频域和时域的关系(Gif format)Frequency vs Time
时域(Time domain) :分析信号参数随时间变化过程。时域是信号在时间轴随时间变化的总体概括。在时域中,将信号的所有频率分量相加并显示。频谱分析仪针对频域。
频域(Frequency domain):分析信号包含的频率成分。各频率分量的频率和功率参数。在频域中,复数信号(即,由一个以上频率组成的信号)被分离成它们的频率分量,并显示每个频率的电平。示波器用来看时域内容。
时域反射测量技术 (TDR) 和时域分析的历史
时域反射测量技术 (Time domain reflectometry (TDR)) 是在20世纪60年代初引入的,采用与雷达相同的工作原理 — 把一个冲激信号送入一条被测电缆 (或其他可能不是良好导体的被测器件或设备),当该冲激信号到达电缆末端或电缆上的某个故障点时,一部分或全部冲激信号便会被返射回测试仪表。TDR 测量方法就是把一个冲激或阶跃激励信号发送到被测器件,然后观察信号在时域内的响应。测试时,使用一台阶跃信号发生器和一台宽带示波器,把阶跃信号发生器产生的上升沿速度极快的激励信号送进被测传输线,然后用宽带示波器观察传输线上某处入射电压波形和反射电压波形,通过测量入射电压与反射电压之比,便能计算出传输线上这个阻抗不连续点处的阻抗值,而这个阻抗不连续点的位置则可以作为时间函数根据信号沿着传输线传播的速度计算出来。阻抗不连续性的性质(电容性的或电感性的) 可以根据其信号的响应特征加以识别。
虽然我们过去惯用的TDR示波器作为定性测试工具一直非常有用,但存在一些影响其测试精度和有效性的限制因素: a) TDR输出的阶跃信号的上升时间—测量结果在空间上的分辨率取决于阶跃信号上升时间的快慢;b) 不是特别理想的信噪比-这是由于示波器宽带接收机的结构引起的。
下图显示的是无论是使用时域反射计 (TDR) 示波器还是使用矢量网络分析仪 (VNA) 都可以得到时域和频域 (S参数) 的显示结果,使用TDR或VNA得到的测试结果可以在两种显示形式中互相转换。
图 频域和时域、TDR和VNA之间的关系。
Here is a brief review of Fourier theory, especially the unique behaviour of the FFT. The note also describes some typical applications and provides some tips on how to get the most out of the FFT capability of the KEYSIGHT oscilloscopes.
Equipment Required
Keysight Oscilloscope-with FFT option (Note: units operate differently in some cases.)
Fourier Theory
Normally, when a signal is measured with an oscilloscope, it is viewed in the time domain (Figure 1a). That is, the vertical axis is voltage and the horizontal axis is time. For many signals, this is the most logical and intuitive way to view them. But when the frequency content of the signal is of interest, it makes sense to view the signal in the frequency domain. In the frequency domain, the vertical axis is still voltage but the horizontal axis is frequency (Figure 1b). The frequency domain display shows how much of the signal's energy is present at each frequency. For a simple signal such as a sine wave, the frequency domain representation does not usually show us much additional information. However, with more complex signals, the frequency content is difficult to uncover in the time domain and the frequency domain gives a more useful view of the signal.
(a) A signal shown as a function of time.
(b) A signal shown as a function of frequency.
Fourier theory (including both the Fourier Series and the Fourier Transform) mathematically relates the time domain and the frequency domain. The Fourier transform is given by:
We won't go into the details of the mathematics here, since there are numerous books which cover the theory extensively (see references). Some typical signals represented in the time domain and the frequency domain are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Frequency spectrum examplesThe Fast Fourier Transform
The discrete (or digitized) version of the Fourier transform is called the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). This transform takes digitized time domain data and computes the frequency domain representation. While normal Fourier theory is useful for understanding how the time and frequency domain relate, the DFT allows us to compute the frequency domain representation of real-world time domain signals. This brings the power of Fourier theory out of the world of mathematical analysis and into the realm of practical measurements. The Keysight 54600 scope with Measurement/Storage Module uses a particular algorithm, called the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), for computing the DFT. The FFT and DFT produce the same result and the feature is commonly referred to as simply the FFT.
