How Bluetooth Channel Sounding Redefines Location Accuracy

2024-03-13 RF-Star
Bluetooth LE modules,CC2340,信驰达 Bluetooth LE modules,CC2340,信驰达 Bluetooth LE modules,CC2340,信驰达 Bluetooth LE modules,CC2340,信驰达

With its well-known audio streaming and data transfer capacities, Bluetooth® technology with has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, powering everything from wireless headphones to smart home devices. But did you know that Bluetooth is now leaping towards high-accuracy location services, thanks to a groundbreaking technique called Bluetooth Channel Sounding?

In this blog, we'll explore what Bluetooth Channel Sounding is, how it works, the benefits it brings to location services, which use cases benefit from high-accuracy distance measurement (HADM), and why it's such a game-changer in the world of connectivity.

Figure 1 Why Bluetooth Channel Sounding Leads High-Accuracy Location Services

What does Bluetooth Channel Sounding?

Channel Sounding, previously known as high-accuracy distance measurement (HADM), is a new technique to calculate the distance between two Bluetooth devices. It uses phase-based ranging(PBR) on multiple channels to obtain an accurate distance measurement.

Does it sound complex? At its core, the principle of Channel Sounding is simple.

How Bluetooth Channel Sounding Works?

Look at the picture of the Channel Sounding procedure and let’s explore the principle in aneasy way.

Figure 2 The Channel Sounding procedure

Device A sends a radio signal to Device B, whereupon Device B measures the phase of this signal and transmits it back to Device A with that same phase. Following this, Device A assesses the phase variance between the transmitted and received radio signals to determine the distance traversed by these signals at the time of flight.

This procedure is repeated multiple times over different channel frequencies, thereby the Bluetooth devices can estimate an unambiguous distance in a precise way using phase data.
The upcoming feature brings good news to the increasing number of Bluetooth devices, especially the ones with location services.

What are Benefits of Bluetooth Location Services with Channel Sounding?

The benefits of Bluetooth location services with Channel Sounding are vast and impactful.
Here are the key advantages:

High-Accuracy of Up to 10CM

Despite the proven utility of existing Bluetooth ranging technologies, their precision in distance measurements may fall short for more challenging use cases.

The ubiquitous received signal strength indicator (RSSI) technique, available on all smartphones, estimates the distance between two devices based on the decline of the signal's amplitude. Regrettably, the accuracy of this method is generally limited, often ranging from three to five meters. Besides, RSSI remains vulnerable to interference from external factors, such as absorption and diffraction.

After that, more advanced techniques in distance ranging accuracy are born - Angle of arrival (AoA) and Angle of departure (AoD). Instead of directly estimating distance, AoA and AoD utilize trigonometry to derive distances from the angles of incoming or outgoing radio signals. This methodology can achieve sub-meter accuracy.

Nonetheless, the accuracy may yet fluctuate considerably due to surrounding circumstances. For example, multipath propagation can impede accurate measurements in indoor spaces densely populated with obstacles and reflective surfaces.

This leads us to Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, the latest wireless technology for high-accuracy location services. What’s the prominent difference between traditional Bluetooth ranging technologies and Channel Sounding is the measurement method.

With the phase-based ranging, Bluetooth Channel Sounding leaps towards 10-cm accuracy. Even if the device is in challenging indoor environments, it can get a more precise location than beyond two previous techniques. Therefore, Channel Sounding will empower a wide range of applications, eg. asset tracking and indoor navigation.

Enhanced Security Against Signal Manipulation

RSSI has another drawback except for low accuracy, that is, a security risk. Its signal levels can be tampered with, potentially resulting in breaches in high-security situations. For example, in security-sensitive use cases such as smart door systems, an attacker could elevate the RSSI level to deceive the system into perceiving someone as closer than they truly are. These vulnerabilities render RSSI inadequate for high-security applications.

