Unimotion Linear Units and Their Integration into Multi-axis Systems Enable the Conversion of Rotation into Linear Displacement

2024-04-03 UNIMOTION News
linear units,multi-axis systems,belt driven linear units,MTV linear units,multi-axis systems,belt driven linear units,MTV linear units,multi-axis systems,belt driven linear units,MTV linear units,multi-axis systems,belt driven linear units,MTV

UNIMOTION's linear units are products designed for installation in automated devices. They enable the conversion of circular motion (rotation) into linear displacement (translation) via a toothed belt or ball-screw.

The linear units consist of an aluminium, extruded profile, which mostly serves as housing. The linear units consist of an aluminium extruded profile, which mostly serves as housing. Linear guides with a hardened surface are attached to this profile, along which the carriage runs. The profiles of the linear units are made from aluminium with good corrosion resistance. They are also anodized to achieve greater surface resistance to scratches and shocks. Lubrication of all components is done via one central lubrication nipple.

Built-in ball screws are made from rolling of the material which means that none of the material is being removed in the process. Several different thread steps are available for each size. The maximum length of the ball screw also determines the maximum length of the linear unit. This can be overcome if additional ball-screw supports are used. Both ends of the linear units are made of aluminium alloy that is black anodized, thus achieving increased corrosion and scratch resistance of the surface.

Polyurethane toothed belts with an AT tooth geometry are used in the belt-driven linear units. The load-bearing part of the belt is made of steel wires, which are embedded inside the belt body. The shape of the teeth ensures the transfer of power and movement without slipping and airiness.

Stepper and servo motors are commonly used to drive the linear units. The connection is made with a coupling and a motor adapter that rigidly connects the two elements. The adapter covers and protects the coupling and shafts from possible external damage. In addition to the motor adapter, the motor and the linear unit can also be connected via a motor side drive which positions the motor parallel to the linear unit itself. There are different gear ratios of this motor side drive which simplifies the adaptation of the linear unit to the individual application.

MTV Linear Units

MTV type linear units are spindle driven and have a built-in single rail guide. The profile of the unit is almost square, and the protection strip prevents larger particles from entering inside the linear unit, thus protecting the ball screw and linear guides inside the profile.

They can be used for axes in multi-axis systems, as the weight of the unit is lower due to one guide and a more compact profile. They are also used for basic axes in portal systems and applications where high thrust or traction is required and loads in other directions are lower.

CTV Linear Units

CTV type linear units use two parallel linear guides. This achieves better load transfer in all directions. Due to the two guides, the profile of the linear unit is wider, which further increases its resistance to bending. Two types of trolleys can be installed in a linear unit - longer and shorter - but it is also possible to connect several trolleys in series. This gives a greater number of attachment points at any distance from each other and also increases the maximum loads that the linear unit can withstand.

CTV type linear units are used as independent basic axes of multi-axis systems, as two linear guides allow the unit to transmit much greater forces and moments, and the spindle provides adequate accuracy and force in the direction of travel. CTV units are also used by placing them facing sideways so that the shape of the profile itself ensures sufficient rigidity in the vertical direction. Due to the high force that can be transmitted through the ball screw, they are also suitable for applications of lifting or pushing loads, punching and cutting.

Guides and ball screws are usually protected with a protective strip in these linear units. The construction of the linear unit also allows adaptation for operation in an environment with elevated temperatures or a clean (clean room) environment.

CTJ Linear Units

The shape of the CTJ linear units is similar to the CTV type, except that in these units the motion transmitter is a toothed belt and not a ball screw. Belt driving allows for higher movement speeds, more dynamic movement and much longer strokes. CTJ linear units also have two linear guides built in. The characteristics are similar to the CTV type, except that this type slightly reduces its positioning accuracy, increases the maximum speed and maximum stroke due to the use of the toothed belt, and it is also possible to choose a long or short trolley.

MTJ Linear Units

MTJ linear units are belt driven linear units of the same size as the MTV. These also have only one linear guide installed, and with belt drive, we achieve higher speeds and longer strokes. The option of an additional metal protective strip allows protection of the belt and linear guides.

MTJ linear units are often used in pairs as base axes in multi-portal systems. Several of such linear units can be mechanically connected to the synchronization axes, thus achieving coordinated movement. They are also useful in applications where long strokes and high speeds are required.

With this type, the trolleys of the linear unit can be connected in series, and the advantages are the same as with the CTV type. CTJ linear units can also be tilted to the side, thus reducing the feed in the vertical direction. They are mainly used in applications where long distances and high speeds are required.