示波器的快速傅立叶变换(FFT)功能应用 - 示波器的 快速傅里叶变换FFT功能可以快速突出显示电源上耦合信号的频率分布。反之,此类测量又有助于找出噪声信号的源头。这是非常重要的,因为除非发现并解决了这个问题,否则这些信号可能在设计的其他部分转化为噪声,缩减信号裕量,并可能阻碍设计完成原型验证。
The Keysight 54600 series scopes normally digitize the time domain waveform and store it as a 4000 point record. The FFT function uses 1000 of these points (every fourth point) to produce a 500 point frequency domain display. This frequency domain display extends in frequency from 0 to feff /2, where feff is the effective sample rate of the time record (Figure 3a).
Figure 3
(a) The sampled time domain waveform.
(b) The resulting frequency domain plot using the FFT.
The effective sample rate is the reciprocal of the time between samples and depends on the time/div setting of the scope. For the Keysight 54600 series, the effective sample rate is given by:
So for any particular time/div setting, the FFT produces a frequency domain representation that extends from 0 to feff/2 (Figure 3b). When the FFT function is active, the effective sample rate is displayed when the time/div knob is turned or the ± key is pressed. Note that the effective sample rate for the FFT can be much higher than the maximum sample rate of the scope. The maximum sample rate of the scope is 20MHz, but the random-repetitive sampling technique places samples so precisely in time that the sample rate seen by the FFT can be as high as 20GHz.
The default frequency domain display covers the normal frequency range of 0 to feff/2. The Center Frequency and Frequency Span controls can be used to zoom in on narrower frequency spans within the basic 0 to feff/2 range of the FFT. These controls do not affect the FFT computation, but instead cause the frequency domain points to be replotted in expanded form.
The frequency feff/2 is also known as the folding frequency. Frequencies that would normally appear above feff/2 (and, therefore, outside the useful range of the FFT) are folded back into the frequency domain display. These unwanted frequency components are called aliases, since they erroneously appear under the alias of another frequency. Aliasing is avoided if the effective sample rate is greater than twice the bandwidth of the signal being measured.
The frequency content of a triangle wave includes the fundamental frequency and a large number of odd harmonics with each harmonic smaller in amplitude than the previous one. In Figure 4a, a 26kHz triangle wave is shown in the time domain and the frequency domain. Figure 4b shows only the frequency domain representation. The leftmost large spectral line is the fundamental. The next significant spectral line is the third harmonic. The next significant spectral line is the fifth harmonic and so forth. Note that the higher harmonics are small in amplitude with the 17th harmonic just visible above the FFT noise floor. The frequency of the 17th harmonic is 17 x 26kHz = 442kHz, which is within the folding frequency of feff /2, (500kSa/sec) in Figure 4b. Therefore, no significant aliasing is occurring.
Figure 4a: The time domain and frequency domain displays of a 26kHz triangle wave.
Figure 4b: Frequency spectrum of a triangle wave.
Figure 4c: With a lower effective sample rate, the upper harmonics appear as aliases.
Figure 4d: With an even lower effective sample rate, only the fundamental and third harmonic are not aliased.
Figure 4c shows the FFT of the same waveform with the time/div control turned one click to the left, resulting in an effective sample rate of 500kSa/sec and a folding frequency of 250kSa/sec. Now the upper harmonics of the triangle wave exceed the folding frequency and appear as aliases in the display. Figure 4d shows the FFT of the same triangle wave, but with an even lower effective sample rate (200kSa/sec) and folding frequency (100kSa/sec). This frequency plot is severely aliased.
Often the effects of aliasing are obvious, especially if the user has some idea as to the frequency content of the signal. Spectral lines may appear in places where no frequency components exist. A more subtle effect of aliasing occurs when low level aliased frequencies appear near the noise floor of the measurement. In this case the baseline can bounce around from acquisition to acquisition as the aliases fall slightly differently in the frequency domain.
Aliased frequency components can be misleading and are undesirable in a measurement. Signals that are bandlimited (that is, have no frequency components above a certain frequency) can be viewed alias-free by making sure that the effective sample rate is high enough. The effective sample rate is kept as high as possible by choosing a fast time/div setting. While fast time/div settings produce high effective sample rates, they also cause the frequency resolution of the FFT display to degrade.