For Bluetooth Channel Sounding, the link layer handles procedures for advertising, scanning, connection management, asynchronous and isochronous data communication, and data encryption. Moreover, its phase-based ranging algorithm can prevent relay attacks. The outstanding ranging technique is fit for car access control systems, digital keys, and high-security applications.

Low-Cost Positioning Solution

Angle of Arrival (AOA) requires multiple Bluetooth antennas(at least three antennas) to get a precise measurement.

Maybe another high-accuracy technology - Ultra-Wideband (UWB) comes to your mind now. While UWB can reach even sub-centimeter precision, it requires incorporating a new chipset. Additionally, its power consumption, while quickly decreasing, remains notably higher than that of BLE's. It follows that Ultra-Wideband (UWB) offers improved accuracy but at the cost of increased budget and complexity.

Aside from the two pros mentioned above, single-antenna Bluetooth LE solutions with Channel Sounding are more cost-effective than UWB solutions.

Seamless Integration & Interoperability

Bluetooth Channel Sounding is introduced by existing Bluetooth technology, making it easy to integrate seamlessly into established infrastructure and devices. This means businesses and developers will quickly have easy access to a secure, low-cost, and accurate positioning solution without needing additional chipsets.

The unprecedented accuracy, security, and flexibility of Bluetooth Channel Sounding break barriers for many applications. Which use cases will probably adopt the tech?

Which Use Cases Prefer High-accuracy Distance Measurement (HADM)?

The applications of high-accuracy distance measurement (HADM) are diverse. Here are some use cases that can benefit significantly from this new technology:

Indoor Navigation: In large shopping malls, the combination of Channel Sounding with other new Bluetooth technologies like Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) protocols can revolutionize indoor navigation experiences, providing users with precise directions and real-time updates.

Asset Tracking: Bluetooth-based systems have been widely commercialized for asset tracking in industrial and warehouse settings. These systems also leverage existing Bluetooth Low Energy technology to meet performance standards. Developers can use Channel Sounding to improve the positioning accuracy of these systems. This not only helps prevent loss or theft but also improves operational efficiency by streamlining inventory management processes.

Moreover, it provides advanced features to some of the more demanding systems available, like real-time athlete tracking in professional sports.

Vehicle Keyless Entry: Channel Sounding offers several benefits for vehicle keyless entry. This technology provides greater accuracy compared to older systems that rely on Receive Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) for distance estimation. This enables carmakers to meet accuracy standards while reducing the number of Bluetooth antennas on vehicles. Thereby, it decreases the overall cost of a Phone as a Key(PaaK). Additionally, Channel Sounding security blocks various potential attacks on the keyless entry system.

In short, the high security and accuracy over previous generations of Bluetooth positioning, coupled with its low power profile and low cost, makes Bluetooth Channel Sounding ideal for applications such as industrial / warehouse/ consumer asset tracking, ESL systems, real-time sport/fitness tracking, and automotive digital keys.

RF-star’s Perspective

Texas Instruments(TI) is actively working with the SIG on the specification of Bluetooth Channel Sounding technology. TI CC2340R5 and upcoming Bluetooth LE chipsets will support the new technique in its RF’s core and Bluetooth stack.

As a leading global provider of Bluetooth LE solutions and one of IDH of TI, RF-star is devoting itself to Bluetooth Low Energy innovation. Its CC2340 Bluetooth LE modules based on TI CC2340R5 chipsets will support Channel Sounding modes subsequently. They will provide consumer IoT, industrial and automotive applications with high-accuracy, low cost and secure ranging solutions. RF-star believes these innovative solutions powered by this groundbreaking technology will play a vital role in wireless positioning systems in the next few years.

Currently, UWB technology can achieve sub-cm distance measurement, but in terms of its cost and industry ecosystem, it cannot yet compete with Bluetooth Channel Sounding. RF-star anticipates Channel Sounding may not replace other technologies like UWB impulse radio entirely. Hybrid solutions combining multiple ranging methods may become prevalent in the future.

