“More is More“ When it Comes to Memory on Wi-Fi IoT Devices
Ask any IoT product developer how much memory their next design will need, and the answer will likely be, more is more! Unfortunately, tiny IoT footprints and constrained hardware resources do not often meet growing memory requirements. This blog describes how much memory IoT devices actually need, and how our SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 SoCs respond to the IoT developers' call for more memory.
Despite their small sizes, IoT devices are equipped to run increasingly advanced applications in smart homes, buildings, hospitals, enterprises, and other smart areas of our modern societies. They can run multiple wireless protocol stacks such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE). IoT devices can be connected to several ecosystems through the Matter application layer. Many types of IoT devices can operate autonomously for years in the field. During their operational lifetime, manufacturers push frequent over-the-air (OTA) software updates and security patches to keep their devices current and safe from cyber threats.
IoT Memory Challenge
The challenge for IoT device makers is how to enable all the necessary functions, including the wireless stacks and a complex application on constrained hardware resources, while also accommodating space for OTA updates and future code growth. Memory has become a critical bottleneck for IoT device makers. It's scarce hardware real estate. However, a large memory enables manufacturers to build better devices with more features and longer lifetime, and it also increases the total value and lifetime of their circuit designs.
This blog explains the IoT memory challenge for non-tech readers: how much memory do you need in an IoT device? How does the SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE SoC solve the memory challenge with its large memory configuration?
How Much Memory do IoT Devices Need?
IoT devices need memory for a couple of purposes:
Wireless stacks: the protocol stacks such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE, and Matter are fairly compact software components, yet they can occupy several hundreds of kilobytes of RAM and a few megabytes of Flash.
Customer application: similarly, the (customer's) device application, whether a smart lock, temperature sensor, or light switch, can occupy hundreds of kilobytes of RAM and megabytes of Flash, depending on the complexity and the amount of data.
Software updates: to ensure a fluent and quick execution of OTA software updates, ample space on the Flash must be reserved.
Future code growth: software tends to grow over the lifetime of the device and manufacturers need to reserve room on the Flash for future code growth.
The Large Memory Configuration of the SiWx917M
The SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 SoC features the largest memory configuration in the ultra-low-power Wi-Fi segment. But how much memory do you get with the SiWx917M SoCs, and what can you do with it? Continue reading for a quick description of the SiWx917M SoC memory configuration.
SiWx917M RAM Memory
The SiWx917M SoC features a large internal SRAM (static-RAM) memory of up to 672kB, providing you with more space to execute your application, a security engine, peripherals, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE, and Matter protocol stacks. There are three software-configurable memory options for sharing the SRAM between SILICON LABS' wireless system and your application, allowing you to optimize SiWx917M for various use cases.
SiWx917M In-package Flash
With SiWx917M, you should not run out of flash memory. It provides you with up to 8MB of flash in several alternative configurations depending on the order part number (OPN) .
The large 8MB flash is required in many IoT devices to accommodate the wireless stacks, Matter protocol software, Master Boot Records, bootloader, certificates, OTA software updates, and future code growth.
With the large Flash of SiWx917M, you can develop better, and more advanced IoT devices. It also enables a single-chip architecture, where SiWx917M in SoC operational mode, runs the entire wireless system and your application, reducing device footprint, saving your total BoM and design costs. The large flash allows a longer operational lifetime for your device.
SiWx917M In-package PSRAM
In some cases, IoT software design may need more RAM memory than the 672kB that is available in SiWx917M. Luckily, SiWx917M supports pseudo-SRAM, expanding your execution space radically. The product family includes OPNs, which are equipped with up to 8MB of PSRAM instead of flash.
Note, if both Fash and PSRAM are needed, you can order our SiWx917Y modules, where you can find an OPN with both memory types.
SiWx917M External Flash and PSRAM Expansion
Should you need even more memory than the 8MB flash or PSRAM, SiWx917M supports an encrypted interface to an external flash or PSRAM of up to 16MB, offering ultimate design flexibility and space.
We are convinced that with the ultra-low-power SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE SoCs, you will have ample memory to accommodate all the functionalities of an advanced wireless IoT device, and you can still allocate space for Matter, OTA updates, and future code growth for the entire lifetime of your device!
