Silicone Rubber Products Are Becoming A Necessity of Life
At home, silicone rubber baking trays help cookies slide smoothly out of the baking tray. Outdoors, and silicone rubber help to reliably implement point-to-point power transmission. Silicone rubber helps your computer and smartphone keyboard withstand day-to-day, continuous use in the office and on the go. Its flexibility, wide temperature range, excellent insulation, and durability are just a few examples of standard silicone rubber being used in our daily lives.
For consumers, there is no significant difference between the main types of high-temperature silicone sulfide rubber base rubber(HCR base rubber), HCR mixture, and liquid silicone rubber (LSR). For the products, however, there is a world of difference.
In practice, HCR is preferred when uncured rubber is squeezed into products with uniform dimensions and shapes such as cables and hoses, as they retain their original shape when cured. In general, LSRs are more suitable for injection molding applications with complex finished designs that require precision molds, such as nipples for baby bottles, and can also be used in highly automated injection molding systems to produce large quantities of finished products.
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本文由逍遥哥哥转载自Futureway News,原文标题为:Silicone Rubber Products Are Becoming A Necessity Of Life,本站所有转载文章系出于传递更多信息之目的,且明确注明来源,不希望被转载的媒体或个人可与我们联系,我们将立即进行删除处理。
What is Silicone Rubber?
What is silicone rubber? Silicone rubber is a versatile, durable, and flexible material widely used across industries for sealing, insulation, and protection due to its unique properties.
What Is The Difference Between Silicone Gel And Silicone Rubber
Many friends know that silicone rubber products have a certain range of strength. Although they look soft, they exceed a certain hardness and softness standard. The rubber compound cannot meet the standard. For example, the product is too hard or too soft.
What Is Silicone Rubber
Silicone rubber refers to the main chain composed of silicon and oxygen atoms alternately, silicon atoms are usually connected to two organic groups of rubber. Ordinary silicone rubber consists mainly of silicone oxygen chains containing methyl and a small amount of vinyl.
描述- 瓦克是一家全球运营的特种化学品公司,产品的技术含量高且发展成熟,被广泛应用于人类日常生活的各个领域,上至太阳能电池,下至瓷砖胶粘剂,一应俱全。瓦克为100 多个国家和地区供应3000多种产品。
型号- R 701/80,R PLUS 4370/50,ELASTOSIL® R PUS 4001/40,R PLUS 4001/90,LR 3023/60,R PLUS 4020/50,LR 3271/45,R PLUS 4305/70,LR 3071/30,LR 3070/60,R 780/80 OH,LR 3093/65,LR 5040/30,R PLUS 4020/60,R 701/70,R 861/60 S,R 402/75 S,R PLUS 4066/60,R PLUS 4370/40,R PLUS 4001/80,LR 3844/30,6700/60,ELASTOSIL® LR 6320 F,R 401/10 OH,LR 3005/70,R PLUS 4305/80,LR 3003/20 TR,R 401/55 S,ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/30,R 420/70 S,R 755/60 OH,LR 5040/20,LR 3071/40,R 401/70 S,ELASTOSIL® LR 6250 F,LR 3092/65,R PLUS 4020/70,R PLUS 4050/55 MH,R 701/60,R 861/70 S,R PLUS 4001/70,ELASTOSIL ® RD 6620 F,LR 3842/60,LR 3843/30,R 756/60 OH,LR 3005/60,R PLUS 4806/20,R PLUS 4305/90,R PLUS 4060/50,LR 3070/40,R 401/60 S,R 701/50,R 752/70 OH,LR 3065/30,LR 3016/65,R 700/80,R 401/60 KX S,R 760/70 MH,R 781/80,LR 3842/70,LR 3005/50,LR 3022/60,R PLUS 