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8 High-Power Bluetooth LE Modules and Their Applications

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology is renowned for its low power consumption and ease of use in short-range wireless communication. High-power BLE modules are essential for applications requiring extended range and robust connectivity. They integrate advanced wireless technologies and offer flexible output options, making them ideal for smart homes, industrial automation and more. This article introduces 8 high-power bluetooth LE modules and their applications.

技术探讨    发布时间 : 2024-07-16

Common RF Antennas of Bluetooth Modules: The Ultimate Guide

RF-star‘s Bluetooth LE modules integrated with the same chip series operate in identical environments, the different RF output versions exhibit variations in transmission distance. Modules with IPEX connector/stamp-hole interfaces boast the optimal transmission range, followed by those with PCB antennas, and lastly, ceramic antenna versions. However, the specific performance should be verified through real-testing.

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信驰达科技推出的RF-BM-2340B1蓝牙模块,基于TI第四代蓝牙SoC CC2340R5设计,支持蓝牙5.3、Zigbee、Simple-Link TI 15.4-Stack和2.4G私有协议,已通过BQB、FCC、CE、IC、RoHS、Reach、TSCA等多项认证。

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型号- 1157288,HC-M-B16-DOCK-H,1116734,1160210,QUINT4-CAP /24DC / 20 / 16KJ / PN,1116737,1115649,1116735,HC-M-B16-DOCK-B,1116736,1151617,1151618,AXL F BK PN TPS XC,1148699,1193381,1157286,1157284,1160209,1262470,1151610,QUINT4-PS / 3AC / 48DC / 20,CRIMPFOX-TC MP / LOC-1,BL2 AIO65 11 PB BOX,1227583,VAL-EV-T2 280 / 3+1,CRIMPFOX-TC MP-6,1227580,VAL-MS 230 / 3+1-PT,PLC-FA-I-5X20-12-24UC,1167192,CAPAROC PM PN,PT 2,5-MT-CLT,1262469,1274012,FL SWITCH 1004N-FX,FL SWITCH 1005N-2SFX,1274014,PTVME 6/S,QUINT4-CAP /24DC / 20 / 16KJ / EIP,QUINT4-PS /48- 110DC / 24DC /2.5 / PT,1221706,1145196,1145192,CAPAROC PM S-R,1157290,1085800,1085801,MACX MCR-EX-1TS-I-OLP-SP,1221737,1180145,TS-PTVME 6/S,1221735,1106610,1180144,1138965,1180149,1221739,FPM 15.6 69K