NiceRF‘s 100mW Dual-antenna LoRa Uart RF Module LoRa600Pro Uses Advanced LoRa Spread Spectrum Modulation Frequency Hopping Technology to Achieve High Sensitivity
NiceRF launched 100mW Dual-antenna LoRa Uart RF Module LoRa600Pro.
Introduction of Uart RF Module LoRa600Pro
It is based on Semtech's SX127X chip and uses advanced LoRa spread spectrum modulation frequency hopping technology to achieve high sensitivity. The penetrating power and communication distance are far superior to the current FSK and GFSK products, and have stronger anti-interference. In order to meet the application needs of different customers, we design the module software of this series in an all-in-one way. Users can switch between different working modes through the PC software configuration module. In MESH mode, the routing module has automatic routing. Function, the user can form a network transmission without blind zone without distance limitation by means of multi-module combination. At the same time, users can also encrypt AES128 wireless data through PC software or serial port instructions, making data transmission more secure.
LoRa600Pro adds a dual-antenna design on the basis of LoRa610Pro, which separates the transmitting antenna from the receiving antenna to better meet the needs of specific applications. The module is designed with an output power of 100mW, and the embedded small-size design can be widely used in industries such as wireless remote transmission control.
Note: The LoRa Pro series can be configured to be compatible with our previous LoRa Uart RF modules.
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LoRa数传模块是一种无线通信模块,广泛应用于物联网、远程监控、智能城市等领域。在LoRa 模块上电时,它会进行一系列的自检操作,以确保模块的正常工作和通信能力。这个过程被称为上电复位自检,它是保证LoRa通信可靠性和稳定性的重要环节。
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LoRa600Pro 产品规格书
型号- LORA6500PRO-485-490,LORA6500PRO-232-490,LORA6500PRO-TTL-915,LORA6500PRO-TTL-868,LORA6500PRO,LORA6500PRO-485-915,LORA6500PRO-TTL-433,LORA6500PRO-232-915,LORA6500PRO-232-868,LORA6500PRO-485-868,LORA6500PRO-TTL-490,LORA PRO 系列,LORA6500PRO-232-433,LORA6500PRO-485-433,LORA PRO
LoRa600Pro 100mW,Mesh Embedded small size AES128 wireless encryption Listen Before Talk Wireless data transmission transparently Product Specification
型号- LORA600PRO-915,LORA600PRO-490,LORA600PRO-868,LORA600PRO-433,LORA600PRO
型号- LORA611PRO-TTL-490,LORA611PRO-485-433,LORA611PRO-232-433,LORA611PRO-232-868,LORA611PRO-485-868,LORA611PRO-TTL-433,LORA611PRO-485-915,LORA611PRO-232-915,LORA611PRO,LORA611PRO-TTL-868,LORA PRO 系列,LORA611PRO-232-490,LORA611PRO-485-490,LORA611PRO-TTL-915,LORA PRO
支持 3Hz ~ 26.5GHz射频信号中心频率测试;9kHz ~ 3GHz频率范围内Wi-SUN、lora、zigbee、ble和Sub-G 灵敏度测量与测试,天线阻抗测量与匹配电路调试服务。支持到场/视频直播测试,资深专家全程指导。
实验室地址: 深圳/苏州 提交需求>
最小起订量: 2500 提交需求>
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