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【元件】芯科科技基于Wi-Fi 6芯片的SiWx917Y无线模块,助力上市时间缩短9个月
芯科科技将推出SiWx917Y无线模块-基于超低功耗SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6芯片,具有集成天线(或RF引脚)并已通过监管认证,可将产品发布时间缩短数月,并大幅降低开发成本。
【IC】芯科推出Wi-Fi 6 SoC SiWx917,采用7x7mmQFN封装,是超低功耗物联网无线设备的理想选择
SiWx917 SoC是功耗最低的Wi-Fi 6 SoC,是使用Wi-Fi、Bluetooth®、Matter和IP网络实现安全云连接的超低功耗物联网无线设备的理想选择。SiWx917 SoC包括一个超低功耗Wi-Fi 6加低功耗蓝牙(LE)5.4无线CPU子系统,以及一个集成微控制器(MCU)应用子系统、安全、外围设备和电源管理子系统。
微小的物联网设备尺寸和有限的硬件资源往往难以满足日益增长的内存需求。本文将介绍物联网设备实际需要多少内存,以及SiWx917M Wi-Fi 6 SoC如何响应物联网开发人员对更多内存的需求。
Silicon Labs联手Unikie拓展边缘物联网应用,强化蓝牙定位解决方案性能
Silicon Labs(芯科科技)与物联网设计伙伴Unikie近期针对边缘智能(Edge AI)和物联网结合的应用强化合作。Unikie拥有近600名嵌入式系统工程专家,可帮助汽车、医疗保健、工业和智能建筑领域的设备OEM充分利用芯科科技的物联网无线连接、低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth LE)和应用于边缘智能的人工智能和机器学习(AI/ML)解决方案。
SiWx917 Product Overview for IC and Module
SILICON LABS宣布推出新的xG26系列无线片上系统(SoC)和微控制器(MCU),这是迄今为止物联网行业领先企业性能最高的系列产品。该新系列产品包括多协议MG26 SoC、低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth LE)BG26 SoC和PG26 MCU。这三款产品的闪存和RAM容量都是芯科科技其他多协议产品的两倍,旨在满足未来物联网(IoT)的需求,以应对一些要求严苛的新兴应用,如Matter。
Silicon Labs Matter Solutions – Unifying the Home
型号- MR21,RS9116,XGM240P,WF200,MGM240,XGM240S,MGM240L,SIWX915,XGM210P,MG24,MG26,SIWX917,MG21,EFR32
SiWG917 SoC Single Chip Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® LE Wireless Secure MCU Solutions
Silicon Labs Ultra-low Power SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 SoC: Ideal for Addressing Wi-Fi IoT Networking Challenges
Silicon Labs is announcing the ultra-low power SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE SoC. SiWx917 was developed to radically reduce the energy consumption in Wi-Fi IoT networking while delivering more computing, faster AI/ML, and robust security to solve the challenges of the future.
SILICON LABS(芯科科技)旗舰级BG26蓝牙SoC和MG26多协议SoC在日前获颁2024年全球电子成就奖(WEAA)年度射频/无线/微波创新产品奖!BG26和MG26系列SoC是迄今物联网产业领先企业之最高性能的系列产品,可用于最复杂的物联网应用,如需要较强的处理能力、能效和无线性能的Matter等具备严苛要求之新兴应用,以及包括智能家居、智慧城市和工业用例。
Bluetooth® Solutions
型号- BGM220SC12,SLWRB4183A,XG24-RB4187C,BGM220PC22,EFR32XG24,XG13,XG12,BG22C224,BG22C222,BGM210P,BGM210L,XGM210P,SLWRB4309B,SLWSTK6006A,SLWSTK6103A,EFR32BG22,EFR32BG21,EFR32BG24,XG24-RB4188A,SLWRB4182A,XGM240P,MGM210PB32JIA,SLWRB4312A,MGM210LA22JIF,BG22-EK4108A,BG22C112,SLTB010A,SLWRB4308C,SLWRB4308D,SLWRB4308A,SLWRB4308B,XG24-EK2703A,EFR32BG13,MGM210PB22JIA,EFR32BG12,XG1,XG24-PK6009A,MGM210PA22JIA,XGM240-RB4316A,SLWRB4181C,SLWRB4181B,EFR32XG21B,EFR32XG21A,SLWRB4311A,BG24,BG22,BG21,BGM220S,BGM240P,BGM220P,FG22,BGM220SC22,EFR32MG24,EFR32MG22,BGM220,XG24-RB4186C,XG24,SLWRB4180B,EFR32MG21,BGM220-EK4314A,SLWRB4310A,MGM210PA32JIA,SLWSTK6021A,SLWSTK6102A,XG24-PK6010A,XG22,MG24,XG21,XG24-DK2601B,XGM240-RB4317A,EFR32XG21,MG21,EFR32XG22,MG22
Silicon Labs’ SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 SoC with Ultra-Low-Power Wi-Fi and AI/ML is a Match Made in the Cloud for AIoT
Silicon Labs’ SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 SoC is a complete and optimized Edge computing solution for battery-powered IoT devices. It doubles the Wi-Fi 6 battery life compared to competing SoCs without compromising on wireless performance and AI/ML computing power.
【产品】芯科科技新推超高集成Wi-Fi 6和低功耗蓝牙组合SoC SiWx917,支持密集无线环境高性能运行
Silicon Labs推出全新安全的超低功耗SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6+Bluetooth LE组合SoC,首个Wi-Fi 6解决方案。其是Matter-ready平台的单芯片解决方案,包含集成的应用处理器,且具有行业卓越的能效。
品类:Wireless Gecko SoC
现货: 103,878
品类:Mighty Gecko Multi-Protocol Wireless SoC
现货: 90,767
品类:Switch Hall Effect Magnetic Position Sensor
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
支持Bluetooth SIG最新的测试规范,支持2.0(EDR), 2.1(EDR), 3.0(HS), 4.0(LE)规范, 并且能完整覆盖BR/EDR/HS/BLE的所有射频测试项目。测试标准:RF.TS/4.03 ;RF-PHYTS/40.3。
实验室地址: 深圳 提交需求>
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