How to Cut the Cord and Save Energy with Sub-GHz Wireless Networks for HVAC Systems
HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems are essential for indoor comfort and health. However, they can be complex to install and maintain and often represent one of the largest energy expenses in most homes.
Wireless network solutions that can connect sensors, actuators, controllers, and other devices without the need for wires offer a promising way to tackle concerns asSoCiated with HVAC systems.
Benefits of Wireless Communication in HVAC Systems
Wireless communication enhances HVAC systems by seamlessly integrating them with smart home devices, granting convenient remote access and enabling data-driven intelligence for optimized performance and personalized comfort. This all leads to a deeper understanding of user behavior and environmental conditions.
Furthermore, wireless networks offer numerous technical advantages over traditional wired setups, including flexible adjustments, easy scalability, robust communication, and cost-effective operation. Integrating edge intelligence with AI/ML enables predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and personalized comfort control, ultimately transforming the HVAC landscape with real-time data analysis, predictive capabilities, and innovative features like voice control.
Sub-GHz Wireless: The Optimal Solution for Reliable and Efficient HVAC Connectivity
Not all wireless networks are created equal. Each wireless technology presents unique characteristics and trade-offs that determine its suitability for specific smart HVAC applications.
Sub-GHz wireless networks, operating in the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands below 1 GHz (e.g., 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz), offer distinct advantages over higher-frequency technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and Z-Wave, making them an ideal choice for HVAC applications. Their superior range allows them to effortlessly cover large areas and penetrate obstacles like walls, which is essential in HVAC systems where components are often spread out. Additionally, sub-GHz devices boast lower power consumption, enabling battery or energy harvesting operation for extended periods, perfect for HVAC components not directly connected to AC power. Sub-GHz networks also offer enhanced reliability and security due to reduced interference and congestion, ensuring seamless data transmission for critical HVAC control and monitoring functions while maintaining robust encryption for data protection.
Comparing Sub-GHz Wireless Technologies
When replacing traditional wires in HVAC systems, several sub-GHz wireless technologies present viable options:
Wi-SUN (Wireless Smart Ubiquitous Network), based on IEEE 802.15.4g, is ideal for large-scale mesh networks—devices connected directly in a web-like structure—found in smart grid, city, and building applications. It offers flexibility for diverse subsystems through both high-speed OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and low-power FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) physical layers (PHYs). However, Wi-SUN faces challenges like the lack of a unified network layer protocol, diverse regional regulations, and complex certification processes.
Z-Wave, a low-power, low-data rate mesh network technology, excels in simple HVAC applications like thermostats and sensors, with the added benefit of extended range with Z-Wave Long Range. Z-Wave, while easy to use, has limitations like vendor dependency, incompatibility with other wireless technologies, and limited bandwidth.
Proprietary solutions offer customization and optimization for specific HVAC needs but may lack interoperability, have high development and maintenance costs, and risk obsolescence due to their closed nature.
Understanding these trade-offs is crucial in selecting the right technology for a specific HVAC system.
SILICON LABS’ Powerful Sub-GHz Solutions
Silicon Labs leads in sub-GHz wireless solutions, offering a diverse portfolio of transceivers and wireless MCUs for various HVAC needs.
Silicon Labs’ EFR32FG2x family, built on a multi-core architecture with Cortex® M33 and Cortex® M0+ cores, provides secure, high-performance, low-power options for designers. The EFR32FG23 excels in low-power systems, prioritizing RF performance and supporting Wi-SUN and proprietary architectures. The EFR32FG25, Silicon Labs’ most adaptable SoC, accommodates high-throughput OFDM, low-power FSK, and long-range O-QPSK PHYs, offering flexibility for different RF requirements. The EFR32FG28 supports multiple RF options, including Wi-SUN and Amazon Sidewalk, alongside proprietary solutions.
Silicon Labs also provides pin-compatible Z-Wave options with the EFR32ZG23 and EFR32ZG28 for seamless integration and faster time to market.
The Future of HVAC Connectivity
Sub-GHz wireless networks present a compelling solution for HVAC wire replacement. They provide long-range, low-power, reliable connectivity and the ability to enable AI-driven intelligence. Careful consideration of available technologies is key to successful implementation.
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【经验】EFR32xg SoC的Bin,S37,EBL和HEX目标文件有什么不同?
