Will the Stuntman Break the Xsens Mocap System?
Stunt Capture: Is the XSENS mocap system rugged enough?
We often get questions about stunt capture. During
stunt capture, the actor (or actors) perform intense and highly dynamic
movements, and most of the time they need protection such as mats or
harnesses. This can be hard on the actor, but also on the mocap gear,
will it hold?
Our answer is simple: It will probably break the actor first before it breaks the Xsens system.
Stunt Capture
of our clients do very radical stunts. Think about fighting, jumping,
rolling, bumping, crashing, and other dangerous stunts that are very
demanding for the actor(s) and the gear they are wearing. When they wear
an Xsens mocap suit, there are 17 sensors, a body pack, and a battery
embedded in the suit, and you don't want them to break.
Secondly, you want the sensors to stay fixed in the designated location on the body for the best quality data. If you did a correct calibration, this calibration file will help you to HD Reprocess all the data.
The Xsens mocap system can take a hit, you don't have to hold back when you do stunts. Here are some numbers to illustrate how rugged the system is:
●The sensor housing has special tubes built in to resist a force of 100kg
●The components can handle a shock of 10,000g
●The cabling is partly made of Kevlar so it can resist a strain of 50kg
●Although you cannot go swimming, you can use the system in the rain
Xsens mocap
helps animators to create realistic movements for characters and by
choosing Xsens, you’re not just investing in technology, but also in the
future of your studio, your team, and your storytelling.
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Mocap Freedom: How Xsens Solved the ‘Out-of-Range’ Challenge
Inertial motion capture has transformed the way we capture movement, enabling artists, creators and other users to break free from the limitations of studios and complicated setups. With on-body sensors and wireless connectivity, actors can move and express freely. However, there’s always the fear of going out of range.
Creating the Metaverse with Motion Capture
The Metaverse has taken the internet by storm, you cannot scroll through any feed without the Metaverse being named. And since Mark Zuckerburg changed his company into Meta and Epic CEO, Tim Sweeney, said the Metaverse is a multitrillion-dollar opportunity it exploded even more.
Height Tracking with Xsens Motion Capture
Xsens motion capture is based on inertial technology, meaning the technology is in the suit and you do not need external input, like cameras. The big advantage is that you can just jump in the suit and start capturing anywhere you like. Inertial motion capture also has downsides, like height tracking, or multi-level. The inertial sensors measure orientation, speed, and heading. But they cannot measure height.
Mocap Without Limits - How Xsens Solved the Drift Dilemma
Through this journey, we have faced and overcome numerous technical challenges. While no technology is without flaw, we strive to make our motion capture system as close to perfect as possible.
How StepLab is Transforming The Physical Lives of the Elderly with XSENS DOT?
StepLab uses the Xsens DOT development platform for wearable sensors to help individuals, businesses, and research institutions assess movement patterns outside of a lab setting.
All Sensors Corporation推出All Sensors GmbH直接服务欧洲市场
描述- All Sensors Corporation宣布在德国慕尼黑附近成立All Sensors GmbH,以直接服务欧洲市场。新公司由Markus Schwan担任总经理,他拥有电气工程背景和超过12年的压力和流量应用经验。All Sensors GmbH将提供直销、工程支持和客户服务。此外,All Sensors与BS-Rep GmbH的现有分销关系将继续存在。
Xsens IMU惯性测量传感器选型指南
目录- IMU
型号- MTI-1,MTI-2,MTI-600,MTI-300,MTI-7,MTI-100,MTI-200,MTI-G-710,MTI-3,MTI-680,MTI-670,MTI-610,MTI-620,MTI-630
Xsens成立于2000年,总部位于荷兰,mCube旗下子公司,是3D运动追踪技术和产品的主要创新者,是目前市场上基于MEMS技术表现最好、最可靠的IMU制造商,传感器支持IMU,VRU,AHRS, GNSS/INS(+RTK)四种集成等级,配合强大的“传感器融合”软件算法,可实现高精度,高稳定性的姿态、航向、位置信息监测,在AGV、自动驾驶、卫星天线、安防、航天航空等多个领域中广泛应用。
XSENS MTi系列MEMS惯性传感器选型指南
型号- MTI 100-系列,MTI 1-系列,MTI-G-710,MTI 1系列,MTI 600系列,MTI 600,MTI-670,MTI 1,MTI-610,MTI-630,MTI 100,MTI-1,MTI-680G,MTI,MTI-2,MTI-670G,MTI-7,MTI系列,MTI-3,MTI 600-系列,MTI-680,MTI-200,MTI-100,MTI 100系列,MTI-620,MTI-300
【经验】解析XSENS DOT采样率和数据传输频率
XSENS DOT内部MEMS IMU感应元件采样率为800Hz,其中包括加速度计和陀螺仪,每1/800s进行一次数据采样。本文中将为大家解析XSENS DOT采样率和数据传输频率。
凯尔特人主力Jayson Tatum曾身穿Xsens动捕服进行动作捕捉,将标志性动作带到元宇宙中。Xsens动作捕捉系统具有优秀的便携性,易于校准,适应任何情况下的穿戴者,提供高精度数据,可实时跟踪动作,使创作者能够尽情发挥想象力。同时,Xsens还为体育科学家、物理治疗师和教练员开辟了无限的可能性,通过创建逼真的动画、训练模拟和虚拟体验,有助于预防损伤、加快康复和提高运动表现。
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