Newsight Imaging Introduced The NSI3000EVBX, a Reference Design Board That Demonstrates Its eTOF™ Patented Technology
Ness Ziona, Israel – January 9, 2019 – Newsight Imaging, an Israeli startup that develops CMOS Image Sensor chips for machine vision geared to the robotics, automotive, Smart City, Industry 4.0 and mobile devices markets introduced the NSI3000EVBX, a full reference design kit for advanced 3D depth imaging. The kit is designed for use with Newsight Imaging’s NSI3000 line sensor family, which supports its patented eTOF™ technology.
The field-proven patented eTOF™ technology delivers accurate, long-distance, and high frame-rate acquisition of depth points, in addition to unique solutions such as reflection filtering. Unlike other technologies, calculation of each depth distance point with eTOF™ technology requires minimal clock cycles and a small number of frames; this makes it well-suited to low power consumption devices, such as mobile devices, including smartphones, while significantly reducing overall costs. According to Yole Développement, the depth-sensing consumer market is expected to reach $6B in 2022, driven by Mobile phone applications.
The kit includes:
– A carrying PCB with the NSI3000 chip, an eTOF™ friendly laser driver, and a socket for a laser light source (or VCSEL)
– A Xilinx-based controller board attached to the carrying board
– A set of software drivers to operate the board
– An application running on a PC to display the depth point distance
– A full step-by-step guide for a customer prototype build.
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本文由唯独你没懂转载自Newsight Imaging News,原文标题为:NEWSIGHT IMAGING INTRODUCES THE NSI3000EVBX, A REFERENCE DESIGN BOARD THAT DEMONSTRATES NEWSIGHT IMAGING’S eTOF™ (enhanced Time Of Flight) PATENTED TECHNOLOGY,本站所有转载文章系出于传递更多信息之目的,且明确注明来源,不希望被转载的媒体或个人可与我们联系,我们将立即进行删除处理。
Newsight Imaging推出的NSI3000是一款虚拟分辨率为 8192×1 的成像芯片,物理分辨率为 2048×8,用于激光雷达。芯片可以在两种模式下工作,分别是高分辨率相机和未来的3D相机。
Newsight Imaging Launched the NSI1000, a Full System Area Sensor Suitable for Automotive and machine vision Applications
Newsight Imaging, a leading 3D depth sensor chip manufacturer, announced the launch of its first area sensor chip NSI1000, which is changing machine vision, automotive, and industrial machine vision applications.
Newsight Imaging发布新的eTOF™(增强型飞行时间)2.5开发套件,为客户开发深度传感产品提供了一个快速通道!eTOF 2.5开发套件可帮助客户获得优质的点云图,适用于Newsight NSI9000和NSI1000深度传感参考设计模组。
NSI3000 2D激光雷达CMOS成像仪数据表
描述- NSI3000是一款2D激光雷达CMOS成像芯片,具备高分辨率和高灵敏度特性。该芯片可用于激光雷达、高分辨率相机和未来可能的3D相机应用。芯片采用虚拟分辨率为8192×1,物理分辨率为2048×8,支持多种操作模式,并通过串行接口进行配置。
型号- NSI3000
Newsight Imaging是一家以色列3D CMOS 机器视觉芯片设计公司。自2016年成立以来,截至目前为止已推出NSI3000,NSI1000,NSI9000三款机器视觉芯片。
韩国传感器领先制造商Jinoid选择Newsight CMOS图像传感器作为高级视觉解决方案
韩国领先的传感器解决方案制造商Jinoid宣布选择Newsight Imaging的CMOS图像传感器作为其先进的智能视觉系统和检查传感器,NSI3000线传感器和NSI1000区域传感器已经成功通过Jinoid的评估,并且已经提供并组装了第一批共1000枚芯片。
Newsight Imaging Introduced eTOF™ LiDAR, a Groundbreaking Reference Design for 3D long range LiDAR
Newsight Imaging based on Newsight’s NSI1000 sensor chip, the reference design targets Automotive 1st tier safety application and robotics LiDARs. The kit is available for ordering starting in January 2021, and includes a demonstration of 32X1024 depth points, capturing a 3D image concurrently, with no moving parts or MEMS. The design is based on class-1 eye-safe VCSEL with an offered field of view (FOV) of 30 degrees and will be enhanced later up to FOV of 120 degrees.
机器视觉芯片及方案公司 Newsight Imaging
描述- Newsight Imaging成立于2016年,是一家以色列半导体公司,专注于研发3D图像传感器和解决方案。公司已推出5款芯片,拥有33个全球合作伙伴。产品应用于机器视觉、光谱分析、智能终端市场等领域。Newsight Imaging的eTOF™专利技术可实现高精度距离测量,支持多集配置,逐帧改变以增加动态范围。公司团队核心成员拥有丰富的半导体行业经验,并拥有多项技术专利。
型号- NSI1000,NSI5800,NSI3000,NSI3100,NSI3000 RDC,NSI1000 RDC,NSI9000,NSG3500,NSI5900,NSG3600,NSP1020
本文将为大家介绍Newsight Imaging(新视野科技)应用于工业测距中的场景。它提供8*2048的分辨率,在直线测量场景非常适用,一行2048的分辨率更满足远距离测量以及高精度测量的需求。解决了面阵CMOS传感器对于数据处理,一起被周围物体影响的痛点,并且保证了设备资源利用率合理化。
Newsight‘s NSI1000 chip for SSZN‘s advanced Industry 4.0 production line sensors
Newsight Imaging Ltd announces a commercial agreement with SSZN. Newsight will provide SSZN with the NSI1000 – its new and advanced sensor chip. They expect to gain a significant market share in the industrial 3D sensing and depth-sensing markets.
【应用】基于Newsight传感器NSI1000的eTOF激光雷达,体积小功耗低,支持室内/外3D测量 |视频
基于Newsight NSI9000的eTOF™激光雷达3.0人脸识别表现 ∣ 视频
Newsight Imaging基于NSI9000 传感芯片的 eTOF™激光雷达3.0近距离表现视频。在同一帧中同时显示2D和3D数据,此功能为人脸识别和DMS等应用开辟了新的可能性。
NSI1000 3D CMOS图像传感器
描述- 该文档为Newsight Imaging Ltd.提供的NSI1000 3D CMOS图像传感器的客户规格说明书。介绍了NSI1000的特点、功能描述、模块结构和编程模型。传感器适用于机器人激光雷达和增强现实/虚拟现实等领域,具有高灵敏度、低功耗等特点。
型号- NSI1000
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