ElastiSense‘s Partnership with Smart Sensor Systems from Norway Offering the State-of-the-art Data Logger, iBridge
Thanks to ElastiSense's very close partnership with Smart Sensor Systems from Norway, ElastiSense now has the opportunity to offer customers the state-of-the-art data logger, iBridge.
iBridge loggers can be connected to most sensors, including ElastiSense DS Sensors.
You can purchase iBridge data loggers and DS sensors in sekorm web shop.
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ElastiSense provides Sensors for off-Road and off-highway vehicles
ElastiSense sensors enable producers and end-users of off-road vehicles to effectively introduce monitoring and predictive maintenance for greater reliability and longevity in these vehicles. These sensors are precise and flexible thanks to ground-breaking ‘active rubber’ sensor technology.
ElastiSense‘s Stretch Sensors Has been Sent Into Space to Monitor Blood Flow from the Brain Back to the Heart
Some years ago, LEAP Technology, which is now merged with ElastiSense Sensor Technology, was engaged in a very interesting and fun project with the European Space Agency (ESA), which ultimately resulted in stretch sensors being sent into space. In short the purpose of the project was to monitor blood flow from the brain back to the heart. The sensors were worn on the neck and wrist of the Italian astronaut depicted here.
Easy-to-install ElastiSense DS20 sensors for bridge monitoring have won good comments from Virginia Department of Transportation
Being waterproof (IP68) and tolerant to misalignments, ElastiSense DS-Series sensors are inherently suitable for instrumentation and monitoring of structures such as bridges, tunnels, buildings, dams, rock cliffs, railways, etc.
描述- DS系列位移传感器专为工业应用设计,结合了非接触式传感器的坚固性和在恶劣环境中的测量能力。这些传感器适用于各种应用,包括结构健康监测、工厂自动化和越野车辆,具有防水、内置环境补偿、耐磨损和环境耐受性等特点。
型号- DS 5,DS100,DS5,DS 50,DS50,DS 100,DS 20,DS20,DS SERIES,DSAAABBCDEFFGH,DS100BK12C01C1,DS 250,DS250,DS - SERIES
描述- DS系列位移传感器专为工业应用设计,结合了非接触式传感器的坚固性与在恶劣环境下的测量能力。该系列产品具有防水(IP68)、内置环境补偿、耐磨损和环境适应性等特点,适用于条件监测、预测维护和损害预防等领域。
型号- DS SERIES,DS□□□-□□-□□-C-□□-□□,DS100,DS50,DS250,DS-SERIES,DS20,DS
【视频】ElastiSense完全防水 (IP68) 的全橡胶位移传感器,有效行程至250mm
Constant monitoring of bridges is made possible with DS-Series sensors from ElastiSense
constant monitoring of bridges is made possible with DS-Series sensors from ElastiSense. DS-Series sensors are built for the purpose and are capable of monitoring movement on a bridge 24/7 in all weather.
Bridge Monitoring in Greece Used Six Elastisense Sensor Technology DS Displacement Sensors
NEOTEK supplied a wireless system comprising of six Elastisense Sensor Technology DS displacement sensors installed over major cracks, each connected to an analogue node. A central Gateway receives measurements from the nodes and these are available 24/7 over telemetry to the engineers monitoring the restoration progress.
Delve into the Importance of Crack Monitoring and the Utilization of Displacement Sensors
Crack monitoring is indispensable for ensuring the safety, integrity, and longevity of structures. Displacement sensors offer a reliable and efficient solution. By embracing this technology, organizations can proactively manage risks, optimize maintenance practices, and uphold regulatory compliance, ultimately enhancing their operational resilience and reputation.
ElastiSense的传感器已部署在挪威的一座教堂上,以监测墙壁上的裂缝扩展。合作伙伴Smart Sensor Systems公司开发了一种即插即用的结构健康监测系统,由ElastiSense的传感器及其无线数据记录器(iBridge)组成。
描述- 本资料介绍了DS系列位移传感器,适用于工业应用。该系列产品结合了非接触式传感器的坚固性与测量在恶劣环境中的应用能力,旨在减少安装、操作和维护的努力和成本。DS系列传感器具有多种特性,包括防水、内置环境补偿、耐磨损和环境适应性强等。
型号- DS 5,DS100,DS5,DS 50,DS50,DS 100,DS 20,DS20,DS SERIES,D S - SERIES,DS100BK12C01C1,DS 250,DS250
DS Sensors from Elastisense Sensor Technology Are Used to Monitor Longitudinal Expansion and Tilt/angel of The Bridge
DS Sensors from ElastiSense Sensor Technology are used in this field study to monitor longitudinal expansion and tilt/angel of the bridge, both in relation to shifting weather/temperature changes during a day, as well as with changing seasons. The sensors are placed on the bearings of the bridge in different angels and positions and continuously deliver data through a datalogger.
ElastiSense DS Sensor are Born IoT Ready
The Internet of things (IoT) describes devices with sensors, processing ability, software and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet or other communications networks. A DS sensor mounted on a bridge, a building a hillside, a stamping machine, a mining train, an excavator, a packaging machine, a tank, or whatever structure, machine, or application you can imagine, basically just detects movement through influence on the sensor itself.
品类:Highly robust IP68 displacement sensor
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