How to Choose the Right Small Bluetooth Chip Solutions of SILICON LABS for Medical Devices and Wearables?
SILICON LABS has been delivering small, application-optimized Bluetooth solutions for the manufacturers of medical devices and wearables for decades. Not only do SILICON LABS solutions deliver ultra-low-power and high-performance Bluetooth LE in a small footprint, they also feature medical-graded security, integrated AI/ML, Analog, DC-DC converter, RF-certified antenna, and many, many other functionalities. This blog showcases eight of SILICON LABS' smallest Bluetooth Chips optimized for medical devices and wearables. The quick comparison table helps you to choose the smallest optimal Bluetooth chip for your application!
This table shows Silicon Labs’ smallest Bluetooth Low Energy chips ( Bluetooth LE chips), comparing their medical- and wearables-optimized features and functionalities.
Overview of the Smallest Bluetooth Chips
Here’s an overview of Silicon Labs’ smallest Bluetooth chips optimized for medical devices and wearables.
The BG22 Bluetooth LE SoC family with a size of 4x4 mm is an excellent fit for feature-optimized portable medical devices and wearables. The BG22 offers 512k of Flash, leaving room for a small application that takes advantage of the many features of the BG22. The Bill of Material (BoM) can be reduced with a minimum antenna/matching network setup, the integrated crystal, and 16-bit ADC. The extremely low power operation of BG22 allows for the use of the smaller battery.
The BG22 TQFN (Thin QFN) package with a mere 0.3 mm thickness enables product designs with a slimmer PCB board architecture.
The BGM220S System-in-Package (SiP) module is based on the BG22 SoC and it integrates more than 20 critical components, such as decoupling capacitors, DCDC components, crystal, RF matching, and harmonic filtering in a tiny footprint of 6x6 mm, enabling device makers to reduce their PCB size radically. Additionally, the BGM220S module comes with an integrated antenna and worldwide RF certifications, accelerating development time significantly.
BG22 is DTSec compliant, meeting the defined protection profile for BGMs, CGMs, and insulin delivery systems.
With Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK and tools, you get the software, sample applications, reference design, and everything needed to get started when building a customized medical application!
The Silicon Labs BG27 Bluetooth Low Energy SoC family is a successor of BG22, offering increased RAM and Flash memory, exceptional wireless performance with ultra-low-power (just like BG22), and many integrated functionalities you need when developing medical and wearable devices, including:
DTSec compliance for Diabetes Management Devices
The highest level of Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP) certification ensuring resistance to hardware and software attacks, including the IEEE 2621 standard for medical devices in diabetes management
DCDC Boost enables 1.5v operation off single-cell alkaline, silver oxide, and button cell batteries typically used on medical applications such as patches, wearable electrocardiograms (ECG), and continuous glucose monitors (CGM)
WLCSP package with dimensions of 2.3x2.6 mm for extremely small device form factors
Coulomb Counter for accurate battery level tracking to enhance user safety and experience
Wake-up Pin allows products to spend months in warehouses and transport, consuming less than 20 nA, until awoken, ensuring the battery remains fully charged when the device is needed the most.
The Silicon Labs BG24 Bluetooth LE SoC family is a highly advanced Bluetooth LE solution offering large RAM and Flash memories and exceptional wireless performance with ultra-low power. Its many integrated functionalities include an AI/ML accelerator for faster and more energy-efficient Machine Learning (ML) inferencing and a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) that can be coupled with external Operational Amplifiers to form a complete Analog Front End (AFE) with reduced cost, space, and complexity of integration. BG24 is available as an ultra-compact WLCSP package (3.0x3.1 mm) to enable extremely small device form factors.
The BGM240S System-in-Package module (SiP module) is based on the BG24 SoC and it integrates more than 20 critical components, such as decoupling capacitors, DCDC components, crystal, RF matching, and harmonic filtering in a compact footprint of 7x7 mm, enabling you to reduce the device’s PCB size. The integrated antenna and worldwide RF certifications accelerate your product development time significantly.
Learn More About Small Bluetooth Devices
Choosing the smallest optimal chip is only one of the many ways to reduce your Bluetooth product design. Download SILICON LABS whitepaper about Small Bluetooth Devices to learn how SiP modules and smarter antenna design can do wonders for minimizing your PCB footprint and BoM without compromising wireless performance!
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【IC】芯科推出Wi-Fi 6 SoC SiWx917,采用7x7mmQFN封装,是超低功耗物联网无线设备的理想选择
SiWx917 SoC是功耗最低的Wi-Fi 6 SoC,是使用Wi-Fi、Bluetooth®、Matter和IP网络实现安全云连接的超低功耗物联网无线设备的理想选择。SiWx917 SoC包括一个超低功耗Wi-Fi 6加低功耗蓝牙(LE)5.4无线CPU子系统,以及一个集成微控制器(MCU)应用子系统、安全、外围设备和电源管理子系统。
“More is More“ When it Comes to Memory on Wi-Fi IoT Devices
This blog describes how much memory IoT devices actually need, and how SILICON LABS’ SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 SoCs respond to the IoT developers’ call for more memory.
