Wide Application of Zero Power Consumption Magnetic Sensor
The Zero Power Consumption Magnetic Sensor is used for position inquiry, and
the same size magnetic sensor provides a greater switching distance than an
inductive sensor. Non-ferrous metal walls and aluminum walls do not affect their
switching performance. This vibration-resistant sensor can be installed on the
side or front use. The magnet can be flush mounted in the steel material and
sensing the north and south poles. The zero power consumption magnetic sensor
provides the best sensor model for each cylinder type. The main application
areas: check the pneumatic cylinder and hydraulic cylinder piston position.
Zero power consumption magnetic sensor with non-contact, no wear mode of operation, to protect a longer service life. Due to the small size of the structure and save the installation space.
More miniature structures, larger switching distances are available for larger-acting zero power consumption magnetic sensor. Zero power consumption magnetic sensors are ideal for applications such as robotic gauges. Because such applications require components to be lightweight, with small footprint and high switching accuracy.
At the same time, zero power consumption magnetic sensor fully meet the industrial requirements, and has a dirt-resistant characteristics. Since the magnetic field can penetrate many non-magnetizable materials, it is also possible to inquire the position through the container or pipe. You can even detect encoders with magnets. Target recognition by non-magnetizable material. The use of compact sensors and small magnets to create the best installation conditions.
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What Is The Difference Between The PNP And NPN Outputs Of The Hall Switch?
Hall switches often have NPN and PNP outputs, and many people confuse the two output concepts. Now let‘s explain the two differences in detail.
What is Gauss Rating and How to Use a Gauss Meter
To understand what a gaussmeter is, we need to know what gauss rating means. Gauss is the unit that measures magnetic field B, or magnetic flux density. It was named for the German mathematician and physicist that built the early instrument to measure magnetic fields, Carl Friedrich Gauss. His version was essentially a bar magnet suspended by some string.
What is a Gear Sensor?
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描述- 该资料介绍了南京AH电子科技有限公司生产的WG113A无源磁敏传感器。该传感器无需外部电源供电,具有双边激励工作模式,当磁场极性变化时直接输出正负电脉冲信号。其特点是零功耗、简单易用,适用于远程传输和LAN管理。此外,它还具有非接触式、安全可靠、宽温范围和环境适应性强的优点。
型号- WG113A
描述- 该资料介绍了南京AH电子科技有限公司生产的WG631S型无源磁电微能量采集传感器。该传感器基于韦根效应,无需外部电源即可工作,通过磁场变化产生正负电脉冲信号,适用于低功耗和节能应用。
型号- WG631S
AH3503 线性霍尔传感器
描述- 本资料介绍了南京艾驰电子科技有限公司生产的线性霍尔传感器AH3503。该传感器具有额定工作电压4.5V至6V,工作温度范围为-40℃至125℃,提供轨到轨电压输出和多种封装形式。它采用无机械触点和无电火花的结构设计,保证了开关信号的稳定性,同时符合欧盟RoHS指令和REACH法规的要求。
型号- AH3503
艾驰电子(AHNJ AH)霍尔电路产品选型指南
目录- 单极霍尔集成电路 双极霍尔集成电路 全极霍尔集成电路 双路输出霍尔电路 线性霍尔集成电路/齿轮传感器
型号- AH3662 系列,AH4059 系列,AH3515/E-UA,AH3145/L-S,AH3134R/L-S,AH3513/K-M,AH3041/K-M,AH3662/E-UA,AH3132/K-M,AH3075 系列,AH3931,AH3515 系列,AH3503/K-UA,AH3031/L-S,AH3131,AH3931 系列,AH3134R,AH3134R 系列,AH3133,AH3132,AH3132 系列,AH3134,AH3519/E-M,AH3513/E-UA,AH3517/K-UA,AH3663/E-UA,AH3051/K-M,AH3931/L-M,AH4059,AH3041N/K-M,AH3134R/K-M,AH3517/E-M,AH3131/L-S,AH3515/K-UA,AH3031R,AH3519,AH3031 系列,AH3664 系列,AH3145/K-M,AH3513,AH3517 系列,AH3664/E-M,AH3515,AH3503/E-UA,AH3133/L-S,AH3517,AH3194,AH3031R/L-S,AH3075,AH3503 系列,AH3661/E-UA,AH3031/K-M,AH3041N/L-S,AH3664/E-UA,AH3051/L-UA,AH3515/E-M,AH49E,AH3134/K-M,AH3503/K-M,AH3662/E-M,AH3145/L-UA,AH3503,AH4158,AH3133/L-UA,AH3661/E-M,AH3031R/K-M,AH3144/L-S,AH3513/E-M,AH314系列,AH3519 系列,AH3051,AH3075/K-M,AH3031R/L-UA,AH3133/K-M,AH4158 系列,AH3661 系列,AH3134/L-S,AH3132/L-UA,AH3519/K-M,AH3051 系列,AH3031/L-UA,AH3133 系列,AH3519/E-UA,AH3041,AH314,AH3131/K-M,AH3144/K-M,AH3041 系列,AH3051/L-S,AH3041N/L-UA,AH3513 系列,AH3517/K-M,AH3075/L-UA,AH3134 系列,AH3132/L-S,AH49E 系列,AH3144/L-UA,AH3031,AH3134R/L-UA,AH3515/K-M,AH3663/E-M,AH3075/L-S,AH3931/L-UA,AH3145 系列,AH3519/K-UA,AH3663 系列,AH3517/E-UA,AH3131/L-UA,AH3664,AH3031R 系列,AH3513/K-UA,AH3503/E-M,AH3661,AH3131 系列,AH3134/L-UA,AH3663,AH3145,AH3662
线性区 (mT)
工作温度 (°C)
选型表 - 艾驰电子 立即选型
AH49E 线性霍尔传感器
描述- 本资料介绍了南京艾驰电子科技有限公司生产的线性霍尔传感器AH49E。该传感器具有额定工作电压4.5V至6V,工作温度范围为-40℃至125℃,提供轨到轨电压输出和多种封装形式。它采用无机械触点和无电火花设计,保证了开关信号的稳定性,同时符合欧盟RoHS指令和REACH法规的要求。
型号- AH49E
描述- 该资料介绍了Nanjing AH Electronic Science & Technology Co., Ltd.生产的AH413型号闩锁式霍尔传感器。该传感器具有宽工作电压范围(4.5V ~ 24V)、低极限电压(最低至3.5V)、宽温度操作范围(-55℃ ~ 150℃)等特点。它采用无触点设计,提供高可靠性和安全性。此外,还提供了详细的电气特性和磁特性参数。
型号- AH413
描述- 该资料介绍了南京艾驰电子科技有限公司生产的AH3012型闩锁式霍尔传感器。该传感器具有宽工作电压范围、低温度漂移、快速响应时间等特点,适用于各种工业和环境条件下的位置检测和控制。
型号- AH3012
Hall Application in Electric Car Brake
Hall effect technology can be widely used in many applications. The principle of electric car brake is to make a braking action, the brake signal is passed to the controller, the controller receives the brake signal, immediately stop the power supply to the motor, thus protecting the driver‘s safety, when the electric car brakes must be immediately Feedback to the brushless motor to stop turning, so the electric car brake on the general use of the faster response to the unipolar Hall and all-pole Hall.
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