【产品】史密斯英特康新推薄膜带通滤波器Planar X,可用于X、Ku和Ka频段的关键射频滤波
Smiths Interconnect在2022年6月21日宣布推出专为恶劣环境应用而设计的Planar X系列薄膜带通滤波器。Planar X系列为系统工程师提供高性能、紧凑的解决方案,可用于X、Ku和Ka频段的关键射频滤波。
新的Planar X系列采用了针对关键任务应用而设计的各种基板上的薄膜处理技术。占地面积小、重量轻、可表面安装的配置允许用于大批量拾放应用,是雷达、卫星通信和卫星行业的理想选择。与定制设计的滤波器相比,Planar X系列通过现成的产品可缩短交付周期,补充了Smiths Interconnect广泛的射频/微波组件组合。
除了标准产品之外,Smiths Interconnect还可以提供定制的Planar X滤波器设计,以满足特定的应用要求。无论应用如何,Smiths Interconnect的内部工艺和程序都使其能够提供满足客户规格的滤波器。
“Planar X滤波器系列已获得关键任务防御和空间应用的资格”,Smiths Interconnect光纤和射频业务部副总裁兼总经理Tullio Panarello解释道。“资格认证计划基于我们的传统太空遗产,并确保在恶劣环境下始终如一的性能和耐用性。”
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Smiths Interconnect announces the launch of its Planar X Series of Thin Film Bandpass Filters for critical RF filtering in X, Ku, and Ka bands
Smiths Interconnect announces today the launch of its Planar X Series of Thin Film Bandpass Filters designed for applications in harsh environments. The Planar X Series provides system engineers with a high-performance, compact solution for critical RF filtering in X, Ku, and Ka bands.
【产品】史密斯英特康推出Planar X系列射频滤波器,具有高达Ku波段18 GHz的带通、带阻、低通和高通配置
Smiths Interconnect(史密斯英特康)今天宣布推出其新的Planar X系列射频滤波器解决方案,该解决方案具有高达18 GHz(Ku波段)的带通、带阻、低通和高通配置。新的Planar X系列是总体计划的一部分,该计划涉及创建一流的板级陶瓷基材厚膜RF滤波器,其设计和测试可支持各种应用市场。封装小,重量轻和可表面安装的配置允许大量的安装和拆卸。
Smiths Interconnect New Lowpass RF Filter Solutions in the X Band Ideal for Radar, SATCOM, and Satellite Industries
Smiths Interconnect announces the launch of its Planar X Series of Thin Film Lowpass Filters designed for applications in harsh environments. Planar X Series provides system engineers with a high-performance, compact solution for critical RF filtering in the X band.
SWaP challenges in the defence industry: How Smiths Interconnect rises to the challenge
The defence industry has exceptionally high connectivity demands, especially when it comes to size, weight and power (SWaP). Smiths Interconnect is an industry-leading provider of cutting-edge connectivity solutions to the defence sector for applications such as guidance systems, data links, manpack radios, radar systems (ground, air and shipboard), antenna systems and drones.
高达18GHz的射频滤波器解决方案Planar X系列带通、带阻、低通和高通滤波器的频率达到18GHz,在小型封装中提供了优异性能。利用史密斯英特康的厚膜工艺技术,在各种介质基材上使用,可在恶劣的环境中使用,仍具有高可靠性,从而实现小尺寸、轻重量和表面安装,是卫星通信、雷达和广播行业的理想选择。
型号- 11PFX-10000/R4000-M,PLANAR X SERIES,6PFX-15000/R6000-M,3LPFX-12800-M,PLANAR X,XPFX-XXXXX/RXXXX-M,6PFX-28000/R1000-M,LXPFX-XXXXX-M
微带滤波器自1952年以来一直在做同样的事情。它们仍然是工程师工具包中最重要的滤波器类型,通过使用各种介电基板材料和设计技术,微带滤波器得到了增强。Smiths Interconnect本文解析平面滤波器工作频率正在扩展到毫米波范围。
型号- BP1206AXXXXANTR,BP1206A4600ANTR,BP1206A3400ANTR,BP1206,BP1206A3300ANTR,BP1206A5300ANTR,BP1206A4650ANTR,BP1206A1500ANTR,544-7083,BP1206A2250ANTR
Smiths Interconnect Announced Planar X Series of RF Filters with Highpass Configurations up to 18GHz (Ku Band)
Smiths Interconnect announced the introduction of its Planar X Series of RF filter solutions with bandpass, bandstop, lowpass, and highpass configurations up to 18GHz (Ku Band). The Planar X Series is ideal for SATCOM, Radar, and Broadcasting industries.
5 Key Reasons to Choose a Planar Filter Over Conventional Filter Technology in Your Next RF Design
Decades of experience have positioned Smiths Interconnect well – both in designing and delivering state of the art RF and Microwave component solutions specifically engineered and designed to support the trends and technology of the future.
Are X-Band Lowpass RF Filters right for you?
Smiths Interconnect has leveraged its expertise in miniaturization and packaging technologies to develop compact and lightweight lowpass RF filters. This design approach not only saves valuable space but also enhances installation flexibility, making them ideal for space-constrained environments.
【产品】小封装RF滤波器Planar X,具有高达18 GHz(Ku波段)的带通、带阻、低通和高通配置
Smiths Interconnect的Planar X RF滤波器系列产品,具有频率高,尺寸小,重量轻,功率高,成本低等优势,能够满足RF和微波组件正在经历的对复杂、可靠、紧凑和经济高效的组件解决方案的要求。
史密斯英特康推出专为恶劣环境中的应用而设计的Planar X 系列薄膜低通滤波器,已通过关键任务国防和太空应用的认证
Smiths Interconnect今天宣布推出专为恶劣环境中的应用而设计的Planar X系列薄膜低通滤波器。Planar X系列在专为关键任务应用设计的各种基板上采用薄膜工艺技术。占地面积小、重量轻和可表面安装的配置允许大批量拾放应用,是雷达、卫星通信和卫星行业的理想选择。
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