LaKi Has Three Measures for Better Security
Security is maybe the hottest topic of the information technology (IT). It is very important for IoT as well. Compared to the traditional Internet, the security of IoT is more difficult because IoT terminals should be as simple as possible in order to obtain low-cost hardware and low-power consumption. The terminals normally have to give up the high computing power. So the terminals are not smart enough to protect themselves and the data. LaKi has three measures for better security. Here are the details.
1. Unique ID (UID)
Temporal Unique ID (TUID): The ID is invalid while power off, allocated by the host
Permanent Unique ID (PUID): The ID is permanently valid for the life of the terminal
2. AES 128-bit hardware encryption/decryption engine for AES encryption and decryption of data
3. Transceiver data encoding and mapping, complete replacement of transceiver data so as to implement cipher text transmission
Based on the above features, users can combine the unique ID and AES for the digital signature which ensures the effective authentication of the terminal and the credibility and integrity of the data. The TUID can be used for security and validity certification. If the above measures are not enough for you, you can use AES engine to encrypt the data for securing the local data and transmission. No matter whether the AES engine is used or not, the data is transmitted through cipher text.
For advanced applications, the PUID or TUID, along with some security protocols, can be used to guarantee the terminal devices unchangeable and validated.
In addition, the LaKi SoC integrates a 32-bit CPU, which can allow users to run more complex private security protocols to further enhance the network and data security.
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Ambient IoT – The Future of Sustainable IoT
To help ensure the future of IoT is ecologically responsible, Silicon Labs has now optimized the xG22 line of SoCs (BG22E SoC, MG22E SoC, and FG22E SoC) to include features that will support energy harvesting.
W801芯片是一款安全的IoT Wi-Fi/蓝牙双模SoC芯片。支持2.4G IEEE802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi通讯协议;性能优良、性价比高。可适用于智能家电、智能家居等物联网领域。本文主要介绍联盛德无线SOC芯片W801在硬件设计中要注意的具体事项。
【经验】如何在Gateway Soc (internal flash)中实现 Ota Server?
EFR32MG多协议SoC芯片是Silicon Labs专门针对 IOT 推出的ZigBee方案,高达19.5dbm的发射功率,-102.7dbm的接收灵敏度,在业界内拥有最佳的RF射频性能,具有最全的Zigbee网络协议,被广泛应用在智能家居,工业控制等行业。本文介绍在开发 Zigbee Gateway 时如何在Gateway Soc (internal flash)中实现 Ota Server
芯科SiWx917低功耗WiFi 6+BLE SoC用于IPC网络摄像机,支持低功耗WiFi保活功能
一些电池供电的IPC在实际应用中,往往面临功耗高、网络连接慢以及处理能力有限等挑战。SiWx917 SoC,Silicon Labs超低功耗Wi-Fi 6和蓝牙 BLE 5.4无线SoC芯片,非常适合应用。
【应用】联盛德IoT Wi-Fi/蓝牙双模SoC芯片用于智能插座,集成32位XT804处理器,支持固件加密存储
智能家居成为了一个趋势,给传统插座增添WiFi、电量计量芯片等,可以实现各种不同的功能。推荐联盛德IoT Wi-Fi/蓝牙双模SoC芯片W801作为智能插座的主控及物联设备。
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联盛德出品的W800芯片是一款安全IoT Wi-Fi/蓝牙双模SoC芯片,支持2.4G IEEE802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi通讯协议、BT/BLE双模工作模式、BT/BLE4.2协议。适用于智能家电、智能家居、智能玩具、无线音视频、工业控制、医疗监护等广泛的物联网领域。
Silicon Labs SiWx917,一款功耗超低的Wi-Fi 6 SoC,嵌入式闪存高达8MB
SiWx917 SoC是功耗超低的Wi-Fi 6 SoC,非常适合使用Wi-Fi®、蓝牙、Matter和IP网络实现安全云连接的超低功耗IoT无线设备。它是需要延长电池寿命的电池供电设备的最佳选择。
【经验】如何在Gateway Soc (external flash)中实现 Ota Server?
EFR32MG多协议SoC芯片是Silicon Labs专门针对IOT推出的 ZigBee方案,高达19.5dbm的发射功率,-102.7dbm的接收灵敏度,在业界内拥有最佳的RF射频性能,具有最全的Zigbee网络协议,被广泛应用在智能家居,工业控制等行业。本文讲述在开发 Zigbee Gateway 时如何在Gateway Soc (external flash)中实现Ota Server。
【IC】芯科科技BG27蓝牙SoC赢得IoT Evolution World评选2024年资产跟踪产品奖
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