If a signal is not inherently bandlimited, a lowpass filter can be applied to the signal to limit its frequency content (Figure 5). This is especially appropriate in situations where the same type of signal is measured often and a special, dedicated lowpass filter can be kept with the scope.
Figure 5: A lowpass filter can be used to band limit the signal, avoiding aliasing.
The FFT operates on a finite length time record in an attempt to estimate the Fourier Transform, which integrates over all time. The FFT operates on the finite length time record, but has the effect of replicating the finite length time record over all time (Figure 6). With the waveform shown in Figure 6a, the finite length time record represents the actual waveform quite well, so the FFT result will approximate the Fourier integral very well.
Figure 6
(a) A waveform that exactly fits one time record.
(b) When replicated, no transients are introduced.
However, the shape and phase of a waveform may be such that a transient is introduced when the waveform is replicated for all time, as shown in Figure 7. In this case, the FFT spectrum is not a good approximation for the Fourier Transform.
Figure 7
(a) A waveform that does not exactly fit into one time record.
(b) When replicated, severe transients are introduced, causing leakage in the frequency domain.
Since the scope user often does not have control over how the waveform fits into the time record, in general, it must be assumed that a discontinuity may exist. This effect, known as LEAKAGE, is very apparent in the frequency domain. The transient causes the spectral line (which should appear thin and slender) to spread out as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Leakage occurs when the normally thin spectral line spreads out in the frequency domain.
The solution to the problem of leakage is to force the waveform to zero at the ends of the time record so that no transient will exist when the time record is replicated. This is accomplished by multiplying the time record by a WINDOW function. Of course, the window modifies the time record and will produce its own effect in the frequency domain. For a properly designed window, the effect in the frequency domain is a vast improvement over using no window at all.1 Four window functions are available in the Keysight 54600 scopes: Hanning, Flattop, Rectangular and Exponential.
The Hanning window provides a smooth transition to zero as either end of the time record is approached. Figure 9a shows a sinusoid in the time domain while Figure 9b shows the Hanning window which will be applied to the time domain data. The windowed time domain record is shown in Figure 9c. Even though the overall shape of the time domain signal has changed, the frequency content remains basically the same. The spectral line associated with the sinusoid spreads out a small amount in the frequency domain as shown in Figure 10.2 (Figure 10 is expanded in the frequency axis to show clearly the shape of the window in the frequency domain.)
Figure 9
(a) The original time record.
(b) The Hanning Window.
(c) The windowed time record.
The shape of a window is a compromise between amplitude accuracy and frequency resolution. The Hanning window, compared to other common windows, provides good frequency resolution at the expense of somewhat less amplitude accuracy.
The FLATTOP window has fatter (and flatter) characteristic in the frequency domain, as shown in Figure 11. (Again, the figure is expanded in the frequency axis to show clearly the effect of the window.) The flatter top on the spectral line in the frequency domain produces improved amplitude accuracy, but at the expense of poorer frequency resolution (when compared with the Hanning window).
Figure 10 The Hanning Window has a relatively narrow shape in the frequency domain.
Fig. 11: The flattop window has a wider, flat-topped shape in the frequency domain.
The Rectangular window (also referred to as the Uniform window) is really no window at all; all of the samples are left unchanged. Although the uniform window has the potential for severe leakage problems, in some cases the waveform in the time record has the same value at both ends of the record, thereby eliminating the transient introduced by the FFT. Such waveforms are called SELF-WINDOWING. Waveforms such as sine bursts, impulses and decaying sinusoids can all be self-windowing.
A typical transient response is shown in Figure 12a. As shown, the waveform is self-windowing because it dies out within the length of the time record, reducing the leakage problem.
Figure 12
(a) A transient response that is self-windowing.
(b) A transient response which requires windowing.
(c) The exponential window.
(d) The windowed transient response.
If the waveform does not dissipate within the time record (as shown in Figure 12b), then some form of window should be used. If a window such as the Hanning window were applied to this waveform, the beginning portion of the time record would be forced to zero. This is precisely where most of the transient's energy is, so such a window would be inappropriate.
