distribution system as evenly as possible, so that the transmission power of each antenna port is basically the same.
The power at the input port of an ideal coupler is equal to the sum of the power at the coupled port and the power at the output port, in watts (W), that is:
The important parameters of the coupler are coupling degree and insertion loss.
The coupling degree is the ratio of the power of the coupled port to the input port, expressed in dB, it is generally a negative value. The larger the absolute value of the coupling degree is, the smaller the insertion loss is.
Insertion loss is the ratio of the power at the output port to the input port. The greater the absolute value of the coupling degree, the smaller the absolute value of the insertion loss.
Expressed in dB, there is the following relationship:
The relationship between insertion loss (dB) and coupling degree (dB) of a coupler can be expressed as:
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UIYDCP13315A 500 to 2500MHz – Directional Coupler
型号- UIYDCP13315A500T2500C30SF,UIYDCP13315A500T2500C20SF,UIYDCP13315A,UIYDCP13315A500T2500C10SF
350 to 2700MHz – Directional Coupler
型号- UIYDCP22440A350T2700C40NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C10NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C7NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C20NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C5NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C15NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C30NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C6NF,UIYDCP22440A350T2700C25NF
UIYDCP4315E 6 to 18GHz – Directional Coupler
UIYDCP4315A 2 to 8GHz –Directional Coupler
UIYDCP5525A 2 to 8GHz – Directional Coupler
UIY Released New 180° 3dB UIY2T2HC4040A, Operating Over 6-18GHz Ultrawide Band, Insertion Loss Less Than 1.5dB
The new released 180degree 3dB coupler UIY2T2HC4040A is designed to operate over 6-18GHz ultrawide band. It works at insertion loss less than 1.5dB, isolation higher than 16dB, VSWR1.6:1 in maximum. This unique model provides Phase Imbalance±8˚, and amplitude Imbalance±0.6.
UIY2T2HC14844B 698-2700MHz - 2 way Combiner / Hybrid Coupler
型号- UIY2T2HC14844B800T2500NF,UIY2T2HC14844B698T2700NF,UIY2T2HC14844B800T2500SF,UIY2T2HC14844B,UIY2T2HC14844B698T2700SF
3 to 6GHz – Dual Directional Coupler
UIYDDCP10025A3T6C10NF 3 to 6GHz – Dual Directional Coupler
UIY2T1HC14244A 698-2700MHz - 2 way Combiner / Hybrid Coupler
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800 to 3600MHz – Dual Directional Coupler
型号- UIYDDCP21424A800T3600CI10CO7SF,UIYDDCP21424A800T3600CI10CO7NF
UIY3T1HC30480B 400-470MHz - 3 way Combiner / Hybrid Coupler
型号- UIY3T1HC30480B400T470NF,UIY3T1HC30480B,UIY3T1HC30480B400T470SF
4 to 12.4GHz –Directional Coupler
型号- UIYDCP4315C4T124C20SF,UIYDCP4315C4T124C30SF,UIYDCP4315C4T124C10SF
最小起订量: 1 提交需求>
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