Challenge/wanted Outcome: NIBSS Certification for Biometric POS Devices
Newland together with their local partner in Nigeria are aiming to provide Biometric POS devices to support the financial inclusion initiative of the Nigerian government. Biometric fingerprint POS is one of the key elements in financial inclusion solutions. The solution is interacting with the national ID and biometric information database of all Nigerian citizens. Due to the sensitivity of the information the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) established a set of strict requirements for Biometric POS Device Certification to ensure that the Biometric fingerprint POS Device can capture and verify the fingerprints without compromising the national ID system. Key requirements were a PIV certified sensor with strong anti-spoofing capabilities to prevent fraud attempts. After evaluation of several fingerprint technologies and providers globally, Newland decided to design NEXT Biometrics patented and FBI PIV certified Active Thermal FAP20 fingerprint sensor (One Touch 2000) with enhanced anti-spoofing software.
How did NEXT Biometrics contribute
In order to pass the certification by the NIBSS, the Biometric fingerprint POS device was required to meet all criteria defined by NIBSS. This includes PIV Certifications, WSQ to ISO template conversion with 99.5% accuracy and Fake fingerprint detection with high accuracy. NEXT supported Newland and their partner in the NIBSS certification process by providing NEXT’s PIV FAP20 sensors, NEXT’s SDK and local support. Specifically, NEXT’s SDK was enhanced to meet the high Fake finger detection and WQS/ISO template conversion requirements specifically defined by NIBSS.
What benefit did NEXTs customer receive
With the support of NEXT’s team, NEXT’s SDK and NEXT’s FAP20, Newland together with NEXT achieved to be the first integrated Biometric Fingerprint POS device certified by the NIBSS. As a result, the process to accelerate financial inclusion in Nigeria will be greatly improved with a lot of added business opportunities for Newland, their business partners and Next.
Conclusion and looking ahead
Next continues focusing on high security Technologies for fingerprint sensors. More Biometric fingerprint POS device vendors and payment service providers will be able to integrate NEXT’s fingerprint sensor to support financial inclusion and secure payment both in Africa and globally. By successfully achieving NBISS certification NEXT is ready to contribute to the financial inclusion and secure payments markets. It is expected that NEXT' FAP20 sensors will be used widely from now on.
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Goodix Technology Achieves ISO 26262 ASIL-D Certification for Functional Safety in Automotive Solutions
Goodix Technology recently announced that it has received the ISO 26262:2018 automotive functional safety ASIL-D process certification from SGS, a globally renowned testing, inspection, and certification company. This certification signifies that Goodix has successfully established a product development and management process system that meets the industry‘s highest “ASIL D“ level for functional safety.
With NEXT Biometrics‘ large area of highly secure fingerprint sensors, BluPrints Has a Product Supporting the Digitization Movement in India
After evaluation of several fingerprint technologies and providers globally, Bluprints decided to design in NEXT Biometrics patented Active Thermal fingerprint sensor. This will provide the OEM with a large size sensor that is secure and still comes with a great form-factor for a smooth design into the Thermal Printer solution.