A window with a decaying exponential response is useful in such a situation. The beginning portion of the waveform is not disturbed, but the end of the time record is forced to zero. There still may be a transient at the beginning of the time record, but this transient is not introduced by the FFT. It is, in fact, the transient being measured. Figure 12c shows the exponential window and Figure 12d shows the resulting time domain function when the exponential window is applied to Figure 12b. The exponential window is inappropriate for measuring anything but transient waveforms.
1The effect of a time domain window in the frequency domain is analogous to the shape of the resolution bandwidth filter in a swept spectrum analyzer.
2The shape of a perfect sinusoid in
the frequency domain with a window function applied is the Fourier
transform of the window function.
Selecting a Window
Most measurements will require the use of a window such as the Hanning or Flattop windows. These are the appropriate windows for typical spectrum analysis measurements. Choosing between these two windows involves a tradeoff between frequency resolution and amplitude accuracy. Having used the time domain to explain why leakage occurs, now the user should switch into frequency domain thinking. The narrower the passband of the window's frequency domain filter, the better the analyzer can discern between two closely spaced spectral lines. At the same time, the amplitude of the spectral line will be less certain. Conversely, the wider and flatter the window's frequency domain filter is, the more accurate the amplitude measurement will be and, of course, the frequency resolution will be reduced. Choosing between two such window functions is really just choosing the filter shape in the frequency domain.
The rectangular and exponential windows should be considered windows for special situations. The rectangular window is used where it can be guaranteed that there will be no leakage effects. The exponential window is for use when the input signal is a transient.3
A Matter of Perspective
In this chapter we introduce the concepts of the time, frequency and modal domains. These three ways of looking at a problem are interchangeable; that is, no information is lost in changing from one domain to another. The advantage in introducing these three domains is that of a change of perspective. By changing perspective from the time domain, the solution to difficult problems can often become quite clear in the frequency or modal domains. After developing the concepts of each domain, we will introduce the types of instrumentation available. The merits of each generic instrument type are discussed to give the reader an appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
The Time Domain
The traditional way of observing signals is to view them in the time domain. The time domain is a record of what happened to a parameter of the system versus time. For instance, Figure 2.1 shows a simple spring mass system where we have attached a pen to the mass and pulled a piece of paper past the pen at a Constant rate. The resulting graph is a record of the displacement of the mass versus time, a time do main view of displacement. Such direct recording schemes are sometimes used, but it usually is much more practical to convert the parameter of interest to an electrical signal using a transducer. Transducers are commonly available to change a wide variety of parameters to electrical signals. Microphones, accelerometers, load cells, conductivity and pressure probes are just a few examples.
This electrical signal, which represents a parameter of the system, can be recorded on a strip chart recorder as in Figure 2.2. We can adjust the gain of the system to calibrate our measurement. Then we can reproduce exactly the results of our simple direct recording system in Figure 2.1. Why should we use this indirect approach? One reason is that we are not always measuring dis placement. We then must convert the desired parameter to the displacement of the recorder pen. Usually, the easiest way to do this is through the intermediary of electronics. However, even when measuring displacement, we would normally use an indirect approach. Why? Primarily because the system in Figure 2.1 is hopelessly ideal. The mass must be large enough and the spring stiff enough so that the pens mass and drag on the paper will not affect the results appreciably. Also, the deflection of the mass must be large enough to give a usable result, otherwise a mechanical lever system to amplify the motion would have to be add ed with its attendant mass and friction. With the indirect system a transducer can usually be selected which will not significantly affect the measurement. This can go to the extreme of commercially available displacement transducers which do not even contact the mass. The pen deflection can be easily set to any desired value by controlling the gain of the electronic amplifiers.
This indirect system works well until our measured parameter begins to change rapidly. Because of the mass of the pen and record er mechanism and the power limitations of its drive, the pen can only move at finite velocity. If the measured parameter changes faster, the output of the recorder will be in error. A common way to re duce this problem is to eliminate the pen and record on a pho to sensitive paper by deflecting a light beam. Such a device is called an oscillograph. Since it is only necessary to move a small, light-weight mirror through a very small angle, the oscillograph can respond much faster than a strip chart recorder.
