Safer Journey Awaits: Igniting Road Safety with Virtual Antenna® Technology

The roads are set to become significantly safer, thanks to the revolutionary integration of IoT in road safety measures. While car manufacturers are leveraging technology to make cars safer, one of the fastest ways smart connectivity is being deployed is in after-market safety devices. Among these innovations, the standout is the new V16 emergency beacon accelerated to market by Ignion’s Virtual Antenna® solution.
Virtual Antenna®: The heart of safer roadways
Ignion’s Virtual Antenna® technology is the connectivity cornerstone of the new V16 emergency beacons, which are replacing the outdated road safety reflective triangles. Spain is leading the charge mandating that all cars must have the new device onboard by January 2026. The unique challenges for connectivity in the car environment require a unique solution. The V16 device itself boasts both NB-IoT and GNSS connectivity, the form factor is small and round and has a lot of metal parts including the all-important reflector and the powerful magnet used to keep it positioned on the roof of the car. Metal is like kryptonite to radios, however, multiple radios in a small form factor device were instantly modeled in Ignion’s Antenna Intelligence Cloud™, and a design was realized with Virtual Antenna® technology, robust to the metallic environment. This ensured the V16 manufacturer that the broadcast of the positioning signal met the certification requirements of their diverse carriers.
Battery life in this device is essential. In a perfect world, the V16 emergency beacon rests in the glovebox forever, but when an emergency occurs, it needs to be switched on and ready for action. Battery life is optimized both by using low-power NB-IoT and by ensuring optimized antenna performance through the integration of Virtual Antenna® components.
High efficiency in a space-constrained and metallic environment is made possible by the non-resonant Virtual Antenna® technology leveraging the full ground plane of the device. Another big advantage is the fast time to market enabled by the Virtual Antenna® technology due to the ability to retune the antenna using the matching network, rather than having to replace the antenna whose performance might not measure up after the device is completed. The ability to satisfy multiple product designs with a single Virtual Antenna® solution makes the economy of scale as well as the savings on individual product development substantial. This cost-conscious approach ensures roll-out and adoption even before Spain’s government mandate goes into effect in January 2026.
Safety in a flash: The V16 emergency beacon
Imagine a stranded motorist in need. With the V16 beacon, they no longer must venture into hazardous roadside conditions to set up a warning triangle behind the car. Instead, they can safely roll down the window and attach this IoT-enabled beacon to their car roof without getting out of the vehicle and putting themselves in harm’s way.
The beacon doesn’t just alert other drivers in the case of a breakdown or accident, but the built-in geo-location feature can also be used to reroute traffic, when necessary, as the Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT) in Spain is implementing. By detouring traffic away from the trouble area safety can be improved by reducing congestion and the additional fender benders and serious accidents that might result. As with all IoT devices, connectivity is key, and in the case of these V16 flashlights that connectivity can be lifesaving. Between 2019 and 2020, 28 people were killed on Spain’s roads after leaving their vehicles to position the analog reflectors on the road when they had a breakdown. (European Commission for Mobility & Transport)
Background: A dire need for change
Globally, road traffic accidents claim 1.4 million lives annually, with vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists being the most affected (European Commission for Mobility & Transport). The economic and human toll of these accidents is staggering. The European Union, aiming to halve road deaths and serious injuries by 2030, has adopted Vision Zero, a testament to the critical role of technology in enhancing road safety.
The IoT Impact: Beyond the beacon
The V16 flashlight beacon reliably connected with Ignion’s Virtual Antenna® component is a tangible representation of how IoT is safeguarding lives. But it’s not alone. The IoT landscape in road safety extends to car features and city infrastructure, all geared towards creating a smarter, safer journey for everyone. Ignion remains with a strong focus on making these critical innovations easy to bring to life.
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突破天线极限!Nordic Thingy:91X 蜂窝物联网原型构建平台,简化物联网应用开发,加速产品上市!
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超宽带(UWB)与虚拟天线Virtual Antenna®UWB凭借其高精度、高效性和多功能性正在改变各行各业。从UWB户外定位到适用于智能手机和物联网设备的UWB天线,这项技术始终处于创新的前沿。实现这些特性需要高质量、可靠的天线。Ignion的虚拟天线®技术提供卓越的UWB性能,使得在广泛的应用中实现可靠的通信和定位。
Virtual Antenna™ changes everything for IoT device makers
Ignion Virtual Antenna™ technology opens the door for accelerated growth and shorter time-to-revenue for IoT device makers.A wide range of IoT companies, including Nordic Semiconductor, Sequans and Sierra Wireless, are using Ignion know-how in their reference chip designs.
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AI & Machine Learning: Simplifying IoT Antenna Integration with Virtual Antenna® Technology
Ignion has embraced this opportunity Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to automate the development process for its Virtual Antenna® technology, giving the IoT market access to a powerful, useful and ML-powered digital twin design tool—Antenna Intelligence Cloud™.
DUO mXTEND™ (NN03-320) 是一款多用途的物联网芯片天线组件,具有两个独立端口。该组件专为全球范围内的 GNSS 和蓝牙连接设计,同时支持 5G 和 UWB 等频段。其特点是尺寸小巧(7.0mm x 3.0mm x 2.0mm),无需额外空间,适用于多种设备。
Virtual Antenna® Enables Reliable Cellular Connectivity for Withings’ New Product Line
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Virtual Antenna®专利列表
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The Kinghelm KHM-FM/AM-100-W1 redefines car antennas with its fashionable shark fin design and elegant white finish. Not only does it enhance your vehicle‘s overall look, but it also seamlessly integrates advanced signal reception capabilities.

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