【IC】芯科科技BG27蓝牙SoC赢得IoT Evolution World评选2024年资产跟踪产品奖
SILICON LABS的BG27蓝牙SoC近期荣获IoT Evolution World网站举办的2024年资产跟踪产品奖。该奖项旨在表彰利用物联网技术实现资产跟踪功能自动化的卓越创新,以提高效率、减少盗窃或优化资产利用率。
Silicon Labs联手Unikie拓展边缘物联网应用,强化蓝牙定位解决方案性能
Silicon Labs(芯科科技)与物联网设计伙伴Unikie近期针对边缘智能(Edge AI)和物联网结合的应用强化合作。Unikie拥有近600名嵌入式系统工程专家,可帮助汽车、医疗保健、工业和智能建筑领域的设备OEM充分利用芯科科技的物联网无线连接、低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth LE)和应用于边缘智能的人工智能和机器学习(AI/ML)解决方案。
拆箱SIWX917 Wi-Fi 6+蓝牙LE Pro套件
描述- 本文介绍了SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth LE Pro Kit,包括其超低功耗、物联网优化无线性能、多协议共存、大内存、单芯片Matter over Wi-Fi解决方案、边缘计算和系统集成、以及强大的安全性。文章还详细介绍了SiWx917的软件架构、不同操作模式、开发过程,以及如何获取技术支持。
型号- SIWX917
在当今医疗领域,持续性血糖监测(CGM)成为人们关注的焦点,特别是对于糖尿病患者而言,实时了解血糖水平变化对于治疗和生活质量的提升具有举足轻重的意义。Silicon Labs提供的极小型、超低功耗EFR32BG27(BG27)蓝牙SoC在CGM中的应用显得尤为突出。本文将详细介绍BG27蓝牙SoC在CGM中的应用及其突出特点。
Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”)的无线SoC和MCU助力全球客户的医疗物联网应用创新,持续打造更智能、高效、安全和便捷的健康监测设备。智能和网联技术近年来一直是医疗和健康保障领域内的热门技术,许多厂商都在利用医疗物联网(IoMT)技术开发更加智能和互联的健康监测设备,以利用物联网、云计算、人工智能和可穿戴等新一代信息通信技术,来帮助用户时刻监控自己的健康状况、降低医疗费用和就医麻烦。
【选型】Silicon Labs BG22、xG24、BG27无线SoC比较及信驰达无线模块选型指南
作为安全、智能无线技术领域的前沿品牌,Silicon Labs在最近几年陆续推出了EFR32BG22、EFR32xG24、EFR32BG27等系列无线SoC。RF-star作为物联网行业领先的无线通信模组厂商,基于Silicon Labs的无线SoC推出了RF-BM-BG22x系列串口转蓝牙透传模块、RF-BM-BG24x旗舰系列低功耗蓝牙模块和RF-BM-MG24x旗舰系列并发多协议无线模块。
随着蓝牙标准的推陈出新,Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”)也持续升级蓝牙解决方案,全系列低功耗、高性能蓝牙SoC和模块现已支持最新蓝牙5.4版本,以满足开发人员的需求。
描述- 本资料由Silicon Labs公司提供,主题为小型蓝牙设备的微型化设计。内容涵盖微型化趋势、设计挑战、解决方案和案例研究。资料强调了SoC集成、低组件数量、电池类型和天线设计的重要性,并介绍了Silicon Labs的小型蓝牙解决方案和参考设计。
型号- BGM220,BG27,BG24,BG22,BGM240,BGM240S,BCM220S,BGM220S,BGM220P
在蓝牙6.0规范推出之际,Silicon Labs(芯科科技)就火速跟进,其强大的蓝牙产品组合和行业领先的蓝牙架构现已支持蓝牙6.0和蓝牙信道探测。芯科科技产品营销经理Aashish Chaddha近期并参与了EEWorld的专题访谈,来帮助工程师快速了解蓝牙6.0技术,并从产品层面彻底理解蓝牙6.0。
随着人们对个人健康和智能生活的追求不断升温,可穿戴设备市场呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。在这个充满机遇与挑战的领域,Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”)凭借其深厚的技术积累和敏锐的市场洞察,成为了行业的佼佼者。近日,芯科科技的家居和生活业务部可穿戴和生活业务经理Pranay Dixit参与了EEPW电子产品世界的访谈,就可穿戴设备市场的现状、公司战略以及技术创新等方面进行了深入探讨。
Silicon Labs全新发布了专为极小型物联网设备设计的BG27蓝牙SoC系列,通过该款新品小至2.3x2.6毫米的封装尺寸以及集成的低功耗蓝牙连接和安全性,助力Lura Health公司设计出世界上首款持续的唾液健康监测仪。
品类:Wireless Gecko SoC
现货: 102,628
品类:Wireless Gecko SoC
现货: 2,250
品类:Mighty Gecko Multi-Protocol Wireless SoC
现货: 90,767
品类:Switch Hall Effect Magnetic Position Sensor
支持Bluetooth SIG最新的测试规范,支持2.0(EDR), 2.1(EDR), 3.0(HS), 4.0(LE)规范, 并且能完整覆盖BR/EDR/HS/BLE的所有射频测试项目。测试标准:RF.TS/4.03 ;RF-PHYTS/40.3。
实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
根据用户的蓝牙模块,使用Bluetooth 蓝牙测试装置MT8852B,测试蓝牙1.0至5.1,包括传输速率、功率、频率、调制和接收机灵敏度,生成测试报告。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
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