Another common device for displaying signals in the time domain is the oscilloscope. Here an electron beam is moved using electric fields. The electron beam is made visible by a screen of phosphorescent material. It is capable of accurately displaying signals that vary even more rapidly than the oscillograph can handle. This is because it is only necessary to move an electron beam, not a mirror.
The strip chart, oscillograph and oscilloscope all show displacement versus time. We say that changes in this displacement rep re sent the variation of some parameter versus time. We will now look at another way of representing the variation of a pa ram e ter.
The Frequency Domain
It was shown over one hundred years ago by Baron Jean Baptiste Fourier that any waveform that exists in the real world can be generated by adding up sine waves. We have illustrated this in Figure 2.5 for a simple waveform composed of two sine waves. By picking the amplitudes, frequencies and phases of these sine waves correctly, we can generate a waveform identical to our desired signal. Conversely, we can break down our real-world signal into these same sine waves. It can be shown that this combination of sine waves is unique; any real-world signal can be represented by only one combination of sine waves. Figure 2.6a is a three-dimensional graph of this addition of sine waves. Two of the axes are time and amplitude, familiar from the time domain. The third axis is frequency which allows us to visually separate the sine waves which add to give us our complex waveform. If we view this three-dimensional graph along the frequency axis, we get the view in Figure 2.6b. This is the time do main view of the sine waves. Adding them together at each instant of time gives the original wave form.
However, if we view our graph along the time axis as in Figure 2.6c, we get a totally different picture. Here we have axes of amplitude versus frequency, what is commonly called the frequency domain. Every sine wave we separated from the input appears as a vertical line. Its height represents its amplitude, and its position represents its frequency. Since we know that each line represents a sine wave, we have uniquely characterized our input signal in the frequency domain*. This frequency domain representation of our signal is called the spectrum of the signal. Each sine wave line of the spectrum is called a component of the total signal.
Understanding Dynamic Signal Analysis
We saw in the previous chapter that the Dynamic Signal Analyzer has the speed advantages of par Alle filter analyzers without their low-resolution limitations. In addition, it is the only type of analyzer that works in all three domains. In this chapter we will de vel op a fuller understanding of this important analyzer family, Dynamic Signal Analyzers. We begin by presenting the properties of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) upon which Dynamic Signal Analyzers are based. No proof of these properties is given, but heuristic arguments as to their validity are used where appropriate. We then show how these FFT properties cause some un de sir able characteristics in spectrum analysis like aliasing and leakage. Having demonstrated a potential difficulty with the FFT, we then show what solutions are used to make practical Dynamic Signal Analyzers. Developing this basic knowledge of FFT characteristics makes it simple to get good results with a Dynamic Signal Analyzer in a wide range of measurement problems.
Section 1: FFT Properties
FFT is an algorithm* for transforming data from the time domain to the frequency domain. Since this is exactly what we want a spectrum analyzer to do, it would seem easy to implement a Dynamic Signal Analyzer based on the FFT. However, we will see that there are many factors which complicate this seemingly straightforward task. First, because of the many calculations involved in transforming domains, the transform must be implemented on a digital com put er if the results are to be sufficiently accurate. Fortunately, with the advent of microprocessors, it is easy and inexpensive to incorporate all the needed computing power in a small instrument package. Note, however, that we cannot now transform to the frequency domain in a continuous manner, but instead must sample and digitize the time domain input. This means that our algorithm transforms digitized samples from the time domain to samples in the frequency domain as shown in Figure 3.1.** Because we have sampled, we no longer have an exact representation in either domain. However, a sampled representation can be as close to ideal as we de sire by placing our samples clos er together. Later in this chapter, we will consider what sample spacing is necessary to guarantee ac cu rate results.
* An algorithm is any special mathematical method of solving a certain kind of problem, e.g., the technique you use to balance your checkbook. ** To reduce confusion about which domain we are in, samples in the frequency domain are called lines.
Time Records
A time record is defined to be N consecutive, equally spaced samples of the input. Because it makes our transform algorithm simpler and much faster, N is restricted to be a multiple of 2, for instance 1024.
