How to Develop an Application connected with BLE 5 Devices on Dusun’s Gateways


As the Dusun Gateway is running based on the Linux system, how to implement an application over the Bluez stack to ‘talk’ with BLE 5 devices on Dusun BLE gateways 1 will be presented here.
The Linux OpenWrt system is used by Dusun’s gateways. Figure 1 shows how Linux can run the Bluez stack and support the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol. The fundamental Bluetooth protocols and levels are supported by BlueZ. It employs a modular design and is versatile and effective. All essential Bluetooth layers and protocols are now supported by the BlueZ stack. Users can write BLE applications using Bluez APIs to manipulate BLE 5 devices.
Figure 1. Dusun Gateway system architecture
System Configuration
The Dusun gateways are configured through a web service which means the gateways should be connected with a computer first. The Dusun gateway can be connected through wired connection and a WIFI connection.
Wired connection
The two RJ45 ports gateway includes a WLAN port and LAN ports. The
wired connection of this type of gateway is shown below figure 2-A. Users
can use the gateway default LAN IP address: to connect it.
Figure 2-A Direct connection
After the above physical connection is completed, please open a web browser on PC, Input Gateway IP Address;Enter the username and Password(default Username: root Password: root),login to the gateway.
Figure 2-B Connection via a router
After the above physical connection is completed, please open a web browser on your PC, Input the Gateway IP Address, Enter the username and Password(default Username: root Password: root), login into the gateway.
WIFI connection
The Dusun gateway supports a WIFI connection to login it, but WIFI is not
enabled by default. The WIFI should be enabled first if the user wants to use
WIFI to connect a gateway. Users should log in to the gateway through the
above-wired connection to enable the WIFI module. After the connection
is established, please follow the below steps to enable WIFI:
1. Login to the gateway (see above figure);
2. Select Dusun > Wifi Manage.
3. Enable Device Radio0 and configure Wifi Interface Wlan0(Wifi Mode:ap, Wifi SSID: Input your own; WIFI Encryption: PSK2 or others; WIFI key: your password)
4. Click the Save & Apply button, and wait for the changes to be applied.
5. Then we can connect the WIFI (for this case: Dusun123) and connect the gateway through WIFI.
Gateway Configuration
After the connection between the gateway and the computer is established, the gateway can be configured following these steps:
1. Open a web browser on your PC, input the gateway IP address, enter the username and Password (default username: root password: root), login to the gateway;
2. Make system configuration at the system menu, the timezone, password, and others can be revised here.
3. Configure the network at the network sub-menu.
4. Configure other settings according to users’ needs.
When the configuration is completed please reboot the gateway. Then users can log in to the gateway by inputting the following ssh commands in a terminal, and then input their password. IP_addr is the IP address that which user configured above. The default IP is The below figure shows the login scene.
API for BLE5 software development
Dusun BLE gateway implemented the EFR32BG21 BLE5 chip from the silicon lab. In order to simplify the programming procedures, we provide a detailed API document seen from the attached file for all kinds of implementation, some core function is listed below,
A sample program: read data from an oximeter BLE sensor
We have provided a sample application to get the BLE oximeter sensor data. To be more specific, the function of scan, connect, and read data is called in app.c file. The main function in the main. c is shown below.
The current event is received by the variant evt, according to the different events the function appHandleEvents function would call the corresponding command. The function appHandleEvents is the main framework to schedule different functions, the main part of this function in file app. c is listed below,
With different events reported to this function, it would invoke different functions. For example, if the program gets an event with event id gecko_evt_le_gap_scan_response_id, it would call the SCAN_Process_scan_response function and start the scanning process.
For the complete code, you can be in the attached file named BLE5_oximeter.
If you would prefer the code with uploading data to the mqtt broker function, you can view the code BLE5withpaho.
Run the oximeter sensor sample on the gateway
1) Get the Openwork toolchain and copy it to a Linux PC.
Get the cross-compile OpenWrt-Toolchain from Dusun, whose name is openwrt-sdk-ramips-mt7620_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- Linux-x86_64.tar.bz2. Decompress the downloaded OpenWrt Toolchain to a local folder (E.g.: home/bc/ OpenWrt-SDKCHAOSCALMER).
2) Compiled the attached code files.
Copy the above code file to the Linux PC and decompress it to a folder (E.g.: home/bc/BLE5). Open the ./BLE5 folder, and edit the makefile file to revise the CROSSTOOLDIR to the OpenWrt toolchain directory you created above. This is depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3 changes the CROSSTOODIR path
Then open a terminal on the Linux PC, and type the following commands:
cd BLE5_oximeter ;
Finally, the test bin file which can be run in the gateway has been compiled. (Figure 4).
Figure 4. The test application compilation
Copy the compiled test bin file into the gateway and run it.
There are several ways to do it, one of them is introduced below. Under Linux PC, you can use the SCP command (scp local_file remote_username @remote_ip:remote_folder) to do it. Make sure the gateway is connected to the same router as PC, then run the following commands:
scp test root@
Then remote login to the gateway using SSH commands or SSH client (windows: putty or SecureCrt) and run the copied bin file. The login password can be revised following the configuration steps in the above sections. Finally, we power up the oximeter device and run the test file, we can see the data the oximeter notified to the program as figure 5 shows. The data can be analyzed according to its manual. Figure 6/7 shows the sensor and gateway for testing respectively.
Figure 5
Figure 6 The oximeter device for testing
Figure 7 The Dusun Gateway for testing
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Silicon Labs公司针对蓝牙应用的开发,经常用到的UART BootLoader或者也叫Gecko bootloader。但并不是默认加入到蓝牙工程中的,芯片上电以后应用代码是无法运行的。所以每一个蓝牙的工程都需要烧录一个Gecko bootloader。本文指导一步一步操作生成一份EFR32BG21系列芯片的bootloader工程代码。
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本安全通告针对Silicon Labs的Z/IP网关产品存在的高危拒绝服务漏洞。该漏洞可能导致设备服务暂时中断和网络连接问题。具体包括CVE-2024-3051和CVE-2024-3052两个编号的安全漏洞,分别对应不同的攻击方式。目前,已发布补丁版本以缓解这些问题,用户应升级至相应版本以修复漏洞。同时,建议咨询Z-Wave联盟确认重新认证的要求。
SILICON LABS - CVE-2024-3051,CVE-2024-3052
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无线Gecko Bluetooth®低能耗SoC EFR32BG21勘误表
品类:Wireless Gecko SoC
现货: 11,239
品类:LIN-to-LIN Gateway/LIN RGB Controller
现货: 42
品类:LIN-to-LIN Gateway/LIN RGB Controller
现货: 0
品类:Switch Hall Effect Magnetic Position Sensor

支持 3Hz ~ 26.5GHz射频信号中心频率测试;9kHz ~ 3GHz频率范围内Wi-SUN、lora、zigbee、ble和Sub-G 灵敏度测量与测试,天线阻抗测量与匹配电路调试服务。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
实验室地址: 深圳/苏州 提交需求>

可定制LAMP LED、 CHIP LED、 PLCC LED、 汽车用车规级LED、COB LED的尺寸/电压/电流等参数,电压1.5-37V,电流5-150mA,波长470-940nm。
最小起订量: 30000 提交需求>
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