S4-3DB01 3D Linear Hall-Effect Sensor IC with SFI Capabilities & Wake-Up Function in a Small TSSOP8L Package
The S4-3DB01 3D Linear Hall-Effect Sensor IC is a Hall-effect based Sensor measuring all 3 dimensions of the magnetic field. It is assembled in a small TSSOP8L package.
The IC outputs raw data representing the 3 Br field dimensions X, Y, and Z and the actual temperature over the I²C interface. Sensitivity and operation modes are user-selectable by the I²C interface. It features 3 different power modes and 3 different measurement modes with parameters selectable via I²C.
This enables a large variety of possible applications, using an external CPU controlling the device.
Key Features
Unique Backside Hall Sensor Technology for sensing all 3 dimensions of magnetic fields from 4 sensor clusters
User selectable operation modes, sensitivity, and conversion rate
I2C Interface with up to 1MHz data rate
16-bit data output for magnetic field strength and temperature
Ultra-low power consumption in Sleep Mode
9 User selectable Slave Addresses
Supply Under Voltage detection
Operating temperature range: -40℃~+125℃
Supply voltage range: 2.7V~3.6V
AEC-Q100 qualified
SFI Joysticks
HMI Applications, Knobs, Levers, Shifter Position
Door Handle, Door Lock, Window Position
Robotics, Automation
Application Example
Key Specifications
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Lateral Sensitive Programmable Hall-Effect Current Sensor IC S4-CSA01 with a Supply Voltage Range from 4.5V to 5.5V
The S4-CSA01 is a Hall-effect based Current Sensor employing proprietary vertical backside Hall sensor technology. It is assembled in a small SOIC-8 package and can be mounted on top of a primary current bar or conductor on PCB. The IC contains a fast analog signal path with factory calibrated gain and offset temperature drift compensation.
S4Sensors Defined New Industry Standards with Its Groundbreaking True Vertical Hall Technology
S4Sensors a pioneering start-up specializing in hall sensor technology, defined new industry standards with its groundbreaking true vertical Hall technology. Building on its extensive experience in backside wafer processing, It employs a range of cutting-edge techniques to ensure exceptional sensor performance.
S4-3DB01 Srayfield Immune 3D线性霍尔效应传感器,具有唤醒功能
描述- S4-3DB01是一款基于霍尔效应的三维线性霍尔效应传感器,具有唤醒功能。该传感器可测量磁场在三个维度(X、Y、Z轴)的强度,并通过I²C接口输出原始数据。它具有多种操作模式、低功耗睡眠模式和可编程唤醒功能,适用于多种应用场景。
型号- S4-3DB01
GN 729控制旋钮
描述- 这份资料主要介绍了GN 729系列控制旋钮的规格、特性、应用和订购信息。资料详细列出了旋钮的尺寸、材料、表面处理、螺纹类型、孔径、旋转限制、安装方式等,并提供了订购指南。
型号- GN 729,GN 729-42-B8
描述- 本资料介绍了球型旋钮(Ball Knobs)的产品规格和应用。内容包括材料类型(钢或黄铜)、尺寸表、表面处理(高抛光)、耐腐蚀性以及在固定装置、工具、夹具和组装件上的应用。
型号- BK-MS-1.00-5/16X18,BK
描述- 本资料介绍了TIR品牌的T型杆旋钮(T-Bar Knobs),这是一种由尼龙塑料制成的低轮廓夹紧装置。该产品具有耐高温、抗化学腐蚀等特点,适用于多种工业应用。
型号- TIR-57-M6,TIR
EN 5337.6五瓣旋钮
描述- 本资料介绍了ELESA公司的GN 5337.6系列五叶旋钮,该旋钮采用Technopolymer Plastic材质,具有Softline涂层,适用于各种环境下的操作,具有良好的用户友好性和人体工程学设计。
型号- EN 5337.6-53-M10-DRT,EN 5337.6-1.69-5/16X18,EN 5337.6
最小起订量: 25kg 提交需求>
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