Introduction to RF Ferrite Circulator Isolator
This Article shares about Introduction to the RF Ferrite Circulator isolator. RF Circulators and Isolators are defined as RF Ferrite components, that transfer RF signals by control of the ferrites. An RF signal experiences a low loss in the direction of the arrow and a high loss in reverse due to its non-reciprocal.
RF Circulators and Isolators non-reciprocal work on the magnetic fields. The RF signal can still be reciprocal in the magnetic fields without RF Ferrite. The resonant frequency was based on the RF Ferrite in the device.
The connection of RF Circulators:
RF Circulator is featured by its non-reciprocal in transmitting electromagnetic waves. The ideal insertion lossless N port Circulator only allows the electromagnetic waves from one port in, and all from the next port out.
A picture of the three-port circulator below, the electromagnetic wave input from port 1 can only be output from port 2, and input from port 3 can only be output from port 1.
Ideally, waves cannot go in reverse.
3-Port RF Circulator
The Applications of RF Circulators
Usually, a three-port circulator can be used as a duplexer. Port1 connects with the transmitter, Port2 connects to the antenna and Port3 connects to the receiver to achieve the purpose of sharing the same antenna.
In order to prevent the reflected electromagnetic wave from burning the receiver, when using it in a high-power system, it is quite common to connect a Limiter between the port3 and the receiver.
Another application of the circulator is to connect several circulators together to function as a parametric amplifier. For example, connect the three circulators together to the dummy load at the terminal.
The applications of RF Isolators:
When one port of the circulator connects with a matching load, the component can be used as RF isolator.
RF isolators are widely used in the protection of high-power RF generators in order to prevent the generator from being unstable or even burned due to load changes caused by reflected power. Use an isolator to take out the reflected power between the antenna and transmitter or between communication systems and the radar systems.
An RF isolator can also be used on the receiver port.
RF isolator
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The Main Application of RF Circulator
In this article UIY will introduce two common applications of circulators: duplexer and RF isolators.
RF Circulator Circuit Symbol
The RF circulator has its own circuit symbol to facilitate its representation on electronic circuit diagrams or schematics. The basic symbol consists of a circle and an arrow, indicating the direction of the power cycle.
优译同轴环行器、表面封装环行器(SMT环形器)、微带环行器、单节微带环行器、微带基片环行器、嵌入式带线环行器选型;多种频率范围,Insertion Loss Max(dB):0.2-5dB,Isolation Min(dB):1.4-30dB,VSWR Max:1.15-1.8,Forward Power(W):2-1500W,Reverse Power(W):2-1500W,低插损、高隔离、高功率;可按客户要求定制。
Freq. Range(MHz、GHz)
Insertion Loss Max(dB)
Isolation Min(dB)
Forward Power(W)
Reverse Power(W)
Connector Type
5.4 ~ 5.9 GHz
-40 ~ +85
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X-band RF Isolator and Circulator
The X-band belongs to the microwave frequency range. There are two versions of X-band: one refers to the radio wave band with a frequency of 8-12GHz, and the other refers to the frequency range of X-band with a frequency of 7-11.2GHz. This artical introduces some X-band RF isolators and circulators.
How to choose Diplexer or Circulator?
A Diplexer(duplexer) is a three-port passive radio frequency device that is a very common in communications, radar, and other sensing applications. Today UYI will share how to choose duplexer from circulators in practical applications.
优译同轴环行器/同轴环形器,多种频率范围,Insertion Loss Max(dB):0.2-5dB,Isolation Min(dB):11-30dB,VSWR Max:1.15-1.8,Forward Power(W):10-600W,Reverse Power(W):10-600W,低插损、高隔离、高功率;可按客户要求定制.
Freq. Range(MHz、GHz)
Insertion Loss Max(dB)
Isolation Min(dB)
Forward Power(W)
Reverse Power(W)
Connector Type
10 ~ 12 MHz
+20 ~ +60
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Installation Instruction of Drop In Isolator & Circulator
The Drop in isolator/circulator is usually installed on the circuit board,in this paper,UIY will introduce Installation Instruction of Drop In Isolator & Circulator.
Installation of UIY Surface Mounting Isolator/Circulator
UIY Surface Mount Isolator and Circulators, featured by its small size, easy to install by reflow soldering, offer high frequency and rich frequency range which are one of the popular choices among our customers.
UIYCC1522A 4.4 to 7.2GHz – Coaxial Circulator
Microstrip Isolator/Circulator Mounting Instruction Manual
In this article, UIY will share the mounting instruction manual for the microstrip isolator/microstrip circulator.
What Should We Pay Attention to When Use The RF Isolators/Circulators?
What should we pay attention to when use the RF Isolators/circulators?In this paper UIY will show you some experience.
UIYCC1522A 4.0 to 7.2GHz – Coaxial Circulator
UIYDC1220A 4 to 7GHz 一 Drop in Circulator
型号- UIYDC1220A57T65,UIYDC1220A47T52,UIYDC1220A5T6,UIYDC1220A635T655,UIYDC1220A6T7,UIYDC1220A54T59,UIYDC1220A,UIYDC1220A57T59,UIYDC1220A45T5,UIYDC1220A5T58,UIYDC1220A55T6,UIYDC1220A52T59
UIYDC4546A 1.0 to 3.8GHz 一 Drop in Circulator
型号- UIYDC4546A2110T2170,UIYDC4546A1900T2200,UIYDC4546A1700T2100,UIYDC4546A2700T3100,UIYDC4546A2700T3000,UIYDC4546A3400T3800,UIYDC4546A1700T1900,UIYDC4546A1920T1990,UIYDC4546A2300T2500,UIYDC4546A2400T2600,UIYDC4546A3100T3500,UIYDC4546A1710T1785,UIYDC4546A2500T2700,UIYDC4546A2000T2300,UIYDC4546A1070T1210,UIYDC4546A1500T1700,UIYDC4546A2000T2500,UIYDC4546A2350T2550,UIYDC4546A1350T1550,UIYDC4546A1805T1880,UIYDC4546A,UIYDC4546A1805T2170,UIYDC4546A1000T1050
最小起订量: 1 提交需求>
整体外形尺寸小至0.6*0.3*0.3mm (DFN0603),工作电压范围覆盖2.5V~36V,电容值低至0.2pF,浪涌能力最高可达240安培,静电等级可达空气放电、接触放电±30KV。提供免费浪涌测试仪、静电测试仪测试。
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