Different types of Unimotion linear units

MTJ ECO Linear Units

The MTJ ECO linear unit is an MTJ type derivative. The construction of this unit is simplified to keep components to a minimum. The guide is on the outside of the profile and thus slightly more exposed to external influences.

MRJ Linear Units

MRJ type linear units are a derivative of MTJ units, except that in the case of MRJ units, two round linear guides are installed instead of one rail. The carriage of the linear unit, on the other hand, has ball rollers so that it can run on guides. This type allows extremely high speeds (up to 10 m / s) and quieter operation.

Some types of linear units can be adapted to operate in cleanrooms for which corrosion and wear-resistant elements are installed.

Multi-axis Systems

Unimotion linear units are ready for modular construction of machines and devices. Different types of linear units in different positions can be connected to each other with different connecting elements. They are made of aluminium alloys and are anodized.

Linear units can be connected at right angles. Thus, we get Cartesian robots, where each axis allows a movement parallel to one of the axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. This allows all points within the robot's workspace to be reached. Because the axes can be moved at the same time with proper control, the robot arm can describe any shape, giving the customer additional options for designing the machine or device.

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Unimotion直线模组系列MTV 40具备最小滚珠丝杠支撑系统,高重复定位精度和负载能力,满足自动化需求

Unimotion致力于进步、创新和先进技术。直线模组系列新成员MTV 40具备最小滚珠丝杠支撑系统,重复定位精度高,负载能力高,能够完全满足自动化需求。

2024-05-23 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


Unimotion 的直线模组是为安装在自动化设备中而设计的产品。它们可以通过齿带或滚珠丝杠将圆周运动(旋转)转换为线性位移(平移)。直线模组的型材由铝制成,具有良好的耐腐蚀性。它们还经过阳极氧化处理,以获得更大的表面抗刮擦和冲击性。

2024-05-20 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务



2024-05-26 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


描述- UNIMOTION 是全球领先的工业自动化产品和系统的供应商。通过结合创新理念提供解决方案。 Unimotion 集工程设计,生产,建设,仓库存储,研发于一体,专注于开发具有高端质量,性能和价值的工业4.0产品和系统,致力于帮助各工业领域的不同规模的公司。我们的核心价值理念是“精准,创新,激情,诚信”。凭借多年的行业经验以及对自动化技术的钻研,通过创新和不断改进产品,来为客户提供技术优势。 Unimotion 销售团队,技术人员和专家可随时为您提供定制化服务和技术支持。我们期待与您相遇,并助力于您的项目!

型号- LMCA 90 M L,LMCA 60 L L,LMCA 30 M L,CTV 90,77075,74074,77076,74073,53023,CTV 110,CTL 200 S,CTL 145,MTJZ 65,LMCA 90 M H,LMCA 60 L H,8146,5551,46995,46951,5552,5553,8147,CTJ 200,CTL 145 L,CTV 145,MTJZ 110,5701,37129,49583,5702,5703,5704,103813,LMCA 90 L L,CTL 250 S,LMCA 30 L L,LMCA 60 M H,48643,48885,LMCA 60 M L,48642,102221,40682,CTL-145-3000-S1LC-10-BCCA-1-B,CTL 145 S,CTL 250 L,40769,40768,55260,41609,MTJZ 80,48640,CTL 200,LMCA 90 L H,SMT-65TP-K NO,EC-CTL-145-3500-A,SMT-65TP-K NC + HOM,9019,SMT 65 TP K NC,108498,49049,9017,SMT 65 TP K NO,SMT-65TP-K NO + HOM,CTL 200 L,CTJ 145,CTV 200,CTL,CTL 250,SMT-65TP-K NC

October 2022  - UNIMOTION  - 选型指南 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


描述- UNIMOTION is a leading company in the industrial automation field, at a global level. Combining innovative engineering solutions – Unimotion helps companies of all sizes across a wide range of industrial segments.

