Bridge Selection Guide for Different Frequencies

In the application of industrial Internet of Things, as a key device for connecting different local area networks (LANs), the stability and applicability of the performance of the bridge are crucial. As an important parameter of the bridge, frequency directly affects its transmission distance, anti-interference ability and compatibility. Therefore, when selecting bridges with different frequencies, it is necessary to consider multiple factors to ensure that the selected bridge can meet the actual application requirements.
1.Understand The Basic Frequency Types of Network Bridges
At present, wireless bridges are mainly divided into two frequency bands: 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz. The bridges in these two frequency bands have their own advantages and disadvantages, and are suitable for different application scenarios.
2.4 GHz frequency band:
good compatibility, strong diffraction ability, and the ability to cover a wider area.
relatively weak anti-interference ability, susceptible to interference from other wireless devices, such as microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, etc.
5.8GHz frequency band:
The frequency band is relatively pure, with strong anti-interfe
rence capability and long transmission distance, making it suitable for applications that require long-distance and high-speed transmission.
poor diffraction ability, sensitive to obstacles, and need a more direct transmission path.
2.Select Frequency Band according to Application Scenario
When selecting the bridge frequency band, it is necessary to fully consider the specific requirements of the application scenario.
Remote transmission in the wild:
For scenarios that require data transmission over large distances, such as remote area monitoring and data transmission, it is recommended to choose the 5.8GHz frequency band. Its strong anti-interference ability and long transmission distance can ensure stable data transmission.
Indoor or complex environment:
In indoor or environments with many obstacles, the diffraction ability of the 2.4GHz band is stronger and can cover more areas. Therefore, in these scenarios, the 2.4GHz band may be more suitable.
Special Needs:
If there are a large number of other wireless devices in the application scenario and these devices may cause interference to the 2.4GHz band, then choosing the 5.8GHz band will be a better choice.
3.Consider Other Performance Indicators
In addition to the frequency band, other performance indicators of the bridge need to be considered to ensure that it can meet the actual application requirements.
Transmission rate:
Select the appropriate transmission rate according to the application requirements. For example, for high-definition video surveillance transmission, it is necessary to choose a wireless bridge with a higher wireless rate.
Antenna type:
The type of antenna also affects the transmission performance and coverage of the bridge. Omnidirectional antennas are suitable for applications that require wide coverage, while directional antennas are suitable for applications that require long-distance, point-to-point transmission.
Stability and Reliability:
In industrial IoT applications, the stability and reliability of the bridge are crucial. Therefore, when selecting a bridge, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer's reputation, product quality control, and user feedback.
4. Choose Reliable Suppliers
Choosing a reliable supplier is also crucial to ensuring the quality and performance of the bridge. When selecting a supplier, it is necessary to pay attention to its product line, technical support, after-sales service, and other aspects. At the same time, it is also necessary to fully test and verify the product to ensure that it can meet the actual application requirements.
To select a bridge with different frequencies, it is necessary to consider multiple factors such as frequency band type, application scenario requirements, other performance indicators, and supplier reliability. Through comprehensive evaluation and comparison, the most suitable bridge product for practical application requirements can be selected.
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