As shown in Figure 3.3, this time record is transformed as a complete block into a complete block of frequency lines. All the samples of the time record are need ed to compute each and every line in the frequency domain. This is in contrast to what one might expect, namely that a single time domain sample transforms to exactly one frequency domain line. Understanding this block processing property of the FFT is crucial to under standing many of the prop er ties of the Dynamic Signal Analyzer.
For instance, because the FFT transforms the entire time record block as a total, there cannot be valid frequency domain results until a complete time record has been gathered. However, once completed, the oldest sample could be discarded, all the samples shifted in the time record, and a new sample added to the end of the time record as in Figure 3.4. Thus, once the time record is initially filled, we have a new time record at every time domain sample and therefore could have new valid results in the frequency domain at every time domain sample. This is very similar to the behavior of the parallel Fi Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) later analyzers described in the previous chap ter. When a signal is first applied to a parallel-filter analyzer, we must wait for the filters to respond, then we can see very rapid changes in the frequency domain. With a Dynamic Signal Analyzer, we do not get a valid result until a full-time record has been gathered. Then rapid changes in the spectra can be seen.
The relationship between the time and frequency domains. a) Three dimensional coordinates showing time, frequency and amplitude b) Time domain view c) Frequency domain view.
Frequency spectrum examples
Time Domain and Frequency Domain Measurements in 89600 VSA Software
made in the time domain are the basis of all measurements in the 89600
VSA software. The time domain display shows a parameter (usually
amplitude) versus time. You are probably familiar with time domain
measurements as they appear in an oscilloscope. Similar measurements may
be viewed with the time measurement data capability.
"PathWave 89600 VSA软件能够执行矢量信号分析,利用信号在时域、频谱域和调制域中的迹线来显示信号质量。 与频谱分析仪、信号分析仪、网络分析仪等仪器兼容。"
Frequency-domain displays show a parameter (again, usually amplitude) versus frequency. A spectrum analyzer takes an analog input signal—a time-domain signal—and uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert it to the frequency domain. The resulting spectrum measurement shows the energy of each frequency component at each point along the frequency spectrum.
Many signals not visible in the time domain (such as noise and distortion products) are clearly visible in the frequency domain. Because spectrum displays show frequency components distributed along the frequency axis, it's possible to view many different signals at the same time. This is why the spectrum analyzer is such a useful tool for looking at complex signals—it lets you easily measure (and compare) the frequency and amplitude of individual components.
The Y axis (amplitude)
Time-domain measurements are usually viewed with a linear X axis and a linear Y axis (think of an oscilloscope). Frequency-domain measurements are sometimes viewed with a linear Y axis and a linear X axis, but usually must be viewed with a logarithmic Y axis, because this is the only way to view very small signals and much larger signals simultaneously.
Let's look at the spectrum of a sine wave. Because the amplitude of any harmonic is small relative to the fundamental frequency, it's nearly impossible to view a harmonic on the same display as the fundamental unless the Y-axis scale is logarithmic. That's why most measurements made with spectrum analyzers use a logarithmic amplitude scale—a scale based on decibels. And because the dB scale is by definition logarithmic, there's no need to use logarithmically-spaced graticule lines.
The X axis (frequency)
Sometimes it's convenient to use a logarithmic X axis. Perhaps most familiar to you is the frequency response measurement. This is traditionally displayed with a log X axis (frequency) versus a log Y axis (relative magnitude).
But most measurements do not require a logarithmic frequency scale. In fact, when making spectrum measurements it's easier to characterize harmonics with a linear X-axis scale because harmonics that are multiples of the same fundamental will appear at evenly spaced intervals.