SP,1270199,1270198,1106615,1106616,NBC-R4OC / 5,0-BC5 / R4OC,1194550,MINI MCR-2-V8-PN,1182217,CAPAROC PD 0V,1252470,1180150,PTU 4-TWIN-TG,CAPAROC E4 12-24DC / 1-4A,1115674,1252472,1115672,1193694,D-PTVME 6/S,CLT-10P / 2-2-60V-I-P,1221758,1221757,CRIMPFOX CENTRUS 6S-NC,2910124,FL SWITCH 2608 PN,1051190,HC-STA-B16 / B10-CESFD-PL-BK,1116871,1115661,SPE-T1-STSM-180,CRIMPFOX CENTRUS 6H-NC,CAPAROC E1 12-24DC / 1A,NBC-R4OC / 2,0-BC5 / R4OC,1115655,CHARX PS-M2 / 3AC / 1000DC / 30KW,FPM 17.3 69K,1115415,1115657,2910132,1115658,2910133,SPE-T1-M8MRM-90,1106707,FPM 23.8 69K,AXC F XT SPLC 1000,SPE-T1-M8MSM-180,NBC-R4ACS-R4ACS- IE8 / … / …,1130760,CM 2-PA-CLT,1105562,TP 6121-WXPS,EEM-EMMA-PC-L-Y,PTFIX 6/6X2,5-MTL,1105560,CAPAROC E1 12-24DC / 2A,1151587,STEP3-PS / 1AC / 24DC / 3.75 / PT/FL,EEM-EMMA-PC-L-M,1068857,1197100,TRIO-PS67 / 1AC / 24DC / 8 / INC,1138367,1164788,1138366,1164789,CHARX SEC-1000,1197102,TRIO-PS-2G / 1500DC / 24DC / 1.5,UNO2-PS / 1AC / 48DC / 240W,QUINT4-PS / 24DC / 24DC / 10 / PT / CO,FL SWITCH 2708,1163798,1088570,1163797,1088690,QUINT4-PS /12-24DC / 24DC /2.5 / SC,QUINT4-CAP /24DC / 20 / 16KJ / USB,1163795,1163793,SAC-5P-P12MS / 1,5-PUR / P12FR,1233779,1175448,1175449,1175447,1105559,1175445,1138377,1088573,1233777,TTC-6-1X2-TELE-UT,1077106,1077107,NBC-R4OC / 5,0-BC6A / R4OC,BL2 PPC7 1201-4 / 64-W10,PTVME 6/S-P,SPE-T1-STRM-90,EEM-EMMA-PC-M-M,MACX MCR-1TS- I-OLP,FLT-SEC-ZP2-3C-255 / 7,5,1182185,HC-M-B06-DOCK-H,AXL SE DI16 / 1 NPN,CAPAROC E2 12-24DC / 1-4A,FLT-SEC-ZP2-3C-255 / 12,5,HC-STA-B24 / B16-CESFD-PL-BK,SACB-8 / 16-5,0PUR P12 SH,EEM-EMMA-PC-M-Y,AS-WORKBENCH-F 90 US MA,FL BLE 1300,CAPAROC CR EXT20,1106500,FL SWITCH 2608,PPC 17.3 AIO 69K,AXL SE INC1 ASYM,1196228,1196227,QUINT4-PS /12-24DC / 24DC /2.5 / PT,1182190,HC-M-B06-DOCK-B,1271831,1271830,1271833,1271832,1232304,2702899,1271834,1142829,CAPAROC E1 12-24DC / 6A,PTU 4-TWIN-MT-P,1185434,BL2 PPC AIO65 7000,1201600,SPE-T1-STRM-90-LED,1091431,PTV 6-QUATTRO,CAPAROC CR 8,ELR H51-IES-24DC500AC-3-IFS,TRIO-PS67 / 1AC / 24DC / 10 / IPD,ME 6,2 TBUS-PR-ADAPTER,CHARX SEC-3100,1194398,EPC 15XX,1166809,1107892,QUINT4-PS / 24DC / 24DC / 5 / PT / CO,NBC-R4OC / 2,0-BC6A / R4OC,PTV 6-TWIN,1232243,SAC-4P-P12MS / 1,5-PUR / P12FS,1185416,1186508,1201509,1233780,1102077,CLT-10P / 2-2-24V-I-P,1118418,CHARX SEC-3000,TP 6101-WXPS,AXL E ATEX PROTECTION SET,MACX MCR-EX-1TS- I-OLP,1102079,TTC-6-1X2-TELE-PT,VAL-EV-T2 280 / 3+1-R,STEP3-PS / 1AC / 12DC / 1.3 / PT,PSR-ESS-M0-H210-2000-A,1130751,CSS 0.75-1 / 3,1185423,1130757,1183360,1186510,1199811,CRIMPFOX-C,QUINT4-PS / 1AC / 48DC / 20,RIF-RPT-LDP- 24DC / 2X2 / 2X1 / AU / FG,AXL SE SSDI8 / 3,PTV 6-PE,AS-WORKBENCH-F 90 MA,AXL F BK EIP XC,HC-M-B10-DOCK-B,1110991,1110990,NEARFI PD 2A ETH B,HC-M-B10-DOCK-H,1066708,AXL SE RTD4 PT1000,1066716,NEARFI P 2A R,1066718,UNO2-PS / 1AC / 24DC / 240W,1066714,CAPAROC E1 12-24DC / 10A,BL2 PPC10 1201-4 / 128-W10,NEARFI PD 2A ETH R,2702900,FLT-SEC-ZP2 FM-MODULE,QUINT4-PS /12-24DC / 24DC /1.3 / SC,1051204,1110984,NEARFI P 2A B,UNO-PS / 1AC / 24DC / 100W / H,1247656,1190417,1110989,1110987,1110986,1065635,1191990,1191993,1190420,116004,CHARX SEC-3150,VAL-EV-T1 / T2 264 / 12.5 / 3+1,1234224,1234225,1270203,PLC-FA-5X20,1270202,1088851,1270205,FL SWITCH 1000-8POE-GT,1088850,1270204,1234229,1234226,1247629,TRIO-PS67 / 1AC / 24DC / 10 / M12,ELR H51-IES-24DC500AC-9-IFS,1162095,CRIMPFOX-C DMCC 4P / DIE,FPM 23.8 69K SP,VAL-MS 230 / 3+1 FM-PT,FL SWITCH 1104N-SFP,EPC 1522,1247639,BL2 AIO65 9 PB BOX,2904627,FL WLAN 1010,FL WLAN 1011,CAPAROC CR EXT8,1202888,STEP3-PS / 1AC / 5DC / 3 / PT,CAPAROC CR EXT4,FLT-SEC-ZP2-3S-255 / 12,5,1202883,SPE-T1-M8MSM / 2,0-97B / M8FSF,1202882,UNO2-PS / 1AC / 24DC / 120W,1202880,1248960,1248961,CHARX SEC-3050,CLT-10P / 2-VF-230V-I-P,WIREASSIST SW1.X DONGLE,CLIPX ENGINEER,BL2 PPC 1200,1237881,1271836,CAPAROC E1 12-24DC / 1-10A,FL WLAN 2011,1139018,CAPAROC E4 12-24DC / 1-10A,FPM 15.6 69K,FL WLAN 2010,SPE-T1-M8MSM-180-SMD,1168940,1139012,1168943,2904612,2904613,1119248,1168942,1119246,CAPAROC E1 12-24DC / 1-4A,1168947,1271960,1088662,CLT-10P / 2-2-12V-I-P,1168946,1088664,EPC 1502,1088666,1088665,1087698,1271966,CLOUD CLIENT 1101T-TX / TX,ELR H51-IES-24DC500AC-3-IOL,PTFIX 6/6X2,5-TG,1186499,TC ROUTER 4102T-4G EU WLAN,1201696,1111634,QUINT4-PS / 1AC / 110D