NEXT biometrics(耐科思特)与世强先进的代理协议
描述- 2024年8月,耐科思特电子科技(上海)有限公司与世强先进(科技)股份有限公司签署了代理协议。In August 2024, NEXT Biometrics (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. and Sekorm Advanced Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd. signed a Distribution Agreement.
NB-2023-U2-VANT One Touch Power SDK
描述- NEXT Biometrics提供指纹模块和读取器的软件开发工具包(SDK),其中One Touch Power SDK适用于寻求完整生物识别系统解决方案的客户。该SDK可从NEXT指纹传感器模块和读取器捕获的实时图像中提取生物信息,并支持验证(1:1匹配)和识别(1:N匹配)。SDK可以生成和匹配ISO/IEC 19794-2格式的指纹模板。
型号- NB-2023-U2-VANT,NB-3020-U2-LMANT,NB-2034-S2-XANO,NB-2023-S2-VANO
One Touch Access 2010模块超薄FAP20尺寸指纹传感器
描述- One Touch Access 2010模块是一款基于FAP20指纹传感器的生物识别安全解决方案。该模块适用于物理访问控制、网络与设备安全、银行金融系统、移动运营商(eKYC)、医疗信息系统等领域。它采用专利的NEXT Active Thermal™技术,提供高分辨率图像质量和稳定的性能,支持自动指纹检测和智能扫描模式。模块符合FBI图像质量标准和PIV要求,具有防伪功能和低误识率。
型号- NB-65210-S-101
描述- 本文探讨了指纹传感器技术在安全便捷的卡支付中的应用。随着智能卡技术的发展,安全性和便利性成为关键驱动力。文章指出,尽管EMV智能卡提高了卡片在场的欺诈安全性,但无法解决非卡片在场的欺诈和丢失或被盗卡的问题。指纹传感器技术提供了一种安全便捷的支付方式,通过持卡人的指纹进行授权。文章强调了使用大尺寸传感器的重要性,以提高用户体验和安全性,并讨论了低温度多晶硅(LTPS)传感器在制造大型、灵活传感器方面的优势。最后,文章指出,指纹传感器技术的广泛应用将取决于用户接受度和技术成熟度。
描述- One Touch Access 100-USB是一款高品质的无边框USB指纹识别传感器模块,适用于集成到笔记本电脑、平板电脑、USB外设、POS系统和访问控制终端等定制应用程序产品中。该模块基于NEXT芯片组设计,支持无缝硬件集成,并采用专利的*NEXT Active Thermal™*技术,具有耐污垢、油脂和环境变化的特性。它提供稳定成像、直观的用户操作,适合需要安全和便利的大众市场应用。
型号- NB-2023-U2-VANT
描述- FBI认证了NEXT BIOMETRICS公司的NB-65210-S单指活体扫描设备及其派生产品(包括One Touch ID 2010、One Touch Access 2010和One Touch Compute 2010模块)符合其下一代识别系统图像质量规范。此认证仅证明产品满足FBI标准,不构成推荐或认可。持续接受由安装的系统生成的图像并保留在FBI指纹主文件中取决于产品长期满足图像质量规范的能力。由于设备可能退化,建议公司协助客户建立产品质量保证计划和适当的产品维护计划。该认证过程旨在确认实施符合FBI标准,而非支持某一实体或实现方式。证书真实性可通过访问在线注册处验证。
型号- NB-65210-S
描述- 本资料介绍了NEXT Biometrics的Level-0注册设备服务,包括其功能、安装、配置和故障排除。该服务作为NEXT Biometrics Level-0指纹识别设备和模块与客户应用之间的接口,符合UIDAI注册设备技术规范和Aadhaar认证API规范。资料详细说明了支持的设备、操作系统、连接方式以及如何安装和配置服务,并提供了故障排除指南。
型号- NB-2023-S-UID,NB-0510-S,NB-3023-U-UID,NB-2023-U-UID
描述- 本资料为NEXT Biometrics Group AS发布的Level-0注册设备服务文档,版本1.8,发布于2018年11月19日。文档详细介绍了NEXT Biometrics Level-0注册设备服务,包括安装、配置、故障排除和测试等内容。主要内容包括: 1. 服务概述:介绍Level-0注册设备服务的功能和特性。 2. 安装:说明支持的操作系统、产品、下载链接和网络连接要求,以及安装和卸载步骤。 3. 配置:介绍RDService配置,包括环境设置和预飞行模式。 4. 故障排除:提供RD服务日志、服务状态检查和设备注册/密钥旋转失败等问题的解决方法。 5. 测试:描述如何配置系统并进行认证尝试。
型号- NB-2023-S-UID,NB-0510-S,NB-3023-U-UID,NB-AD00-U,NB-2023-U-UID
描述- FBI认证了NEXT BIOMETRICS公司的NB-65200-U单指活体扫描设备及其派生产品(包括One Touch ID 2000、One Touch Access 2000和One Touch Compute 2000模块)符合其下一代识别系统图像质量规范。此认证不构成推荐,仅证明产品满足FBI标准。持续接受由安装的系统生成的图像并保留在FBI指纹主文件中取决于产品长期满足图像质量规范的能力。由于设备可能退化,FBI建议公司协助客户建立产品质量保证计划和适当的产品维护计划。该认证过程旨在验证实施是否符合FBI标准,而非支持某一实体或实现方式。证书真实性可通过访问在线注册处确认。
型号- NB-65200-U
描述- One Touch Access 100-SPI是一款高品质的无边框SPI指纹区域传感器模块,适用于笔记本电脑、平板电脑、令牌、考勤终端以及门锁和安全保险箱等多种产品。该模块采用NEXT传感器芯片组和灵活电路板实现无缝硬件集成,并通过SPI接口连接到主机系统。它基于专利的*NEXT Active Thermal™*原理工作,具有抗污垢、油脂和环境变化的能力。其大尺寸活动感应区提供稳定的成像和直观的用户操作,非常适合需要安全和便利性的大众市场应用。
型号- NB-2023-S2-VANO,NB-2023-S2-VAIX
描述- NB-3023-U-UID读卡器专为印度Aadhaar市场设计。该读卡器通过了2016年5月的STQC FRR测试,并与Innovatrics最新的MINEX III认证算法相结合获得STQC认证。它具备高质量的指纹区域传感器和USB接口,采用人体工程学设计的桌面外设形态。传感器基于专利的*NEXT Active Thermal™感应原理,具有抗污垢、油脂和环境变化的特性。读卡器支持Windows 7、8.1和10、Linux和Android操作系统,并提供了Level-0注册设备服务(RDS)。此外,还符合PIV图像质量规范和ISO/IEC 19794-4:2011标准。
型号- NB-3023-U-UID
One Touch Access 2000模块超薄FAP20尺寸指纹传感器
描述- One Touch Access 2000模块是一款基于FAP20指纹传感器的生物识别安全解决方案。该模块适用于物理访问控制、网络和设备安全等领域,具备高精度、快速扫描和高安全性等特点。它支持Windows Hello认证,并符合FBI图像质量标准和PIV要求。此外,模块还提供智能扫描模式、自动指纹检测等功能,以确保用户友好性和高效性。
型号- NB-65200-U
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