我们在使用Silicon Labs EFR32xg SoC开发 EmberZnet 时发现,当我们的固件编译结束之后可以得到各种各样的结果,包括 S37,GBL,HEX和BIN格式的目标文件,那么这些文件到底有什么区别的?在什么情况下我们要用到对应的文件呢?本文将具体介绍。
本文主要介绍如何使用BootLoader——NCP UART XMODEM工程实现使用串口升级Silicon Labs EFR32FG23无线SoC芯片固件的方法。
【经验】教你如何修改EFR32MG系列SOC ZigBee工程的CCA阈值
Silicon Labs公司的EFR32MG系列SOC单芯片已被广泛应用于智能家居市场产品中。对于ZigBee协议栈,无论单播还是广播,数据包在发送之前MAC层会检测CCA(Clear Channel Assessment ),如果检测到接收信号强度低于阈值,数据包就不发送。因此需要根据实际情况来设置合理的CCA阈值,本文就指导大家来设置EFR32MG系列SOC的CCA阈值。
测量SiWx917 Wi-Fi SoC的功耗和吞吐量
描述- 本文介绍了SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 + 低功耗蓝牙SoC的功耗和吞吐量特性。文章详细阐述了SiWx917的功耗优化设计,包括低功耗模式、动态电压/频率缩放和智能电源管理等,并通过实际测试数据展示了其超低功耗性能。此外,文章还介绍了SiWx917在Wi-Fi摄像头设计中的应用优势,包括低功耗、长电池寿命和易于开发等特点。
型号- SIWX917
Silicon Labs(芯科科技) Wi-Fi 芯片和模块选型指南
目录- Wi-Fi SoC and Module Selector Guide Wi-Fi Lineup Wi-Fi Development Kits IoT Wi-Fi Technology Leader Wi-Fi Applications Company Profile
型号- SLEXP8022A,SIWX915,RS9116,WF200,SIWX917,RS9116X-DB-EVK1,RS9116X-SB-EVK1,RS9116X-SB-EVK2
2412061605 SIWG917 SOC和SIWN917 NCP v0.1勘误表更新
描述- Silicon Labs发布SiWG917 SoC和SiWN917 NCP的v0.1版本错误修正更新。更新内容包括对SiWG917 SoC和SiWN917 NCP的特定错误进行修正,并提供了详细的描述、受影响条件/影响、解决方案等信息。此次更新不影响产品的形式、尺寸、功能、质量或可靠性。
【经验】Matter入门指导3:基于GSDK创建Matter - SoC Lighting over Thread工程
本文主要介绍使用EFR32MG24 Breakout Board,基于GSDK创建Matter - SoC Lighting over Thread工程的方法,我们后面会使用这个工程的固件来做Matter over Thread灯设备的控制实验。
本文以 Silicon Labs 的 EFR32FG23 无线SoC芯片的 rail_soc_simple_trx 工程为例,介绍如何使用EFR32FG23 芯片 I²C外设来读写敏芯微 MSA311三轴加速度传感器寄存器的方法。
UG574:SIWX917 SoC制造实用程序用户指南
描述- 本指南详细介绍了SiWx917 SoC的制造过程,包括无安全和带安全功能的制造流程。涵盖了闪存模式选择、安全特性(如安全启动、安全密钥管理和保护、安全固件升级和调试锁定)、RF校准以及制造实用工具命令的使用。指南还提供了针对不同闪存模式和配置的具体步骤和示例。
型号- SIWG917,SIWX917
描述- EFR32FG23无线SoC是一款适用于智能家庭、安全、照明、楼宇自动化和计量等低频段物联网应用的理想解决方案。该芯片具有高性能的子GHz无线电,提供长距离通信能力,不受2.4GHz干扰的影响。单晶圆多核解决方案提供了业界领先的网络安全功能、低功耗和高唤醒时间,并集成了功率放大器,以实现物联网设备的下一代安全连接。
型号- EFR32XG23,EFR32FG23B010F128GM40-C,EFR32FG23A010F256GM48-C,EFR32FG23B010F512IM40-C,EFR32FG23A020F512GM48-C,EFR32FG23A021F512GM40-C,EFR32FG23A010F512GM48-C,EFR32FG23A010F256GM40-C,EFR32FG23B010F512IM48-C,EFR32FG23A020F512GM40-C,EFR32FG23A010F512GM40-C,EFR32FG23B021F512IM40-C,EFR32FG23A011F512GM40-C,EFR32FG23B020F512IM40-C,EFR32FG23 FAMILY,EFR32FG23A020F256GM48-C,EFR32FG23B020F512IM48-CR,EFR32FG23,EFR32FG23B020F128GM40-C,EFR32FG23B021F512IM48-C,EFR32,EFR32FG23B020F512IM48-C,EFR32FG23A020F256GM40-C
AN1416:SiWX917 SoC存储器映射应用笔记
描述- 本文档概述了SiWx917 SoC的内存映射,包括不同类型的存储器及其在SoC中的区域。主要涉及闪存、静态随机存取存储器(SRAM)、伪静态随机存取存储器(PSRAM)和超低功耗SRAM(ULP SRAM)。详细介绍了每种存储器的特性、配置和内存映射,以及如何通过链接器文件进行内存配置。此外,还提供了内存占用示例,以帮助开发者优化应用设计。
使用EFR32FG23系列SoC芯片设计的无线模块,如果出现无线模块无法正常连接时,可以通过如下几种方法来排查问题。本文通过芯科科技(Silicon Labs)BRD4001A母板的J-link来连接无线模块。
芯科科技的无线SoC芯片EFR32FG23内部有高频晶振的可调电容,所以高频晶振旁边不需要再加负载电容。本文主要介绍如何使用Simplicity Studio 5 软件设置该芯片的CTUNE值,实现改变芯片内部的负载电容值,从而实现校准芯片频偏的方法。
成功案例:FG2x Sub-GHz SoC助力思科优化Wi-SUN大规模网络管理
Silicon Labs与思科正在合作激发Sub-GHz/Wi-SUN网络创新。通过将其CoAP Simple Management Protocol (CSMP)解决方案引入芯科科技的EFR32FG25和EFR32FG28 Sub-GHz SoC来实现这一扩展能力。
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