选型指南  -  PHOENIXCONTACT  - 2021-03-01 PDF 英文 下载


描述- 信驰达(RF-star)是一家专注于低功耗无线射频应用的高新技术企业,致力于为客户提供基于BLE、Wi-Fi、UWB、Matter、Zigbee、Thread、Sub-1G、Wi-SUN等核心技术的软硬件设计与制造、APP交互及物联网云后台开发、大数据分析、以及OEM与ODM服务,其产品及服务广泛分布于新能源汽车、消费电子、医疗电子、工业物联网、智慧能源等领域。

型号- CC2642R,CC2662R2F-Q1,CC2642R2F-Q1,NRF52,NRF52833,NRF52832,RSBRS02AI,RF-WM-20DNB1,RF-WM-3235A1S,A020F1024IM48-B,NRF52840系列,A010F1024IM48-B,RF-SM-1277B2,RF-BM-ND04I,RSBRS02AA,RF-SM-1277B1,CC1312系列,RF-BM-ND04C,EFR32FG25,RF-BM-2652P2I,RF-WM-3200B3,NRF52系列,RF-WM-3200B1,CC2530系列,CC2640R2FRGZ,EFR32XG24系列,RF-BM-4044B5,C224系列,RF-WM-20CMB1,2E0RKPR,CC1312,RF-BM-ND05I,CC1310,RF-BM-4044B2,CC2640,C2640R2F,RF-BM-4044B4,RF-SM-1077B2,RF-BM-4044B3,RF-SM-1077B1,CC264X系列,CC2652R,CC2540,RTL8720DN,RTL8720DN系列,RF-BM-2642B2,RF-DG-40A,C224F512GM32-C,NRF52811,NRF52810,RF-BM-BG22B1,RF-ZM-2530P1I,RF-BM-BG22A3,RF-WM-3235B1S,EFR32BG22系列,RF-B-SR1,BG24,RTL8711AF,CC2530,CC2652,RF-BM-4077B1,RF-BM-4077B2,CC2652P,CC3220SF,CC2340系列,RF-BM-MG24B2,C112F352GM32-C,RF-BM-MG24B1,RF-BM-2652P7,CC131X系列,NRF52805,RF-BM-BG22C3,CC3235S,CC131X,CC1352P7,CC264X,RF-BM-2652P2,RF-BM-2652P3,RF-BM-2652P4,CC3235SF,CC2652P7,RF-ZM-2530B1,EFR32XG24,CC32XX系列,A410F1536IM48-B,CC1352,RF-BM-ND09A,C112系列,A420F1536IM48-B,RF-WM-11AFB1,RF-DG-22A,RF-BM-ND04CI,CC2651R3系列,RF-WM-RTL8720DNB1,EFR32BG22C112,CC265X,EFR32BG22,RF-BM-2340C2,ATM2202,EFR32BG24,BG24 系列,RF-DG-52PAS,RTL8720CM,CC2340R5,RF-B-AR4,RF-B-AR1,RF-BM-2652B1,RF-ZM-2530P1,RF-BM-BG22A1,RF-BM-2652B2,RF-TI1352B1,CC2640R2FRSM,RF-ZM-2530B1I,CC2652R7,RF-BM-2340A2I,EFR32BG22C224,RF-BM-BG22A1I,RF-BM-2340B1,CC1352P7系列,CC2340,RTL87XX系列,RF-WM-3235B1,RS02A1-B,RS02A1-A,RSBRS02ABR,RF-BM-ND10,C224,RF-BM-BG24B1,RF-DG-32B,RF-BM-ND04,RF-BM-ND05,RF-BM-ND06,RTL87XX,RF-BM-ND08,RF-BM-2340B1I,RF-BM-2340A2,2E0RGER,NRF52840,CC2592,RF-TI1352P1,EFR32MG24,RF-WM-3235A1,CC32XX,RF-BM-ND08C,RF-BM-2652P4I,CC3200,CC2640R2L,RF-BM-ND08A,RF-WM-3220B1,RF-BM-2651B1,CC3235SF系列,CC2640R2F,CC1312R,C1312R7,CC2640R2F-Q1,C112,RF-BM-BG24B2,CC1352P,CC3235S系列,CC1352R,CC2651R3,RF-WM-RTL8720CMB1,RF-BM-BG22A3I,RSBRS02ABRI

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本文信驰达(RF-star)将介绍蓝牙信道探测技术定义、工作原理 、在定位服务中的优势、以及Channel Sounding的主要应用场景。最后,我们还将为您介绍蓝牙信道探测技术与UWB超宽带技术的混合解决方案在高精度定位服务领域的应用。

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根据用户的蓝牙模块,使用Bluetooth 蓝牙测试装置MT8852B,测试蓝牙1.0至5.1,包括传输速率、功率、频率、调制和接收机灵敏度,生成测试报告。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。

实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>


支持Bluetooth SIG最新的测试规范,支持2.0(EDR), 2.1(EDR), 3.0(HS), 4.0(LE)规范, 并且能完整覆盖BR/EDR/HS/BLE的所有射频测试项目。测试标准:RF.TS/4.03 ;RF-PHYTS/40.3。

实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>


954668/400-830-1766(工作日 9:00-18:00)



954668/400-830-1766(工作日 9:00-18:00)


