Description of SinoGNSS K8-series GNSS Modules Common Commands
Upon receiving any GNSS modules/GPS modules for the first time, it's natural to want to verify certain essential information. To assist you with SinoGNSS K8-series GNSS modules in this process, We've compiled a list of frequently used checking commands that we'd like to share with you today.
Such as Log version/loglist/comconfig...
What do these instructions entail in terms of details? Let's delve into the specifics.
Begin by connecting our board and powering it on. Press the power button, and the software will promptly exhibit power-on information. For instance,
CBOOT 7.3.5 BUILD (2022-Sep-29 09:48:29) // BOOT version and version development date.
SN: 01A0 09158478 2022/03/09 A11 735 // SN number and factory date
VCXO valid! Init Value:2177. // vcxo works, Init value is 2177.
Register Code is OK. // Registration code verification successful
No valid RTC time.
##DR_GNSSFreq: 0x1!
log version // Check the receiver board type, SN serial number, firmware version, FPGA version, BOOT version and other information.
<VERSION COM1 0 60.0 UNKNOWN 1930 000141.100 00000000 0000 1114
< 1
< GPSCARD "S32352K803" "0915847800000000" "CRDK-803AA-TTT-0" "610T5-22AO2-1" "7.3.5" "2022/Dec/12" "17:54:46"
✔ GPSCARD // product type
✔ "S32352K803" // Satellite Constellation Model Information(S32352); oard model(K803)
✔ "0915847800000000" // Board SN number(09057347); Reserved(00000000)
✔ "CRDK-803AA-TTT-0" // Hardware Version Information
✔ "610T5-22AO2-1" // Firmware version(610T5); FPGA Version(22AO2); Registered,if not registered, it is empty(1).
✔ “7.3.5” // BOOT version number.
Command accepted! Port: COM1. // COM1 port has received
log loglist // view the command information currently set by the receiver/board
The content of ”LOG COMCONFIG/COMCONFIGA/COMCONFIGB” is the same, but they are different information formats.
➤ log comconfig // Check the serial port status and baud rate setting of the receiver/board.
The meanings of the numbers in the two columns of RxType/TxType are:
"1": Any setting of the port can input and output commands normally;
"27": Set as RTK differential port, unable to receive commands.
➤ log comconfiga // Describe the configuration of the serial port, such as baud rate, COM ID, etc.
✔ “#COMCONFIGA,COM1,0,60.0,UNKNOWN,1930,000416.550,00000000,0000,1114” // COMCONFIG Header ;
✔ “*df1d6a86” // 32-bit CRC check (only available for ASCII and binary)
➤ log comconfigb
Binary Message ID: 317 Week:2277 GPST:442741.000
There are three ways to express the data on the board: Simplified ASCII, ASCII, and Binary. All commands and messages can be expressed in any one of the three formats. In addition, ComNav boards also support RTCM2.X, RTCM3.X, RTCM, CMR, and NMEA format messages. The number of bytes of binary data is minimal.
log sysconfig // Check basic configuration, rtk configuration and work mode like PPS, Event, and SBAS.
If you want to know more details, you can check out the Blog :
Command Introduction: “log sysconfig”_ComNav Technology Ltd
log reglist // View board function registration information
If you want to know more details, you can check out the Blog :
Explanation Of Commonly Used Registration Options_ComNav Technology Ltd
Unlogall // cancel the output of specific serial port messages. If no serial port is specified, the message output of all serial ports will be stopped.
If the serial port is specified, the message output of the specified serial port will be stopped. For example,
unlogall com1 // then the output of serial port 1 will stop.
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GNSS Spectrum Function and Low-power Anti-interference Technology for ComNav Technology K8-series GNSS Module
Low-power Anti-interference (LAI) technology is ComNav patented advanced anti-narrowband and anti-continuous-wave interference technology. The SNR can reach 60dB and the power consumption is only 0.1W when enabled.
How to Active the Event Option for Your GNSS Module K8 series from ComNav Technology
Event technology refers to enhancing the acquisition and utilization of location information by capturing and processing specific events related to location.The technology records the precise moment and precise coordinate information of an event. When the module receives the EVENT triggers pulse signal, it locks the data at the corresponding time in time for processing, and outputs the original observation, time, position and other information.
司南导航(Comnav Technology)K8系列北斗/GNSS高精度定位模块选型指南
目录- 公司介绍 核心技术 K系列模块对比表 高精度模块 数传模块 北斗RDSS短报文通信模块 行业应用 服务与支持 生产与管理
型号- EVK-QD302,CRU,K8-U70,RD02,K803+U70,CDL7,K系列,QD302,K803_EK0405,EVK-K823,U703,EVK-K803,K803_EK0407,K801,K823,W803,GBAS,K802,U70,K827,K803,K823_EK0407,K807,K8系列,K823+U70,K803_EK0610
描述- 本指南为ComNav Technology K系列OEM板提供了安装、配置和操作说明。指南涵盖了OEM板的概述、评估套件、相关文档、安装指南、CRU软件配置、工作模式配置、常用命令和固件更新等内容。指南详细介绍了如何使用CRU软件进行OEM板的配置,包括状态检查、命令接口、NTRIP配置、数据记录配置和数据管理。此外,还介绍了不同工作模式的配置,如平滑模式、SBAS模式、RTK模式、RTD模式和移动基线模式。最后,指南还提供了常用命令的说明。
型号- K728,K706,K726,K803,K705,K708,K-SERIES,K823,K700,K8-SERIES
司南导航(Comnav Technology)GNSS模块选型表
目录- GNSS模块
型号- K827,K823E,K8,K803‐U70,K9,K803_EK0405,K803 LITE‐QD302,EVK‐K823,EVK‐K803,K802S,K823‐U70,K803_EK0407,K11,K10,K801,K823,K802,K803LITE,K803,K823_EK0407,K825,K803S5,K807,K825S,K827S,K803_EK0610,K801S,K823S
K803 GNSS Module Product Specification(K803 GNSS模块产品规范)
描述- K803 GNSS模块是一款基于自主研发SoC的高精度定位OEM模块,具备小型化、多系统和多频点的特点。它支持GPS、BDS-2、BDS-3、GLONASS、Galileo、SBAS和QZSS等多个卫星系统,主要用于对尺寸、重量和功耗有严格要求的无人机和手持设备。
型号- K803
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
提供7~27寸工控机定制,支持嵌⼊式/ 壁挂式 /桌⾯式/悬挂式等安装方式,采用纯平⾯板IP65防尘防⽔等级,莫⽒7级硬度触摸屏,兼容多种操作系统:组态软件/安卓/XP/win7/8/10/Linux等,支持主板、接⼝、外观、⽀架、刷卡器、⾝份证阅读器、LOGO、⻨克⻛、系统、电池、蓝⽛、4G/5G、摄像头、GPS系统、⼆维码扫描器、指纹等特殊应⽤场景定制
最小起订量: 1台 提交需求>
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