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本文由Vicky转载自是德科技 Keysight Technologies知乎,原文标题为:频域和时域的关系,本站所有转载文章系出于传递更多信息之目的,且明确注明来源,不希望被转载的媒体或个人可与我们联系,我们将立即进行删除处理。
示波器是一种电子测试仪器,它以图形方式将变化的电压显示为一个或多个信号随时间变化的二维图。 主要目的是在屏幕上显示重复的或单一的波形,然后可以分析显示的波形的幅度、频率、上升时间、时间间隔、失真等属性。
描述- 是德科技提供多种矢量网络分析仪(VNA),涵盖不同频率范围、性能和功能,满足不同测量需求。资料详细介绍了PNA、ENA、PXI VNA、精简系列VNA和FieldFox系列VNA等产品的特性、应用和性能对比,包括有源器件、无源器件、通用教育、制造业和高速串行互连分析等领域的应用。此外,还介绍了VNA仿真器、相关附件和升级服务。
型号- PNA,N5241B,N5225B,P502XB 系列,N5249B,872XE,8714B,N9950A,8714C,N338XA,E5080B,E5080A,M937XA,N9918B,4194A,PXI VNA,85541B,N9951A,N1930XB,S97011B,N5242B,N5230A,8753E,P93XXB,N5230C,3577B,P937XA,8753C,P937XB,8753D,8753A,N524X,8753B,N522XA,8713C,N522XB,8713B,872XC,8510X,872XD,872XA,4395A,872XB,P502XB,P502XA,E5063A,8714ET,8714ES,PNA-L 系列,PNA 系列,N5231B,8530A,N5295AX,N5239B,N5227B,85309B,E835XA,E5070B,E5070A,N9916B,3577A,4192A,S94050B,N991XB,S96011B,N991XA,N5232B,P93XX,E836XC,N5244B,E836XB,N522X,S94051B,N9917B,PXI VNA 系列,N5221B,PNA-X,N9914B,PNA-L,N5245B,FIELDFOX 系列,8719E,8719C,8719D,E836XA,8719A,8719B,E5072A,N992XA,872XET,872XES,8712ET,N5290A,8712ES,N9915B,P500XB,P502XA 系列,N5234B,P500XA,P50XX,N5222B,N5253EX,N524XA,N524XB,M981XAS,N526BA,E5071C,E5071B,E5071A,ENA,85320B,85320A,8360B,N9952A,N5291A,N5251A,8753,N5247B,8510A,8752B,N5235B,8752C,8510C,N99XXA,S95011B,N1501A,8510B,8752A,N99XXB,8712B,8712C,N5293AX,S93011B,ENA 系列,8753 系列,E5062A,N5292A,8753ET,8753ES,N5252A,N5264B,N9913B,P938XB,8751A,N5224B,8711C,8711A,N523XA,8711B,N523XB,PNA-X 系列,M980XA,FIELDFOX,P50XXA,P50XXB,E5061B,8719ES,E5061A,8719ET,4195A
世强深圳实验室配备是德科技(Keysight)E5071C矢量网络分析仪,覆盖9 kHz到6.5 GHz的宽频率范围。点击预约,支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
服务提供商 - KEYSIGHT 进入
目录- 网络分析仪产品简介 通用网络分析仪 ENA和精简系列USB矢量网络分析仪 PNA系列矢量网络分析仪 多端口测试仪/射频和微波固态开关/PXI多端口网络分析仪 PNA毫米波系统 手持式微波分析仪
型号- M9165B,N5221B,PNA-X,N5241B,N9914B,N5225B,N5245B,N5249B,N9950A,E5080B,E5080A,E5092A,E5072A,N9918B,N9951A,N5290A,N5242B,P916XB,P937XA,P916XA,N5234B,N5222B,M9808A,M9804A,P502XA,E5071C,E5063A,M9375A,P937XA 系列,PNA-L 系列,N9952A,N5231B,PNA 系列,P9165B,P9375A,N5247B,N5235B,N5239B,N5227B,P9370A,M9164B,P9164B,N5232B,N9913B,N5224B,P5008A,N5244B,M9019A,N529XA,PNA-X 系列,M980XA,P50XXA,P5024A,P5028A,E5061B
Keysight E5081A ENA-X矢量网络分析仪,集多种测量功能,可完整验证有源器件性能
全新的Keysight E5081A ENA-X矢量网络分析仪集多种测量功能于一台仪器中,以更快的速度、更大的灵活性、更低的成本进行有源器件全面的表征。
