Pairing An R-Car SoC Microprocessor with RH850 and PMIC, System Solution for CoGW ECUs Can Be Realized
Did you know that RENESAS is the market-leading chip maker in the new Automotive Car Server/Communication Gateway (CoGW) market segment? To set the background – a combination of regulatory and market factors is forcing dramatic change today – from conventional cars with combustion engines toward electrified, autonomous, connected cars. In tandem, new business models are emerging that apply pressure to enable new vehicle features, subscription services, entertainment apps, and car-sharing services over the entire lifetime of a vehicle. The days are numbered for production of cars with features and capabilities that are static.
The vision of car makers today is a vehicle that is more of a smartphone on wheels than conventional automobile. Among the challenges on the road toward realizing this vision are the exponential growth in data-bandwidth requirements, and complete re-thinking of the way that software is architected and deployed. The number and capability of vehicle features can increase with the availability of more data, but software size also increases in accordance with increased feature content. Management and scaling of the increasing volume of software requires the conversion to a service-oriented-architecture (SOA) style of software design, and up-integration of software features to more powerful, centralized electronic control units (ECUs). SOA enables the fast-paced development and deployment of software in the world of mobile computing. Centralization of vehicle software enables new software-development and software-ownership models. In addition, as vehicles take increasing control of their own motion and integrate more deeply into our lives, as smartphones have done, advanced functional safety and enhanced security features are needed to enable secure, over-the-air transfers of data and software updates between connected cars and Cloud services.
While these trends are driving toward the goals of agile development and faster feature deployment, the gears of the Automotive industry are still spinning up, and preparatory work has been ongoing for years to push the necessary fundamental changes in technology to the market. In fact, the R&D for a Communication Gateway/Car Server ECU platform has been underway for more than 4 years at our market-leading customer, who were pioneers in this innovative, new market segment. At the time, they chose the chip supplier with highest device quality, high functional-safety capabilities, best-in-class ratio of computing performance to power consumption, and high commitment to the Automotive market. It should come as no surprise that the choice was Renesas.
The first volume production using this new Electrical/Electronic (E/E) architecture began at the end of 2019 with an electric vehicle (EV) line. The automaker’s plan is to expand the use of this E/E architecture platform to every other vehicle line over the next few years. To provide a sense of scale, an eight-digit yearly run rate is expected in full mass production by this company alone. We are proud to have contributed to this innovative Body High Performance Computer project. Other automakers will follow, introducing similar, new E/E architectures over the coming years, and we will continue to facilitate the rapid growth of this market segment.
Our dedicated, system solution for CoGW ECUs can be realized by pairing an R-Car system-on-a-chip (SoC) microprocessor with an RH850 microcontroller (MCU) and various analog chips such as the Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC).
For new projects, customers that already use similar Renesas SoC and MCU devices in various, legacy IVI/Cockpit and Body-application ECU platforms can enjoy a high level of software and hardware re-use. This is a great benefit, as software has a major impact on development cost and Time to Market (TTM).
Even new customers or R&D groups can benefit from the strong software ecosystem for R-Car and RH850 devices and begin rapid prototyping or proof-of-concept evaluation: Renesas is the first chip maker to provide a comprehensive reference design for the Connected Gateway/Car Server application, complete with the CETITEC communication software stack. This evaluation platform, called “Vehicle Computer 2,” has been developed in cooperation with our eco-system partner CETITEC. It is based on a complete Renesas chipset, covering the Connected Gateway/Car Server application up to a performance level of 40k DMIPS. The box can be used for evaluation, rapid prototyping, or data logging, and offers specific support for automotive requirements and communication standards such as CAN(FD), LIN, MOST, FlexRay, PCIe, and Ethernet. Various IEEE802.1/IEEE802.3 Ethernet TSN protocols are supported to realize high-bandwidth, real-time communication. For more details on the box and it’s features, please refer to this video.
Please visit our website for more technical detail about the Renesas multi-protocol gateway solution for all major Automotive communication interfaces, including Ethernet TSN. Related R-Car SoC and RH850 MCU documentation can be found there as well.
