N75 Is Included in the North American Operators‘ Product Libraries, Helping Customers Efficiently Enter the North American Market
Although the 5G era has come, the world's most widely covered and most widely used 4G communications technology will coexist with 5G for a long time and continue to undertake the responsibility of IoT communications.
For the North American market, Neoway has launched a number of modules, among which the LTE Cat.4 module N75 has passed the certification of global heavyweight operators AT&T and T-Mobile, and is officially included in the two major operators' certified product libraries.
N75 has passed a number of certifications, including FCC, PTCRB, GCF, IC, and ANATEL. After N75 passed AT&T and T-Mobile certifications and was included in the product libraries, Neoway can not only provide this product and service for local customers in North American countries and regions, but also the terminal products developed by customers in other countries based on N75 can directly enter the North American market. This greatly shortens the testing and certification period of customer products in North America and helps customers reduce costs and increase efficiency.
N75 is developed based on Qualcomm chip platform. It is an LTE Cat.4 module that can also support 3G and 2G networks.
N75 has LGA package and a small size of 28 mm × 30 mm, supports OpenLinux, and eases development.
N75 supports SDIO, SPI, I²C, and many other interfaces and is equipped with rich protocol stacks, providing convenience for the additional needs of different industries.
N75 supports many third-party platforms, such as AWS, Azure, and Tuya, further enriching the industrial ecology.
Neoway N75 has been successfully applied to many IoT application scenarios in North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia, such as electric power, vehicle, and industry, providing stable and reliable access communications for customers and terminal users.
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Neoway‘s Showcase at Convergence India 2023 Empowers the Advancement of the Internet of Things Market in India
Neoway cloud-pipe-device integrated access communications solutions and services were prominently featured at the event again, highlighting the company‘s latest application achievements in intelligent energy, vehicle networking, and other fields.
有方科技携全球领先、可靠的物联网接入通信产品及解决方案亮相IoT Tech Expo
此次IoT Tech Expo,有方科技向全球物联网市场展示了先进的产品与技术,可靠的能力与服务,显示了有方科技对北美及全球化市场的坚定深耕战略。未来有方科技将继续与全球合作伙伴共同推动物联网技术发展,共同为构建更环保、高效、便捷的物联世界贡献力量。
Neoway Technology Debuts at MWC Las Vegas 2023: Co-Creating a New World of Internet of Everything
Neoway once again participated in MWC, armed with globally leading and reliable IoT communication access solutions. The company has achieved remarkable penetration in the international IoT market, providing leading and reliable communication products and ODM services across a multitude of domains.
公司简介和无线通信模组应用 5G模组 4G模组 NB-IoT/eMTC模组 2G/3G/4G智能&车规级模组 定位模组
有方科技 - 5G C-V2X模组,NB-IOT/EMTC模组,整机,无线通信模组,4G车规级模组,定位模组,4G模组,接入云,3G模组,4G智能模组,5G模组,NB-LOT/EMTC模组,2G模组,管道云,N300,N720,N58 PCIE,N311-CN,N100,N75 PCIE,N308,N720 PCIE,N21,N303,N23,N306,N25,S2-CN,N27,N75-X,S6X,N715-CA,N303-CN,A70,LM11-CN,N308-CN,N311,N511,N1,N510M,N77-CA,N715,N306-CD,N716,S6X-XX,N51,N75,N77,N11,G7A,N58,N716-CA,A590,N720V5 PCIE,N100-CA,N720V5,S2,资产追踪,广告机,商显应用,智慧消防,手持终端,智能停车,智能穿戴,能源计量,公网对讲,公交支付终端,无线支付,安防监控,智能车联网,智慧医疗,智能POS,视频监控,医疗监护,智慧能源,宠物追踪,船载设备,RSU,车载与运输,MIFI,VR,环境监测,消费电子,车载,TCU,智能安防,车联网,工业物联网,运输,农业监测,自助服务设备,个人追踪,移动支付,OBU,车载T-BOX,工业控制,智慧农业,智能井盖,智能路灯,远程抄表,工业监控,安全监控,物流追踪,对讲机,智慧城市,智慧交通,穿戴设备,商业零售,CPE,刷脸支付,车载设备,手持POS,设备共享,智能对讲设备
Leading the Charge: Empowering the Future of Digital Transformation Through Reliable IoT Connectivity
Neoway Technology showcased a range of “cloud-pipe-device“ integrated communication products and solutions designed for intelligent product manufacturing, smart cities, and vehicular networks, thereby serving as a cornerstone for digital transformation and social governance.