E5080B ENA系列矢量网络分析仪
描述- 本资料详细介绍了Keysight E5080B ENA系列矢量网络分析仪(VNA)的配置、选项、附件和兼容外围设备。资料涵盖了测试集选项、频谱分析硬件、内部偏置T型接头、硬件选项、应用软件、校准选项和附件。此外,还提供了关于脉冲调制硬件、高稳定性时间基准、内部偏置T型接头、模拟输入和输出、设备测试I/O、应用I/O、E5092A可配置多端口测试集、电缆和适配器选项、测量附件、校准套件、波导测量、1.85 mm、2.4 mm、K型连接器(2.92 mm)、3.5 mm或SMA连接器、N型连接器和7 mm连接器的详细信息。
型号- 85133E,85133D,E5080B-172,85052B,11878A,85133F,85052C,N4690,N4421B-K67,85052D,85133H,E5080B-175,85090,85092C,N4693D,N4421AK20,E5080B-290,N7553A,E5092A-1A7,E5080B,E5080B-4N0,N6315A,E5080B-A6J,E5080B-4N2,KS8400A,85133C,85134F,N7552A,85134E,11853A,85053B,85134H,N7550,85033E-400,E5080B-442,E5080B-440,S96025A,85093C,N4694D,K11644A,85032F-100,85032F-500,N6314A,E5080B-4M2,Q11644A,E5080B-4M0,85054B,11525A,85054D,N4430,S94702A,N7555A,E5092A-20C,E5080B-1A7,E5080B-2D0,E5080B-2L0,E5080B-4P2,S96011A,E5080B-4P0,U11644A,E5092A-A6J,E5080B-460,P11644A,S96007A,85033E-300,11524A,E5080B-182,E5080B-462,N4696D,E5080B-181,11904C,11904D,11904A,11904B,N7554A,E5092A-20B,S96090A,S96010A,S96086A,11904S,85055A,E5080B-2K0,E5080B-097,85056D,E5080B-492,E5080B-096,E5080B-095,E5080B-490,E5080B-094,85032F,E5080B-098,N755XA,E5080B-093,N4697J,E5080B-092,N4697K,E5080B-091,E5080B-090,E5080B-1CP,E5080B-1CM,R11644A,N4431D,E5080B-2N0,85056A,E5080B-240,S96029A,85033E,85130D,85130C,E5092A-020,85130F,85130E,E5080B-120,85130G,S94701A,85032F-300,85033E-200,N4690D,E5080B-2M0,S96084A,85057B,N7551A,85131C,85056KE01,85131E,85131D,E5080B-2P0,85050B,85131F,85050C,85050D,85131H,N4691D,X11644A,E5080B-4D2,E5092A-1CP,E5080B-4D0,E5092A-09B,E5092A-1CN,E5092A-1CM,E5080B-4L2,85058B,E5080B-4L0,E5092A-09A,85056KE02,S96083A,85058E,85033E-500,E5080B-140,E5080B-260,N7550A,85051B,N4419AK20,Z5623A-K20,E5080B-022,E5080B-021,85032F-200,N4692D,85033E-100,85058V,E5080B-4K2,E5080B-1E5,E5080B-XXX,E5092A-08C,K281C,E5080B-4K0,S96082A
【经验】使用频谱分析仪N9322C测试 ISO/IEC 14443标准中13.56 MHz RFID 无源标签的谐振频率
随着物联网应用的逐渐深入,越来越多工程师需要一款合适的频谱分析仪测NFC和RFID标签谐振频率,其中隐含的技术,你get了吗?N9322C是一台多功能的频谱仪,它提供内置跟踪源和内置桥选件,具有单端口反射测量功 能,可以测试反射系数(ρ)、回波损耗(Return Loss)和电压驻波比(VSWR)指标。
描述- 本资料为Agilent N9322C频谱分析仪的用户指南,涵盖仪器概述、操作说明、功能与测量、关键参考、仪器信息、故障排除和菜单图等内容。指南详细介绍了仪器的功能、操作方法、安全注意事项以及维护保养等,旨在帮助用户正确使用和维护该频谱分析仪。
型号- N9322C-0B0,N9322C/0B0/922,N9322C/0B0/922/P07/RM7/SEC/TG7/G01,N9322C,N9322C/0B0/922/P07
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