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【应用】支持512K Flash的MCU助力汽车SBW系统设计
世强代理的RISC-V内核MCU厂家越来越多,还在不断增长。 国外厂家有瑞萨 【产品】瑞萨推出全新RISC-V MCU R9A02G020,优化先进电机控制系统设计和降低用户开发成本 国内厂家介绍如下: 广芯微内置32位RISC-V内核的PD SoC芯片UM3506,最高主频33MHz 全球首家全栈自研RISC-V内核的通讯接口芯片/全栈MCU供应商沁恒(WCH) RISC-V内核低功耗32位MCU,中移芯昇授权世强先进全线代理 芯昇科技携多款芯片产品亮相ICDIA,助力RISC-V生态发展 先楫半导体提供多系列通用MCU,以开源的RISC-V架构为核心,综合性能达世界领先水平 航顺芯片首次进入胡润全球独角兽榜,已量产中国第一颗M3+RISC-V多核MCU 中微半导体积极推动RISC-V架构安全化、智能化,共筑国产安全芯片生态 博流业界第一款基于RISC-V CPU的WI-FI+BLE双模SoC芯片,打造智慧家居AIoT芯片平台 璇玑CLE系列是核芯互联基于32位RISC-V内核推出的通用嵌入式MCU处理器 方寸微电子加入RISC-V产业联盟,推动安全芯片国产化,打破国外芯片技术垄断
【经验】一文认识瑞萨RH850 MCU的RAM空间
Renesas(瑞萨电子)汽车大集成MCU RH850系列,集车身,底盘,发动机功能资源为一体,采用40nm工艺,符合ISO26262 ASIL-B~ASIL D的功能安全标准,支持HSM加密模块。本文主要介绍RH850系列MCU的 ram空间。
世强代理有Silicon Labs EFM8/EFM32系列8位MCU/32位MCU,Renesas 汽车级MCU RL78 系列,RH850、V850系列,工业级MCU RX系列等。世强有代理进芯电子32位浮点DSP,32位定点DSP,16位DSP,国内唯一可批量供货的32位工业控制DSP供应商。
瑞萨公开下一代车用SoC和MCU处理器产品路线图,全新R-Car MCU系列扩展其车辆控制产品阵容
瑞萨电子公开了针对汽车领域所有主要应用的下一代片上系统(SoC)和微控制器(MCU)计划。未来产品阵容包括采用先进小芯片封装(Chiplet)集成技术的R-Car SoC和基于Arm®核的车用MCU。
【经验】CS+开发瑞萨MCU RH850的ADC+DMA调试指引
Renesas的RH850 F1K是汽车车身控制的首选MCU,由于高性能和安全性得到汽车客户认可,但由于开发资料有限,导致许多客户开发比较头痛。近期有客户在使用DMA的开发中遇到了问题,下面结合F1K的开发板实现ADC+DMA的驱动设计。
【经验】瑞萨MCU RH850/U2A8的GHS调试链接配置方式
描述- 本资料介绍了如何防止RA系列微控制器(MCU)因异常注入电流而损坏。内容包括推荐的注入电流条件、不同型号的参数限制以及额外的说明和建议,旨在指导用户在设计和应用过程中采取适当的措施以保护MCU免受损害。
【经验】瑞萨RH850 MCU芯片如何实现从BOOT跳转到APP地址中执行?
【经验】关于瑞萨MCU RH850的option bytes配置说明
瑞萨MCU RH850比较特殊的地方,其中一点就是Option Bytes配置。Option Bytes实际上是一个扩展区域,用于保存用户上电初始化配置的参数。我们以RH850 F1L系列为例。
【经验】以RH850/F1K MCU为例,分享怎么提高CPU使用效益
【经验】RH850 MCU内置的智能加密单元ICU,保护车辆ECU系统免遭篡改或盗窃损害
瑞萨电子RH850 MCU内置的智能加密单元ICU很好的解决了这些问题,将秘钥存储在单独的存储区域中,CPU无法直接访问,需要通过专用机制来增强实际的防篡改功能,支持高端的加密操作如RSA,ECC等;可以提供防止软件操纵,连接硬件和软件,安全启动,网络节点中ECU的验证等安全服务。
【经验】如何解决MCU RH850 C1MA2多核响应INTC2共享中断的问题
最近,有客户在调试瑞萨MCU RH850 C1MA2的多核响应中断的时候,发现中断不能正常响应的问题。具体情况是这样的,根据方案设计,部分中断响应需要通过不同的内核来并发响应中断,以提高MCU执行效率。
【经验】基于MCU CS+ RH850/F1K Boot开发指引
车载ECU开发都需要通过Boot实现在线升级,Boot是嵌在APP前面执行的程序,在需要更新APP代码时会对flash APP部分重新编程。近期有客户调试RH850/F1K MCU出现Boot跳到APP程序不能执行,下面以开发板为例实现Boot到APP。
最小起订量: 1000 提交需求>
最小起订量: 1pcs 提交需求>
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