Innovision Semiconductor Attended Hardware Developer Conference with a Full Set of VRM Power Aolutions
The "Hardware Developer Conference" sponsored by Hard10 was successfully concluded in the Conference Center of Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen on December 9. As a leader in low-voltage and high-current DC/DC chips in China, Innovision Semiconductor was invited to attend the event to share the speech of "AI Chip Power Solution", accompanied by the appearance of a full set of VRM power solutions.
IVS’s booth has received visits from numerous industry colleagues, and the company's professional technical team has had in-depth exchanges with various professionals.
Driven by the AIGC boom, the demand for processing complex tasks and large-scale data continues to climb from smartphones and iot devices to cloud data centers, which has triggered an urgent need for high-performance AI chips.
The workloads of AI chips place extremely high demands on the power system. Highly computationally intensive tasks and large-scale data processing require a powerful and stable power supply. At the same time, energy efficiency, heat dissipation and size also become important factors to consider. Mr. Feng, vice general manager of CGM, introduced several different AI servers and accelerator cards at the conference, shared six kinds of AI chip power solutions for their different power requirements and architectures, and analyzed common power application problems and shared solutions.
IVS has always paid attention to the efficient energy conversion of power chips to ensure excellent performance under high load and inject strong power into AI. The intelligent power management system is used to flexibly cope with changing workloads to ensure that the system always provides the best performance. Advanced thermal management technology is used to ensure the stable operation of the chip. Flexible dimensions are designed to meet the needs of different application scenarios. Changongwei always puts reliability and safety first, and through strict testing and quality control, ensures the stable operation of the system under various environmental conditions.
We look forward to working with colleagues, experts, scholars and partners in the industry to jointly explore, integrate more forces, jointly meet the challenges and opportunities of the AI era, and build a more intelligent and efficient future.
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Innovision Semiconductor(长工微电子)电源管理芯片选型指南
描述- 长工微坐落于东莞松山湖万汇云谷,成立于2016年5月,由曾就职于国内外知名公司半导体多年的研发主管和丰富经验的工程师组成,专注于提供高性能高品质的大电流电源管理芯片设计,公司坚持自主开发,共申请专利65项,产品可广泛应用在服务器,工业通讯,计算机,消费电子等多个领域。
型号- IS6202A,IS6103A,IS6630A,IS6620A,IS6101A,IS6630D,IS6630C,IS6810A,ISM6403A,ISM6401A,IS6806A,IS6608A,IS66066,IS6104A,IS6631B,IS6302A,IS6203A,IS6631A,IS6201A,IS6102A,IS6605B,IS6605A,IS6811A,ISM6636A,IS6811B,IS6607A,IS6607H,IS6805A,ISM6402A,IS6809A,IS6807A,IS6807B,IS6609A
ISM6636A/B/C High Power Density Synchronous Step-down Converter Module with Integrated Controller, Highest Peak Current Up to 8A
ISM6636A/B/C is a high power density synchronous step-down converter module with integrated controller, MOS tube and inductor capacitor. The highly compact load point module adopts 3.3mm 3.3mm 1.45mm micro package, supports 4.5V~16V input, output supports 0.6V~5V, highest peak current up to 8A, and continuous working current up to 6A.
新产品 发布时间 : 2023-08-30
IS6201A是长工微电子推出的一颗双输出数字多相降压控制器,设计用于CPU电压调节,并完全符合PMBus 1.3.1规范,采用7mm ×7mm QFN-56封装,最多可搭配8颗长工微自研的30A/70A/90A三种电流规格的DrMOS,即可稳定输出大电流。本文章将系统阐述IS6201A的使用说明及布局建议,简单明了地向广大读者介绍该芯片在使用过程中的注意事项。
设计经验 发布时间 : 2023-09-07
Innovision Semiconductor(长工微)电源模块选型表
Innovision Semiconductor(长工微)电源模块选型表:Iout(A):6A-8A,Vout(V):0.6V-5V,Output voltages(V) :0.6-3.3V
选型表 - Innovision Semiconductor 立即选型
ISM6636A/B 8V to 16V Input, 4A Sync Step-Down Converter with Integrated Inductor and Digital Power Management with Telemetry
型号- ISM6636A,ISM6636X-XXXX,ISM6636B-3300,ISM6636A-5000,ISM6636B
Innovision Semiconductor(长工微电子)推出的IS6809A是一款集成功率MOSFET和栅极驱动器的70A智能功率级电源模块,可提供高精度的电流传感报告和温度监测报告,是专为低占空比应用而设计的,尤其适用于多相应用。
产品 发布时间 : 2023-05-17
设计经验 发布时间 : 2023-06-17
原厂动态 发布时间 : 2024-08-14
长工微电子推出IS6202A是一个双输出数字多相降压控制器,设计用于CPU电压调节,并完全符合PMBus 1.3.1和VR13.HC规范。芯片最多可配置两路输出,Loop 1可配置5相操作,Loop 2可以配置1相操作。
产品 发布时间 : 2023-10-18
原厂动态 发布时间 : 2023-02-03
Innovision Semiconductor最新推出的IS6102A 15A E-Fuse,支持4.5V-16V宽电压输入,内部集成最低3mΩ功率MOS及各种监测保护模块,用户可以预设保护配置来控制芯片状态。一旦出现异常,IS6102A能迅速控制场效应晶体管(FET)截止,确保在电路故障情况下有效地将电流和电压限制到安全水平。
产品 发布时间 : 2024-07-16
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