4001/60,LR 34004/50,R PLUS 4060/60,LR 3070/50,R 701/40,LR 3040/40,LR 3834/50 ULTRA,ELASTOSIL ® 47007,R PLUS 4305/30,LR 3025/40,LR 3074/60,ELASTOSIL ® E50 N,LR 5040/70,6610/60,6760/50,R 402/65 OH,ELASTOSIL ® RD 3151 F,R 401/20 OH,R 401/80 S,LR 3003/25,LR 3070/20,R 510/70 S,LR 3040/50,ELASTOSIL® LR 6360 F,R 401/30 S,R PLUS 4305/40,R PLUS 573/70,6610/50,R 752/50 OH,LR 5040/60,LR 3070/30,LR 3011/50 FR,ELASTOSIL® LR 6200 A/B,ELASTOSIL® LR 6260 A/B,R 510/60 S,LR 3844/40,LR 3040/60,6000/05,R 865/40 S,R PLUS 4846/30,6610/40,R 101/25 OH,R PLUS 4305/50,LR 3003/03,LR 3003/05,AUX 8251 RO,LR 3856/20,LR 5040/50,R PLUS 4070/60,WACKER ® FINISH CT 51 L,R 570/70 OH,LR 3844/50,R PLUS 573/50,6400/40,LR 3040/70,R PLUS 4020/40,R 756/70 OH,LR 5040/45,LR 3856/30,LR 5040/40,R PLUS 4070/30,LR 3066/70,6000/20,LR 3043/70,6400/50,R 401/30 OH,R PLUS 4000/40,ELASTOSIL ® RD 6600 F,LR 3003/60,LR 3004/30,R 750/50 0H,LR 3675/30,LR 3078/60,R 101/65 OH,6600/60,R PLUS 4361/60,R PLUS 4070/20,R 401/40 S,LR 3852/50,6000/10,R PLUS 4366/60,R PLUS 4350/55,R 512/70 OH,LR 3066/60,LR 3020/60,6400/60,LR 3003/50,R 865/50 S,R PLUS 4303/60,LR 3078/70,6600/50,ELASTOSIL® R 401/40,R 750/40 OH,LR 3851/50,6000/40,LR 3170/40,LR 3675/50,LR 3846/20,LR 3003/40,R PLUS 4303/70,LR 3078/40,LR 7601/60,R 420/40 S,6600/40,R 101/35 OH,LR 3040/30,LR 7601/50,6000/30,ELASTOSIL ® E91,LR 3066/80,LR 3846/30,R 770/75 OH,R 770/50 OH,LR 3003/30,LR 3078/50,R PLUS 4360/60,R PLUS 4303/80,R 570/60 OH,AUX 8250 RO,LR 3066/30,ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/20 TR,LR 3004/70,LR 3005/40,ELASTOSIL ® E43 N,ELASTOSIL ® E92 N,LR 3842/40,R PLUS 4001/50,6740/40,LR 3078/20,R 865/60 S,LR 3671/30,R 420/60 S,LR 3072/40,LR 7601/80,6000/60,R 756/40 OH,LR 3065/50,R 501/75 OH,6000/50,R 420/30 OH,LR 3003/10 TR,ELASTOSIL® LR 3001/55 FR A/B,LR 3043/40,LR 3003/90,LR 3842/50,R PLUS 4001/40,R PLUS 4000/70,LR 3004/60,LR 3001/55 FR,LR 3841/50,LR 3005/30,LR 3078/30,LR 3671/40,R 401/90 OH,LR 3094/60,ELASTOSIL® NT 76,LR 7601/70,ELASTOSIL® LR 6240 A/B,LR 3072/50,LR 3015/70,LR 3066/50,R 502/75 OH,LR 3003/80,R PLUS 4001/30,6700/50,LR 3043/50,LR 3004/50,R 416/70 MH,R PLUS 4000/60,LR 3003/85,LR 3671/50,R 570/50 OH,LR 3162,R PLUS 4061/60,LR 3071/50,R 756/50 OH,R 700/40,R 770/60 OH,R PLUS 4050/55,LR 3066/40,R PLUS 4001/20,LR 3043/60,R PLUS 4000/50,LR 3003/70,6700/40,LR 3004/40,R 865/70 S,R 101/45 OH,LR 3076/70,LR 3153,R 420/50 S,LR 3072/30,6000/70,LR 3071/60,R 490/55 OH,R 401/50 S,R PLUS 4305/60 S,LR 3015/50
目录- Company Profile Low Density Thermally Conductivity Silicone Gel Pad/Stressless Silicone Thermal Putty Gel Thermal Pad Thermal Silicone Pad & Silicone Thermal Fiberglass/Film EMI absorber/Absorption Gel Two-part Liquid Thermal Gap Pad/PCMs/Non-Silicone Sealing Compound Silicone/Non-Silicone Thermal grease Silicone Thermal Tape Graphite Thermal radiation Pad/Vibration Dampening Silicone Pad
FUTUREWAY Launched The TIX Series of Fireproof Composite Silicone Rubber which Resists Flame Erosion up to 1000℃
FUTUREWAY®TIX series products are ultra-high strength silicone rubber materials developed and produced by Futureway. They are compounded with special fire-resistant silicone rubber and fireproof fabrics to protect sensitive parts or structures from fire.
