Renesas Releases Next-Generation WPC Qi 1.3-Certified Reference Design for Automotive In-Cabin Wireless Charging
Provides ASIL B Functional Safety and Supports Fast Charging Modes for Latest Phone Models
Qi 1.3-Certified Reference Design for In-Cabin Automotive Wireless Charging Stations
TOKYO, Japan ― RENESAS Electronics Corporation (TSE:6723), a premier supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions, today released a next-generation customer reference design for automotive wireless charging stations. The new P9261-3C-CRBv2 provides industry-leading features that enable automotive manufacturers to quickly and efficiently deliver premium performance and safety features for in-cabin wireless charging.
The P9261-3C-CRBv2 solution includes the automotive-qualified wireless power controller P9261 with MP-A13 3-coils reference design as the wireless power transmitter (TX). It offers a large active charging area with high efficiency and exceptional EMC/EMI performance. The reference design offers compliance to the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) Qi 1.3 standard EPP (Extended Power Profile) for 15W charging. It also supports proprietary charging profiles and is capable of 50W power delivery.
The new P9261-3C-CRBv2 design includes a Renesas RH850 automotive MCU as a host controller. This enables the system to provide functional safety features that comply with Automotive Safety Integrity Level B (ASIL B).
The P9261-3C-CRBv2 EVK can be controlled and monitored real-time by a graphical user interface (GUI). This GUI provides numerical readouts of key parameters, such as the selected coil, transmitter status, input voltage, buck output current, Tx power, and bridge voltage. The GUI enables easy programming changes and can update firmware. The GUI also supports tuning customer-specific variables related to hardware design, such as settings for foreign object detection (FOD).
“The P9261-3C-CRBv2 reference design demonstrates why automotive customers utilize Renesas’ easy-to-use design environment to swiftly develop next-generation solutions,” said Niall Lyne, Vice President, Automotive Power and Video Business Division at Renesas. “It offers the best wireless charging performance available and supports the latest safety features required by customers.”
P9261-3C-CRBv2 Reference Design Features
· Complies with WPC Qi 1.3 standard for 15W charging
· Supports proprietary charging profiles, capable of 50W fast charging
· Functional safety with ASIL B compliance
· Large active charging area
· Best in class EMI performance, compliant to CISPR-25 standard
· Easy-to-use GUI-based design software includes settings for Renesas’ patented Foreign Object Detection (QFOD)
· Proprietary and Qi-compliant bi-directional Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) communication
Wireless Charging Winning Combination
Renesas offers "Winning Combinations," compelling product combinations that help customers accelerate designs and get to market faster. The Automotive In-Cabin Wireless Power Solution Winning Combination includes the P9261, along with PMIC, power, and microcontroller offerings from Renesas.
The new automotive wireless charging reference design, which includes the P9261-3C-CRBv2 EVK (Evaluation Kit), is available now.
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世强暂未代理NXP产品线,世强代理的瑞萨车规级32位MCU,RH850系列,具体选型资料可参考世强电商平台:RH850 Family
世强代理有Silicon Labs EFM8/EFM32系列8位MCU/32位MCU,Renesas 汽车级MCU RL78 系列,RH850、V850系列,工业级MCU RX系列等。 没有ST的
32位MCU没有好不好之分,需要根据应用的具体需求选择合适的资源。世强代理的Silicon Labs和Renesas两个品牌具有32位MCU,都是有很广泛的应用市场,可靠性方面是经过时间和市场验证的。
瑞萨的8位MCU属于老的78K系列,目前主推的产品是超低功耗的16位MCU RL78系列。请在世强元件电商平台搜索关键词“RL78”,便可获得相关资料。
世强目前主推的MCU产品线有Silicon Labs及RENESAS,以下是Silicon Labs的MCU选型指南,您可以点击查看:【选型】Silicon Labs(芯科科技) EFM8 8位MCU选型指南更多咨询,欢迎您随时与我们取得联系,谢谢! 服务热线:400-887-3266 服务邮箱
世强代理silicon labs 全线产品线其中MCU有基于c8051内核8位MCU,C8051Fxxx,EFM8系列和基于ARM Cortex-M0+,M3,M4内核32位MCU,EFM32系列;代理Renesas(瑞萨)全系列MCU。还有一些无线可编程MCU,详情请参考
【经验】一文认识瑞萨RH850 MCU的RAM空间
Renesas(瑞萨电子)汽车大集成MCU RH850系列,集车身,底盘,发动机功能资源为一体,采用40nm工艺,符合ISO26262 ASIL-B~ASIL D的功能安全标准,支持HSM加密模块。本文主要介绍RH850系列MCU的 ram空间。
【经验】CS+开发瑞萨MCU RH850的ADC+DMA调试指引
Renesas的RH850 F1K是汽车车身控制的首选MCU,由于高性能和安全性得到汽车客户认可,但由于开发资料有限,导致许多客户开发比较头痛。近期有客户在使用DMA的开发中遇到了问题,下面结合F1K的开发板实现ADC+DMA的驱动设计。
【经验】瑞萨MCU RH850/U2A8的GHS调试链接配置方式
【经验】关于瑞萨MCU RH850的option bytes配置说明
瑞萨MCU RH850比较特殊的地方,其中一点就是Option Bytes配置。Option Bytes实际上是一个扩展区域,用于保存用户上电初始化配置的参数。我们以RH850 F1L系列为例。
你好,可以选择瑞萨支持ICUMD功能的MCU,ICUSE相关的MCU仅支持简单的AES-128引擎(ECB和CBC模式),可以参考如下数据手册: RH850/F1KH, RH850/F1KM User’s Manual。
【经验】RH850 MCU内置的智能加密单元ICU,保护车辆ECU系统免遭篡改或盗窃损害
瑞萨电子RH850 MCU内置的智能加密单元ICU很好的解决了这些问题,将秘钥存储在单独的存储区域中,CPU无法直接访问,需要通过专用机制来增强实际的防篡改功能,支持高端的加密操作如RSA,ECC等;可以提供防止软件操纵,连接硬件和软件,安全启动,网络节点中ECU的验证等安全服务。
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