Nanochap Neurostimulation Chip Stim Engines ENS001 on Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Supporting Multi-channel Stimulation Integration in a Small Footprint
In recent years, the therapeutic effect of non-invasive brain stimulation has attracted widespread attention, and transcranial electrical stimulation, as one of the most commonly used techniques for non-invasive brain stimulation, has demonstrated a very promising application value in the treatment of neurological diseases. With the continuous development of this technology, the requirements for the product's minimum current regulation accuracy, output current accuracy, minimum PCB volume when core functions are realized, the types of waveforms that can be realized and the difficulty of controlling them, and the types of peripherals are getting higher and higher, and Nanochap responds to and solves these requirements with the ENS001 chip.
The Nanochap Stim Engines ENS001 programmable neurostimulation chip is a highly integrated programmable current stimulator. The chip integrates an ARM processor, an on-chip charging circuit, a configurable boost DC converter, an LCD screen driver, a 12-bit AD signal acquisition, a temperature sensor, and a multi-channel arbitrary current stimulation engine and other modules, which support arbitrary current waveform outputs from DC to above 250kHz, and at the same time, provide a single-channel current amplitude of up to 67mA, and support the merging of multi-channel currents.
Fig. 1 Block diagram of PCB design for ENS001 program
Nanochap Stim Engines Programmable Universal Stimulus Chip ENS001 Advantages and Features
●Highly integrated, simplifying customer material management
●Fine current control, each gear can only increase 33μA current, control accuracy ±16.5μA
●Up to 250 kHz sine/triangle/square or arbitrary waveform current stimulation.
●Multi-channel stimulation integration in a small footprint
●Charge balance technology, through the charge replication technology to maintain the positive and negative half-cycle charge close to equilibrium
●Strong scalability, support multiple channels in parallel to realize multi-mode stimulation.
Product Parameters
●Operating voltage range: 3-5V
●Operating Temperature: -40℃ ~ 85℃
●Low power consumption modes: sleep, stop, standby
●4,8,23-channel wide-range stimulation driver (10V ~ 60V)
●Core: ARM Cortex-M0 (32MHz)
Product Top Block Diagram
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CES助眠仪的工作原理基于经颅微电流刺激疗法,是一种通过电流刺激大脑来改善睡眠的方法,或者通俗的说是带有电流刺激的芯片起着至关重要的作用。Nanochap ENS001芯片是一款高度可编程刺激芯片,集成了ARM Cortex-M0 MCU、集成电池充电电路、电源开关、高压升压转换器和多个高合规性刺激驱动,可以根据患者的具体病情和治疗需求,精确调节刺激参数,实现个性化的治疗方案。
Nanochap Has Released Its Multi-functional Neurostimulation Chip NS4 Applied in the Antiemetic Bracelet
Nanochap has released its multifunctional neurostimulation chip NS4, which is applied in the antiemetic bracelet, reflecting the powerful advantages of this technology. NS4, is an advanced product that stimulates the human body‘s nerve thick fiber network and muscle tissues through biphasic currents to achieve a variety of physiological regulatory functions.
Nanochap Neurostimulation Chip Stim Engines ENS001 in Anti-Motion Sickness Bracelet, Highly Integrated to Achieve Lightweight and Miniaturization
In recent years, with the continuous progress of science and technology, neurostimulation technology has received more and more attention in the fields of medical treatment and massage. Among them, the use of Nanochap‘s neurostimulation chip, Stim Engines ENS001, in anti-motion sickness bracelets has become a much-anticipated innovation.
Nanochap ENS001 Chip Enables Varicose Vein Radiofrequency Therapy, Opening a New Era of Non-Invasive and Efficient Treatment
The application of Nanochap ENS001 chip in varicose vein RF therapy device not only improves the treatment accuracy and safety, but also brings more convenient and personalized treatment solutions for patients.
暖芯迦ENS001芯片是一款高度可编程的刺激SoC,集成了ARM Cortex-M0 MCU、集成电池充电器电路、电源开关、高压升压转换器和多个高合规性刺激驱动。这种设计使得ENS001芯片能够产生多种刺激波形,单个通道输出电流高达67mA,并且支持多种刺激模式。
electronicaChina 慕尼黑上海电子展是电子行业展览,也是行业内重要的盛事。今年,展会重点梳理电子行业年度脉络,打造半导体、传感器、无源器件、连接器及线束线缆、电源、测试测量、印刷电路板、显示、分销商、电子制造服务、智能制造等众多主题展区,汇聚国内外优质电子企业,打造从产品设计到应用落地的横跨产业上下游的专业展示平台。
暖芯迦展会资讯丨SENSOR CHINA 2024 中国国际传感器技术与应用展览会
SENSOR CHINA 作为全球三大传感器展之一,九年来,SENSOR CHINA 在智能传感领域不断深耕,匠心打造全球智能化产业盛宴,用专 业和用心搭起了海内外智能传感上下游企业高效沟通合作的平台。暖芯迦将携多款创新产品精彩亮相,与各界同仁共探传感技术的无限可能。
面瘫治疗作为神经康复领域的重要分支,正迎来前所未有的变革。暖芯迦凭借其创新研发的 ENS001 可编程通用刺激芯片,为面瘫刺激仪带来了革命性的突破。暖芯迦ENS001芯片在面瘫刺激仪中的应用,是对传统技术的重大突破和创新升级。它不仅提高了治疗效果和安全性,还拓展了面瘫治疗的应用范围,为神经康复领域的发展注入了新的活力。
可贴片PCB尺寸50*50mm-580*610mm;PCB厚度0.3-8mm;贴装精度CHIP元件+0.03,BGA Pitch 大于0.25mm;元件尺寸0201-74*74BGA;元件高度:30mm。
最小起订量: 1 提交需求>
可定制LAMP LED、 CHIP LED、 PLCC LED、 汽车用车规级LED、COB LED的尺寸/电压/电流等参数,电压1.5-37V,电流5-150mA,波长470-940nm。
最小起订量: 30000 提交需求>
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