Hosiden Developed USB Type-C compliant Charger CBC0173 for Automotive Applications, with Up to 60W Output Capability
Overview and Design Intentions
HOSIDEN has developed a charger CBC0173 compliant with the USB-PD standard that allows for significantly higher power delivery over USB cables than previously possible, enabling quick charging of devices such as smartphones. With up to 60W output capability, in addition to smartphones, quick charging of laptops over USB is also practical.
In Europe from the end of 2024, it is mandatory to use Type-C terminals for smartphone chargers, accordingly it is now a transition time in which the conventional Type-A USB connectors on the charger side are being replaced with Type-C. From now on, USB connectors are likely to be standardized as Type-C.
Under the latest USB-PD standard, the maximum delivery power has also been increased to 240W from 100W. In response to this trend, we have increased power output versions in development.
Product Name and Model Number
Product Name
Model Number
USB Type-C compliant
Output power:60W (20V/3A) specification
USB dust cover available
*According to applications, various chargers are available: 1-port and 2-port, 15W output or 27W output, and with or without USB dust cover.
USB charger for automotive applications
Main Specifications
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In-vehicle 15W Wireless Charger CBC4077 which Can Withstand Adverse Environmental Conditions while Maintaining Excellent EMC Performance
HOSIDEN has commenced sales of “In-vehicle 15W Wireless Charger CBC4077“, a consumer application of a product specification for a 15W supply, that can withstand adverse environmental conditions including temperature extremes and exposure to moisture and vibration, while maintaining excellent EMC performance, specifically a high tolerance of supply voltage variation and electromagnetic interference. In addition to its wireless charging capability, the product is equipped with the ability to “Halt Charging during Smart Key Operation“ and “Prevent IC Card Failure“.
Hosiden Released Ultra-compact Non-contact Charger HVE1192/3 Using Resonant Inductive Coupling Technology
Hosiden has developed a micro non-contact charger HVE1192/3 using resonant inductive coupling technology, ideally suited for small devices such as wearable terminals.
Hosiden Introduces USB Charger CBC6040 with Rotation Timer Intended for GIGA School Project
Hosiden has developed a USB charger CBC6040 incorporating a rotation timer intended for the GIGA school project that contributes to the “GIGA School Concept”. The GIGA school project is being promoted by the Ministry of Education in Japan, aiming to organize and equip each student with a charging terminal and a high-speed communication environment.
描述- 南京拓品微电子有限公司的TP5000是一款适用于单节4.2V锂锰电池或3.6V磷酸铁锂电池的单路开关降压充电管理芯片。该芯片具有超小QFN16封装、内置功率MOSFET和抗干扰电路,支持简单的外围电路设计,适用于便携式设备的大电流充电管理应用。
型号- TP5000,TP5000-QFN16
SC8545高效7-A开关电容直接充电器,集成SCP PHY规格书
描述- SC8545是一款采用开关电容架构的高效电池充电解决方案,集成了SCP PHY功能。该方案优化了FET和电路设计,实现50%的周期效率,降低充电线缆损耗并限制应用中的温度升高。产品采用36引脚CSP封装,适用于智能手机和平板电脑等设备。
型号- SC8545,SC8545CFFR
描述- SC8541是一款采用开关电容架构的高效单节电池充电解决方案,效率达到97%,具有8A的充电电流。该产品采用了56引脚CSP封装,适用于智能手机和平板电脑等设备。
型号- SC8541,SC8541CFFR
描述- 本资料为Southchip半导体公司生产的SC8562高压4:1开关电容充电器的数据手册草案。该产品采用双相切换电容架构,内部集成低Rdson MOSFET和外置飞线电容,支持多种操作模式,并具有过压保护等功能。
型号- SC8562CFFR,SC8562
描述- HL7138是一款低电压快速充电器,适用于单节锂离子和聚合物电池。它集成了双相开关电容器转换器和反向阻断MOSFET(QRB FET),在4.5V输出和5A电流下效率高达97.4%。该设备支持两种工作模式:2:1电荷泵模式(CP模式)和1:1旁路模式(BP模式)。具有多种保护功能,包括过温保护、输入/输出电压保护和短路保护。
型号- HL7138WL02,HL7138,HL7138WL01
集成UFCS PHY的SC8549D高效8 A开关电容直接充电器规格书
描述- SC8549D是一款采用开关电容架构的高效电池充电解决方案,集成了FETs和UFCS PHY。该方案优化了循环周期至50%,降低电缆损耗并限制应用中的温度上升。它采用36引脚CSP封装,适用于智能手机和平板电脑等设备。
型号- SC8549D,SC8549DCFFR
描述- 本资料介绍了Southchip半导体公司的一款双电池高效前向2:1转换器和反向1:2充电器,具有负载开关功能。该器件适用于多种电源管理应用。
型号- SC8510,SC8510CFFR
品类:Highly integrated synchronous boost charger IC
现货: 10,000
品类:Highly integrated synchronous boost charger IC
现货: 10,000
深圳市启威测实验室,面向所有企业提供信号完整性测试服务,主要包括USB、HDMI 、DP、MIPI、PCIe 、SD/EMMC、DDR接口信号测试。测试手段有波形测试、眼图测试、抖动测试等。
整体外形尺寸小至0.6*0.3*0.3mm (DFN0603),工作电压范围覆盖2.5V~36V,电容值低至0.2pF,浪涌能力最高可达240安培,静电等级可达空气放电、接触放电±30KV。提供免费浪涌测试仪、静电测试仪测试。
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