What Are The Main Parameters of Lujing diode?

The technical specifications used to indicate the performance of a diode and its application range are called diode parameters. Different types of diodes have different characteristic parameters. In this paper, we mainly introduce the main parameters of the Lujing diode.
The main parameters of Lu Jing diode are the following five:
1, the maximum rectification current IF
The maximum rectified current IF is the maximum forward average current that the diode is allowed to pass through for a long period of time. The value is related to the PN junction area and the external heat dissipation conditions. As the current passes through the tube, the die heats up and the temperature rises. When the temperature exceeds the allowable limit (approximately 141 for a silicon tube and about 90 for a germanium tube), the die is overheated and damaged. Therefore, in the specified heat dissipation conditions, the diode should not exceed the maximum rectified current of the diode.
2, the highest reverse voltage Udrm
When the reverse voltage applied across the diode reaches a certain value, it will breakdown the tube and lose its unidirectional conductivity. In order to ensure the use of safety, the maximum reverse voltage is specified. For example, 1N4001 diode reverse voltage is 50V, 1N4007 reverse voltage is 1000V.
3, reverse current Idrm
Reverse current refers to the reverse current flowing through the diode at normal temperature (25℃) and maximum reverse voltage. The smaller the reverse current, the better the unidirectional conductivity of the tube. It is worth noting that the reverse current has a close relationship with the temperature. When the temperature rises by 10℃, the reverse current doubles.
4, dynamic resistance Rd
The ratio of the change in voltage near the static operating point Q of the diode characteristic curve to the amount of change in the corresponding current.
5, the maximum operating frequency Fm
Fm is the upper limit frequency of diode operation. Because the diode is the same as the PN junction, its junction capacitance consists of a barrier capacitance. Therefore, the value of Fm mainly depends on the size of the PN junction capacitance. If more than this value. Unidirectional conductivity will be affected.
The above are the main parameters of Lujing diodes. Beginners and practitioners engaged in the electronics industry, must have a profound understanding in order to be able to do a good job in their daily work.
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整流二极管(recTIfier diode)一种用于将交流电转变为直流电的半导体器件。二极管最重要的特性就是单方向导电性。在电路中,电流只能从二极管的正极流入,负极流出。通常它包含一个PN结,有正极和负极两个端子。其结构如图所示。P区的载流子是空穴,N区的载流子是电子,在P区和N区间形成一定的位垒。
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The Role and Working Principle of the Diode
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Diode Classification
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Talking about the Selection and Use Conditions of Zener Diode
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该资料介绍了PHOTOVOLTAIC DIODE(光伏二极管)的产品规格和应用。主要包括电压范围、电流、功率损耗、效率、耐压能力、封装类型等特性,并提供了最大额定值和典型特性曲线。
鲁晶 - PHOTOVOLTAIC DIODE,光伏二极管,10SQ030,10SQ035,10SQ100,10SQ045,10SQ080,10SQ060,10SQ040,10SQ050,低压高频逆变器,LOW VOLTAGE,HIGH FREQUENCY INVERTERS
Power Diode Problem Introduction
What is the reverse leakage current of the diode? When the diode is turned off in the reverse direction, it is not a perfectly ideal cutoff. When subjected to back pressure, some tiny current leaks from the cathode to the anode. This current is usually small, and the higher the back pressure, the larger the leakage current, and the higher the temperature, the larger the leakage current. Large leakage currents can cause large losses, especially in high voltage applications.
10SQ030~10SQ100 R-6光伏二极管
鲁晶 - 光伏二极管,PHOTOVOLTAIC DIODES,10SQ030,10SQ035,10SQ100,10SQ045,10SQ080,10SQ060,10SQ040,10SQ050,低压、高频逆变器,LOW VOLTAGE, HIGH FREQUENCY INVERTERS
20SQ030~20SQ100 R-6光伏二极管
鲁晶 - 光伏二极管,PHOTOVOLTAIC DIODES,20SQ035,20SQ100,20SQ045,20SQ030,20SQ040,20SQ050,20SQ060,20SQ080,低压、高频逆变器,LOW VOLTAGE, HIGH FREQUENCY INVERTERS
Schottky Diode Action
Due to schottky dioderobust structure, fast response and low clutter, Schottky diodes are widely used in high frequency circuits. In recent years, it has also been used in low-voltage, high-current power circuits and AC-DC converter systems.
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