型号- 112569,STDF-42-...,STMN-86-L-E-B,112568,112567,MGBS 32,112566,112565,112564,STCF-E-A8-05,112563,STMN-56-L-E-B,STMN-86-...,STMN-28-L-E,MSD MG 45 T1,MSD MG 45 T2,112571,112570,CP MG60 XZ MG45 KPL,108218,MSD MG 60 T1,108219,8146,STDF-28-...,STMN-56-L-E,STCF-S-PD-02,8147,STCF-E-_8-...,CP MG45 XZ MSCE45 KPL,STDF-28-A-EC,STDF-86-B-PD,STMN-42-...-B,STCF-P-02,CP MG32 XZ MG32Z KPL,STCF-M-_8-...,VK MG 32 T1,112562,STDF-28-A-EN,MGTB 45,VK MG 32 T2,STMN-28-L-E-B,STDF-...-EN,CP MG60 XZ MSCE32 KPL,STCF-E-–8-...,MGBS,STDF-...-EC,CP MG60 XY MG60 KPL,STCF-M-–8-...,STDF-56-A-PD,STCF-BT-021,STDF-56-...,12259,MGBS-32-0802-200-AB-AU-AA-AC-AA,STMN-86-L-...,MSD,CP MG32 XZ MSCE32 KPL,112537,112536,CP MG32 XZ MG32 KPL,108216,110994,108217,CP MG60 XZ MG60Z KPL,STDF-42-A-EN,9019,MGBS 45,SMO 40 TP K NC,9017,VK MG 45 T2,VK MG 45 T1,MCE,STCF-BT-02,MSD-MG32-T2-42,3-43,8-22-2-24-5-4,5-M3-0-0-45,STMN-42-...,STDF-42-A-EC,STDF-28-A-PD,EKL5-A-F5-F6PFN,MGTB 60,CP MG60 XY MG32 KPL,MGTB-45-500-AB-AB-AA-AB-AA,CP MG60 XZ MSCE45 KPL,112526,MSD MG 32 T1,MSD MG 32 T2,108265,STDF,STDF-...-PD,108262,CP MG45 XY MG45 KPL,108263,108264,STMN-28-L-...,STMN-86-...-B,108260,112527,STCF-E-_12-...,CP MG32 XZ MSCE25 KPL,SMO 40 TP K NO,STCF-M-–8- ...,CP MG45 XZ MG32Z KPL,CP MG60 XZ MG32Z KPL,112515,STMN-86-L-E,CP MG45 XZ MSCE32 KPL,109125,MGTB,MSCE,VK MG 60 T2,VK MG 60 T1,STMN-56-...-B,112516,STMN-28-...-B,STMN-42-L-...,VK,STMN-28-...,STCF-M-_12-...,CP MG60 XZ MG60 KPL,MGBS 60,STDF-86-B-EC,STDF-...,VK-MG32-42,3-43,8-22-2-24-4,5-M3-0-0-45,CP MG60 XZ MG45Z KPL,STMN-56-...,STCF-E-–12-...,STCF-S-EC-02,MGTB 32,STDF-65-A-EN,STDF-86-B-EN,STCF-B-–8-...,STMN-56-L-...,CP MG60 XZ MG32 KPL,STMN-42-L-E,STDF-42-A-PD,CP MG45 XZ MG45 KPL,108258,111007,108259,111008,111005,CP MG45 XZ MG32 KPL,MSD MG 60 T2,111006,111003,STMN,STCF-S-EN-02,111004,111001,STCF-B-_8-...,108257,111002,111009,STMN-42-L-E-B,STDF-56-A-EC,CP MG32 XY MG32 KPL,111010,111011,CP MG45 XZ MG45Z KPL,STCF-B--_8-...,STCF-M-–12-...

March 2022  - UNIMOTION  - 选型指南 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


描述- UNIMOTION CTL is a linear unit with an integrated high-performance UNIMOTION linear motor. High accuracy is achieved using a precision low noise linear guiding system while the linear motor enables extremely high dynamic movements.

型号- CTV 90,77075,74074,77076,74073,53023,CTV 110,CTL 200 S,EC-CTL-145-3500-1-1-A,CTL 145,MTJZ 65,8146,5551,46995,46951,5552,8147,5553,CTJ 200,CTL 145 L,CTV 145,CTL-145-3000-1S1LC-10-BCCA-1-B-C12-0,MTJZ 110,5701,37129,49583,5702,5703,5704,103813,CTL 250 S,48643,48885,48642,102221,40682,CTL 145 S,CTL 250 L,40769,40768,55260,41609,MTJZ 80,48640,CTL 200,KABPWR-CTL-145-S-L-12,SMT-65TP-K NO,SMT-65TP-K NC + HOM,9019,108498,SMT 65 TP K NC,49049,9017,SMT 65 TP K NO,SMT-65TP-K NO + HOM,CTL 200 L,CTJ 145,CTV 200,CTL,KABSIG-CTL-145-B-C-12,CTL 250,SMT-65TP-K NC

May 2024  - UNIMOTION  - 选型指南 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


描述- UNIMOTION 成立于1990年,是全球领先的工业自动化产品和系统的供应商。通过结合创新的工程解决方案, UNIMOTION集工程设计、生产、建设、仓库、研发于一体,专注于开发具有领先质量、性能和价值的工业4.0产品和系统,致力于帮助各工业领域的不同规模的公司。