型号- ELASTOSIL ® LR 3842/60,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3844/40,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3841/50,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3842/40,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3846/20,ELASTOSIL ® R 401/60 S,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3843/30,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3844/20,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3072/40,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3856/30,ELASTOSIL ® R PLUS 4806/20,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3070/50,ELASTOSIL ® R 420/70 S,ELASTOSIL ® R 510/60 S,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3844/30,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3842/50,ELASTOSIL ® R 401/70 S,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3846/30,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3844/50,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3842/70,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3072/50,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3072/30,ELASTOSIL ® R PLUS 4070/60,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3856/20,ELASTOSIL ® R PLUS 4305/60 S,ELASTOSIL ® R 420/60 S,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3065/30,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3070/60,ELASTOSIL ® LR 3065/50,ELASTOSIL ® R 510/70 S,ELASTOSIL ® R PLUS 4305/70,ELASTOSIL ® R PLUS 4846/30
描述- FUTUREWAY®TIX-10是一款超高温硅橡胶绝缘胶带,采用特殊耐火硅橡胶和耐火织物复合而成,专为防火设计,用于保护敏感部件或结构。该材料具有独特的耐火性能,可耐火焰侵蚀至1000℃,同时减少火焰向其他区域的蔓延。这些特性使其适用于电动汽车、铁路列车和工业制造等领域。
描述- FUTUREWAY®EN-4S是一种室温固化、无溶剂和塑化剂的二组分液体硅橡胶,适用于灌封热绝缘粘合。该产品具有高流动性、良好的耐水性、紫外线抵抗性、低吸水率、良好的机械和化学抵抗性,以及优异的超高温隔热能力。
Futureway SRL series Silicone Rubber Products Obtain UL Certification
Since its establishment, Futureway has been focusing on product quality. After unremitting efforts, the SRL series products have successfully obtained UL certification at 2021.
Production Process of Extruded Silicone Sponge Sealing Strip
There are countless scenes where extruded silicone rubber foam sealing strips are used in industrial products. Silicone rubber has the characteristics of physiological inertia, so it can achieve an adaptive effect in any environment, and it is widely used in mechanical parts sealing.
LEAP Technology Has Developed A Kind of Sensor – Based on WACKER ELASTOSIL® Silicone Films
Integrated sensors turn articles of clothing into truly high-tech garments that can monitor your breathing or map your movements on a computer screen. With support from WACKER, Danish start-up LEAP Technology has developed just this kind of sensor – based on ultrathin silicone films and conductive silicone elastomers.
Application Principle of Expanded PTFE
Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene is made of polytetrafluoroethylene dispersion resin through a special processing technology. It has an ultra-microstructure of “knots and fibers“. By controlling the spacing of the knots, it can induce ingrown tissue cells.
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