Neoway Technology Attends IoT Tech Expo USA, Achieves Remarkable Results in North American Market
At this IoT Tech Expo, Neoway Technology showcased its advanced products and technologies, reliable capabilities, and services to the global IoT market, demonstrating its firm strategy of deep cultivation in North America and global markets. In the future, Neoway Technology will continue to collaborate with global partners to advance IoT technology and contribute to building a more eco-friendly, efficient, and convenient IoT world.
【产品】专为M2M及IoT应用而优化的LTE Cat.4模块N75,支持定位套件Gen8C Lite
有方科技N75 LTE Cat.4模块,采用3GPP Rel.11 LTE技术,150 Mbps下行和50 Mbps上行数据速率,支持定位套件Gen8C Lite,集成GNSS极大精简产品设计,更快更精准更可靠定位。
近日,有方科技NB-IoT模组N21-EA顺利通过GCF(Global Certification Forum)测试并获得认证,成为有方又一款通过该认证的NB-IoT模组,这将为N21-EA拓展海外市场提供有力保障。
闪耀亮相美国IoT Tech Expo,有方科技海外ODM服务结硕果
当地时间6月5-6日,IoT Tech Expo North America在硅谷心脏地带的圣克拉拉(Santa Clara)举行。作为一场国际性的科技盛会,IoT Tech Expo汇聚了全球科技领域的创新者和领导者,展示全球企业的尖端创新产品及技术,深入探讨物联网、数字化转型、智能自动化生态系统、人工智能、大数据、网络安全和边缘计算等领域。
有方科技LTE Cat.4模组N75通过AT&T和T-Mobile认证,正式纳入北美运营商认证产品库
5G时代虽然已经来临,但作为全球覆盖最广、应用最多的4G通信技术将长期与之并存,继续承担物联网通信重任。针对北美市场,有方科技推出多款模组产品,其中LTE Cat.4模组N75已经通过全球重量级运营商AT&T和T-Mobile认证,正式纳入两大运营商认证产品库。
2023中国(深圳)国际汽车电子产业峰会(以下简称“峰会”)以“创芯发展 智驾出行 共建智能网联汽车新生态”为主题,旨在研讨汽车电子产业趋势。有方科技携云管端接入通信解决方案亮相峰会,赋能汽车网联化,助推智能网联汽车产业发展。
有方科技携针对四轮车与两轮车应用场景的车联网通信解决方案亮相EV Expo,为印度新能源车发展注入新动力
日前,第十五届印度国际电动车展(简称EV Expo)在新德里举行。有方科技作为产业链中的车联网远程通信技术提供商(TTP)亮相EV Expo,全面展示了针对四轮车与两轮车应用场景的车联网通信解决方案。
N75 硬件设计指南
本指南为N75系列LTE Cat.4模组提供硬件设计指导,涵盖产品概述、功能接口设计、电气特性、射频特性、机械特性等。指南详细介绍了模组的基本规格、管脚布局、电源接口、控制接口、通信接口、射频接口等,并提供相关电路设计参考。指南适用于系统工程师、开发工程师及测试工程师,旨在支持客户产品设计和调试。
有方科技 - LTE CAT.4 模组,模组,LTE 工业级无线通信模组,N75 系列,N75,物联网通讯设备,手持 POS,工业路由器,开发无线抄表终端
Neoway Tech‘s NB-IoT Module N21-EA Achieves GCF Certification
Neoway Tech‘s NB-IoT module, N21-EA, has recently passed the Global Certification Forum (GCF) test and thereby obtained its certification, which ensures a solid foundation for the expansion of N21-EA in global markets.
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