型号- CP C110 0 Z65,CTV,CP C200 0 M80 0,MTJ 40 ECO L,CTV 90,CP C200 0 Z80,47939,MTJ 40 ECO S,CP C145 0 C90 90,CP C110 0 M80 90,MTJ 系列,74074,CP M110 0 C110 0,74073,53023,CP C200 0 C145 90,CP C110 0 C145 0,CP C145 0 Z110,CP C145 0 C145 90,CP C90 0 Z65,CP M40 0 E40 0,43570,MTJ 40,MTV 65 2LR,CP M40 0 M40 90,47921,CP C145 0 ZM80,CP E40 0 C90 0,CTJ-145-1000-L2-300-10R-1,CP M65 0 Z40,CP C145 0 ZC110,40728,CP C110 0 ZM40,CP M80 0 M65 90,CP M110 0 M65 0,MTJZ 110,CP M40 0 C90 90,CP MB0 0 C110 0,MTV系列,MSD-CTV 110 T2-1,5-MSM040B,CP C200 0 M80 90,5701,5702,5703,5704,CP M110 0 M80 0,CP C200 0 C145 0,CP M65 0 M40 90,CP C110 0 Z40,MTJZ 80,CP MB0 0 C145 0,53049,CP M110 0 Z65,CP M110 0 ZM110,MTJ 65,CP M65 0 ZM40,CP M110 0 MB0 90,CP M40 0 M40 0,SMT-65TP-K NO,CP M80 0 M110 0,CP C90 0 ZC90,CP E40 0 C110 90,CP C110 0 M40 90,CP C145 0 C110 90,CP C200 0 C110 0,53051,53052,53050,53055,CTJ 145,53054,CP M80 0 C90 0,CP C145 0 ZM110,SMT-65TP-K NC,CTJ 145 S,MTV 40,CP C90 0 C90 90,CP M65 0 M65 90,CP C145 0 Z40,CP C110 0 ZM65,CTJ 145 L,CP C110 0 M40 0,CP E40 0 M40 90,CP M110 0 Z80,CP C145 0 M110 90,MTJ 80,CP C145 0 ZC90,CP M40 0 E40 90,MTV 系列,CP M80 0 M110 90,MTJZ 65,MTV 110,CR 16,MTV80,CP M80 0 ZM40,CTV 90 L,CP C90 0 M40 90,CTV系列,CR 12,MSCE,CP M80 0 Z65,CP M65 0 ZM65,CTJ 200,CP C110 0 ZM80,CP M80 0 M80 0,CP M80 0 M65 0,5746,CP E40 0 M80 90,CTV 145 S,48888,MTJ ECO 系列,48887,48885,48643,CP C90 0 Z40,CP C110 0 C90 90,48642,CP C110 0 Z80,CP C145 0 M80 90,CTV 145 L,CP M65 0 765,CP C145 0 ZC145,55261,CTJ 90 S,55260,MTJ 40 ECO,CTJ 110,CTJ 90 L,MTJZ 40,CP C200 0 ZM80,CR 9,CP C200 0 C200 90,CR 7,48640,MTV 65,CP M40 0 M65 0,CTV 90 S,CTV 110 S,CTJ 110 S,48636,CP M110 0 C110 90,MTJZ 系列,49049,104970,CTJ 110 L,CP M65 0 C90 0,CTV 110 L,MTV65,CP C200 0 Z110,CP M80 0 Z40,MRJ系列,CP M110 0 ZM65,MTV 80 2LR,104968,CP M65 0 C110 0,104969,43851,CP M80 0 C110 90,CP M40 0 C90 0,CP C110 0 M80 0,CP M65 0 M40 0,MTV 80,MRJ 110 L,CP C145 0 M110 0,49039,49038,CP C145 0 Z80,CP C110 0 M65 0,MTJ ECO L,77075,MTJ 110 S,77076,CP C145 0 C90 0,MTJZ,CTV 200 L,CTV 110,CP C90 0 ZM40,49037,CP C200 0 C200 0,49036,49035,49034,49033,49032,49031,CTV 200 S,CP M110 0 C200 0,49030,CP M80 0 ZM80,45105,8146,CP C110 0 C90 0,5551,CP C200 0 ZC145,CP C90 0 M65 90,44375,5552,CTJ 系列,5553,8147,45103,48851,23331,23332,MRJ 系列,MTJ ECO 40,CP M110 0 M65 90,MTJ 110 L,CP C200 0 M110 0,48058,MRJ 40,CP E40 0 M40 0,40680,MRJ,40685,CP C145 0 Z65,CP C200 0 ZC110,40683,40682,40689,40687,MTJ 110,MTJ ECO系列,MTJ系列,CP C90 0 M65 0,CP M110 0 C145 90,CP M80 0 C145 90,CP E40 0 M65 90,CP C145 0 M65 0,48047,CP C110 0 ZC90,CTV 系列,CP C145 0 M80 0,5570,CP M80 0 Z80,47989,MTJZ-65-700-10-0-2-350,9019,CP M110 0 M110 0,9017,40671,CP M110 0 M110 90,75114,CP C110 0 M65 90,MCE,MRJ 65,CP C90 0 C90 0,CTV 200,CP C145 0 M65 90,55638,CP M80 0 ZM65,VK-CTV110-SMB60-GESM14,43256,MTJ,MRJ 80 L,CP M110 0 ZMB0,CP M65 0 M65 0,48026,47850,CTJ 90,MCE 系列,63702,63703,MTV,63704,63705,CP C110 0 C110 90,CTV-110-1610-ISO7-0-700-S2-200-1-1,37139,CP C200 0 M110 90,43247,40652,46994,44451,46995,43243,CP M80 0 C90 90,CP C200 0 ZM110,CP M40 0 M65 90,CP M65 0 E40 0,47848,CP C90 0 C110 0,52022,CP M65 0 M80 90,CTV 145,CP C110 0 ZC110,CP M110 0 C200 90,CTJ 200 S,CP M65 0 M80 0,MRJ 80,COUPLING-GESM14-F8C-F14C,MRJ 65 L,CTJ 200 L,37129,47163,CP E400 C90 90,MTJ 65 L,OSR-19-MTJ65-LM-890-F16C-F16C,MTJ 80 S,CP E40 0 M65 0,MTJ 65 S,43233,MTJ 80 L,CP E40 0 M80 0,40769,CP C90 0 M40 0,40768,41609,CTJ系列,MSCE 系列,CP E40 0 Z40,CP E40 0 C110 0,CP C145 0 ZM65,CP M40 0 ZM40,CP M110 0 C145 0,CP M80 0 M80 90,CP C200 0 C110 90,CP E40 0 E40 0,47827,MTJ ECO,CP M40 0 Z40,CP M65 0 C90 90,CP E40 0 E40 90,47826,MTJ-65-700-L2-250-10R-1,CP M65 0 C110 90,CP M1100 Z110,CP C110 0 C110 0,CTJ,CP C145 0 C1450,MRJ 110,MTV-65-1610-ISO7-0-650-2-250-2SA-2LR,CP C145 0 C110 0,MTJ-40-ECO-700-L2-300-10R

