G-NiceRF Launched New UWB3000 Series High Precision, Long-Range Two-Way Positioning UWB Modules, Packet Length up to 1023 Bytes
G-NiceRF's UWB3000 series includes two models, the UWB3000F00 and UWB3000F20, which are low-power, cost-effective, single-chip ultra-wideband (UWB) modules developed by NiceRF using Qorvo's DW3000 IC series. The UWB300F27 is a high-power module with 27dBm (500mW) output, which includes an LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) for achieving two-way communication, ranging, and positioning over distances up to 1.5 kilometers (in open space). The UWB300F00 has a 0dBm output, capable of two-way communication, ranging, and positioning up to 60 meters (in open space).
Features of UWB3000F00/UWB3000F20:
F00 supports channels 5 and 9 (6489.6 MHz and 7987.2 MHz), while F20 supports channel 5 (6489.6MHz).
Data rates of 850kbps and 6.8Mbps, respectively.
Packet length can be up to 1023 bytes.
Supports two-way ranging; F20 supports long-distance (up to 1.5 kilometers in open space), TDoA, and PDoA positioning schemes.
Ranging and positioning are achieved in a short time, enabling very low average power consumption, suitable for battery-powered applications.
Comparison of the UWB3000 series with other positioning products: UWB is different from traditional communication technologies as it achieves wireless transmission by sending and receiving ultra-narrow pulses with durations of nanoseconds or microseconds. Due to the extremely short pulse width, the spectrum occupied is very broad. Other performance comparisons of UWB are as follows.
From the table above, it can be seen that the positioning accuracy of WiFi, ZigBee, and Bluetooth is not sufficient, with large errors. RFID technology is difficult to achieve two-dimensional positioning and can only be used for entry and exit recognition. In addition, in terms of transmission rate, UWB can reach 6.8Mbps, which is a speed that other technologies find hard to achieve, such as Bluetooth which is generally at 1Mbps. Compared to other wireless communication technologies, UWB has advantages such as high-precision positioning, high data rates, strong penetration, low power consumption, and strong anti-interference capabilities.
The UWB3000 series showcases its application advantages and scenario uses by enabling high-precision, high-rate indoor positioning. Utilizing ultra-wideband pulse signals for positioning, its time-domain resolution is exceptionally high, capable of achieving centimeter-level accuracy, which is more precise than other positioning technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, and RFID. UWB indoor positioning technology uses ultra-wideband signals for communication and positioning, featuring high data transfer rates capable of reaching Gbps levels. It can be applied in real-time positioning applications for individuals in industries such as security monitoring, hospitals, nursing homes, and mines.
With low power consumption and strong anti-interference capabilities, the technology ensures long-term stable operation of devices. In indoor environments, signals often encounter multipath interference issues, leading to instability in signal transmission. However, UWB indoor positioning technology has excellent multipath interference resistance, reducing signal interference and thus improving the stability and accuracy of positioning. It is suitable for smart homes, smart healthcare, smart offices, and other fields.
The system has a large capacity and can accommodate many tags working simultaneously, which allows for high capacity. The bandwidth used by UWB positioning technology is typically 500MHz and above, resulting in very short durations for each UWB signal sent. An increase in bandwidth significantly enhances channel capacity far beyond the effect of increased signal power, which is the theoretical rationale behind the introduction of ultra-wideband technology. This can be used in fields such as nursing homes and prisons.
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UWB3000系列包含UWB3000F00和UWB3000F27两款型号,是思为无线采用Decawave 的DW3000 IC系列研发集成的单片机超宽带(UWB)低功耗低成本UWB模块。
UWB650模块是思为无线推出的一款基于UWB技术的无线通讯模块,遵循IEEE 802.15.4-2020 Standard协议。UWB650模块将UWB技术应用中的数据通讯、双边双向测距、三点平面定位功能集于一身,用户只需通过模块上的UART接口,即可轻松使用这些功能,无需再次设计开发。
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UWB3000 系列模块是思为无线基于UWB开发的一款可用于定位测距的模块。因UWB的频段和传输数率的特性,有别于一般无线模块天线的要求。针对UWB3000思为无线设计了4款天线可供选择。这些天线类型在设计和应用方面具有不同的特点和优势。
思为无线UWB3000 UWB模块:打破传统,掀起定位通信新风暴!
UWB3000 Module, with High Precision Positioning, Support for Multiple Ranging Technologies, The Ideal Choice for High-Precision Real-Time Positioning
The UWB3000 module features an innovative design that distinguishes it from traditional Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technologies. It is specially optimized for the physical characteristics of RF signals, enabling ultra-high precision, real-time, and highly reliable positioning and communication capabilities.
提供G-NiceRF 2.4G无线模块,3D计步模块,ANT+无线串口模块,ASK发射模块,ASK模块四件套,LORA无线模块,UWB双向测距定位模块,低功耗蓝牙模块,对讲机模块,全双工无线数据语音模块,数字无线音频收发模块,卫星定位模块,无线模块,无线射频模块,无线透传模块,无线音频收发模块产品选型,可多尺寸选择,最大工作频率达6489.6MHz/7987.2MHz
选型表 - G-NiceRF 立即选型
UWB650模块是思为无线推出的一款基于UWB(Ultra Wide Band,超宽带)技术的无线通讯模块,遵循IEEE 802.15.4-2020 Standard协议。UWB650模块是在UWB3000F27基础上研发,使该模块拥有0.5W的高功率功放芯片。
UWB模块定位系统是基于UWB技术在定位系统中有着广泛的应用,其中TDoA和PDoA是两种常见的定位方式。UWB3000F27是采用Decawave的DW3000 IC系列是一个完全集成的单片机超宽带低功耗低成本收发器IC和一个0.5W的高功率的功放芯片,符合IEEE802.15.4- 2015和IEEE802.15.4z。它可以用于双向远距离测距,TDoA和PDoA系统,定位的精度为10厘米。
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The UWB650 module is a wireless communication module launched by NiceRF, based on Ultra-Wide band (UWB) technology and compliant with the IEEE 802.15.4-2020 Standard. The UWB650 module is developed on the foundation of the UWB3000F27, enhancing the module with a 0.5W high-power amplifier chip.
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