Evaluation Report of HC-04 and FSC-BT986 Bluetooth Modules
This evaluation report aims to provide an objective assessment of the HC-04 and FSC-BT986 Bluetooth modules. By comparing the test results, we hope to offer readers an unbiased evaluation of these two modules. This report will evaluate various product indicators such as functionality, performance, power consumption, compatibility, and ease of use for both modules.
We conducted a comprehensive comparison and analysis of the HC-04 and FSC-BT986 Bluetooth modules. We discussed the performance and features of these two modules in terms of wireless specifications, host interfaces, and peripherals.
In terms of wireless specifications, both HC-04 and FSC-BT986 adopt Bluetooth V5.0 dual-mode. However, the maximum transmit power of FSC-BT986 can be modified, while HC-04 is fixed at 6dbm. In terms of hardware features, HC-04 does not support hardware flow control, while FSC-BT986 does.
In terms of functionality, both HC-04 and FSC-BT986 support classic Bluetooth and low-power Bluetooth modes. However, FSC-BT986 also supports HID mode and single-mode master-slave integration, which HC-04 does not have.
Therefore, FSC-BT986 has a more comprehensive functionality compared to HC-04. During the evaluation process, we also discovered some issues and difficulties. For example, the lack of hardware flow control in HC-04 may have some impact on the stability of data transmission.
In this aspect, HC-04 scores 6, and FSC-BT986 scores 8.
We compared the performance of HC-04 and FSC-BT986 in terms of transmission speed through tests including phone-to-module, module-to-phone, and simultaneous data transmission.
SPP Transmission Rate
1. In the test of transmission speed from phone to module, HC-04 has an average speed of 68493 Byte/s, while FSC-BT986 has an average speed of 44642 Byte/s. This indicates that HC-04 is approximately 38% faster than FSC-BT986 in phone-to-module transmission.
2. In the test of transmission speed from module to phone, FSC-BT986 has an average speed of 65849.8 Byte/s. However, due to the lack of hardware flow control, HC-04 has a packet loss rate of approximately 0.2% to 0.5% when transmitting at a speed of 20K/s for one minute. On the other hand, FSC-BT986 has flow control pins and does not experience packet loss when transmitting 5M data. Therefore, FSC-BT986 has an advantage in this aspect.
3. In the test of simultaneous data transmission, HC-04 has an average speed of 37976.4 Byte/s, while FSC-BT986 has an average speed of 27146 Byte/s. In this test, HC-04 performs better than FSC-BT986.
BLE Transmission Rate
FSC-BT986 has an average speed of 5952.4 Byte/s in the process of transmission from phone to module and then to computer. This speed is comparable to HC-04's transmission rate but slightly slower.
Analysis and Evaluation
Overall, HC-04 performs better than FSC-BT986 in terms of transmission speed, especially in phone-to-module transmission. However, due to the lack of hardware flow control, FSC-BT986 has a slightly better performance than HC-04 in the test of module-to-phone transmission speed.
In this aspect, HC-04 scores 8, and FSC-BT986 scores 7.
Power Consumption
Through comparative testing, we found that FSC-BT986 has lower power consumption in both broadcasting and connected states compared to HC-04. This demonstrates that FSC-BT986 has better energy efficiency, which is advantageous for extending the battery life of end products.
In this aspect, HC-04 scores 7, and FSC-BT986 scores 8.
Both modules demonstrate good compatibility, making it difficult to determine a clear winner in this aspect.
In this aspect, HC-04 scores 10, and FSC-BT986 scores 10.
Ease of Use
HC-04 and FSC-BT986 are two commonly used Bluetooth modules, and they exhibit different characteristics in terms of ease of use and readability of documentation. FSC-BT986's user manual and documentation are more readable, with detailed content and accompanying flowcharts, making it easier for users to understand and operate. In comparison, HC-04's user manual is relatively concise, which may pose some learning difficulties for novice users. Therefore, FSC-BT986 has an advantage in terms of ease of use and readability of documentation.
In this aspect, HC-04 scores 6, and FSC-BT986 scores 8.
Technical Support and After-Sales Service
For HC-04, obtaining specification sheets requires searching on the official website, and contacting customer service is relatively difficult. In comparison, FSC-BT986 provides better customer support, and customers can obtain relevant information by contacting customer service and adding them on WeChat. Therefore, BT986 has higher reliability and convenience in terms of technical support and after-sales service.