2023/6/19  - UNIMOTION  - 选型指南 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务

Unimotion Develops MTV40 Linear Unit with High Repeatability, Large Load Lengths and the Smallest Ball Screw Support System

Unimotion is all about progression, novelties and advanced technologies. That is why Unimotion recently decided to develop a new size in the MTV linear units line - MTV 40.

2024-04-02 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务



2022/6/6  - UNIMOTION  - 商品及供应商介绍 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务

Unimotion Linear Unit CTL with a Peak Force up to 2475N and Repeatability up to 0.001mm

Unimotion develops and manufactures linear units designed for installation in various automated devices. They consist of an aluminium profile in which the guides are attached, along which the trolley runs, which is driven by a toothed belt or a ball spindle.

2024-05-01 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务

UNIMOTION’s German Design Award Winner CTL Linear Unit Offers Repeatability Precision Down to 0.001 mm

The new, UNIMOTION CTL Linear Unit with built-in high-performance Unimotion linear motor drive offers an excellent design and compact form with no compromise to high performance. Optionally CTL linear units can be equipped with energy chains, specifically suitable for highly dynamic and low noise applications.

2024-04-01 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务

UNIMOTION MGBS and MGTB Mini Linear Units Offer High Speed and Good Positioning Accuracy

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2024-03-30 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


描述- Lexium线性运动系统提供全面的模块化单轴和多轴系统,适用于各种线性运动任务。产品包括门架轴、线性台面、悬臂轴、伸缩轴和完全预组装的线性及门架机器人。系统具有高度模块化,可根据需求定制长度和行程,并提供不同驱动类型和导轨类型以满足不同应用需求。Lexium系列包括PAS门架轴、TAS线性台面、MAX双门架轴、CAS悬臂和伸缩轴,以及MAX Portal机器人和线性定位器,适用于多种工业应用。


12 / 2009  - SCHNEIDER  - 技术文档



2024-05-29 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务



2024-05-31 -  产品 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务


























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