In this aspect, HC-04 scores 6, and BT986 scores 8.
In conclusion, HC-04 has a higher SPP peak rate compared to FSC-BT986, but its lack of hardware flow control makes it difficult to guarantee data transmission stability. In terms of functionality, power consumption performance, ease of use, technical support, and service quality, FSC-BT986 outperforms HC-04. However, HC-04 has a much higher cost-effectiveness compared to BT986, making it more attractive for small-scale deployment applications.
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飞易通高速蓝牙模块家族再次发展壮大,成员由FSC-BT986\BT826F\BT826G等发展到BT826BA,BT826BA是双模数传模块,选用Realtek 8761BTV主芯片开发的,它蓝牙版本为最新的V5.4,速率高达到80KB/S,比市面上同行业普通双模蓝牙模块速率提高了约30%。
FEASYCOM FSC-BW256B模块采用的是业界领先的WIFI6/BT5.4双模高性能SOC芯片。它支持WIFI6标准和低功耗。此外,FSC-BW256B集成了一个CortexM4F CPU,其主频率可达到480MHz。借助内部集成的992KB SRAM、896KB ROM和高达128Mbits的芯片SPI闪存,为用户提供了强大的硬件支持,并支持二次开发。
选型表 - FEASYCOM 立即选型
目录- 公司简介 BLE 蓝牙 蓝牙双模/蓝牙音频 蓝牙 /Wi-Fi SOC 蓝牙 /Wi-Fi Combo
Feasycom Provides Automotive Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Modules Particularly Suitable for Automotive Central Control
Feasycom have Realtek Wi-Fi SOC modules suitable for the IOT product that with small platform such as stm32. Feasycom also provide industrial grade and automotive grade Wi-Fi modules particularly suitable for automotive central control.
FSC-BT986 5.2双模蓝牙模块规格书
描述- FSC-BT986是一款高性能、高度集成的蓝牙5.2 BR/EDR/BLE模块,适用于2.4GHz ISM频段。该模块具有双模蓝牙功能,内置UART编程和数据接口,支持I2C/USB接口,以及数字外设。它适用于需要添加无线功能的设备设计。
型号- FSC-BT986
飞易通受邀参加SAE 2023(第六届)汽车智能与网联技术国际学术会议
9月22日-23日飞易通科技公司应邀参加SAE 2023(第六届)汽车智能与网联技术国际学术会议,次会议在南昌富力万达嘉华酒店举行,大会重点聚焦于”智能座舱、感知与控制、汽车芯片、网联与测试”等主题,共同探讨汽车智能网联领域的学术进步和技术应用。
描述- 飞易通数传模块涵盖了蓝牙双模、蓝牙BLE、Wi-Fi和4G数传模块。蓝牙双模模块发展历程从2014年的BT816到2022年的BT826G,功能特色包括支持多种协议、认证齐全、应用广泛。蓝牙BLE模块适用于仪器仪表、开关门锁、智能玩具和健康医疗等领域,主推模块包括BT691、BT618、BT681和BT686。Wi-Fi模块芯片包括RTL8723和BW236,支持多种协议和接口,适用于IOT应用。4G数传模块FSC-CL4010适用于云打印。
型号- BT836,BT956,BT736,BT618,BT671X,BT816,BT826E,BT826G,BT826F,BT826H,WF210,FSC-BT691,BT732,FSC-CL4010,FSC-BT671X,BT681,FSC-BT825B,RTL8723,FSC-BT618,CL4010,FSC-BT98X系列,FSC-BT98X,BT946,BT825,BT825B,FSC-BT836BG,BT926,BT826,BT906,FSC-BT686,BT982,BT981,BW236,FSC-BT681,FSC-BT826系列,BP101Y,BT686,BT986,BT816S,BW246,BT691,FSC-BT825,FSC-BT946,FSC-BT826
描述- FSC-BT1058是一款蓝牙5.3双模和LE音频模块,支持蓝牙低功耗和音频数据通信。该模块集成了低功耗PMU、Qualcomm应用处理器、嵌入式闪存、高性能立体声编解码器、AB和D类LDAC耳机驱动器、电源管理子系统、I2S、I2C、UART、PIO、LED驱动器和ADC I/O。它适用于蓝牙无线技术集成到设计中的开发者。
型号- FSC-BT1058
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