Chroma‘s New battery simulation software Validate EV Devices in Real Time
In addition to its range of EV and battery test solutions, automated test equipment provider CHROMA ATE recently launched a high-power battery simulator to test battery-connected devices. Integrated with any Chroma regenerative battery cycler or bidirectional DC power supply, the software simulates the battery state removing the wait time for the charge/discharge of an actual battery. Testing devices with an actual battery can be both cost and time-prohibitive, especially if multiple channels are required. Battery Simulation Software can validate device functions during testing without the need for an actual battery.
“For testing battery-connected devices like electric vehicles, on-board chargers, DC-DC converters, and motor drivers, high-power battery emulation is a great solution to confirm if the device under test is performing as intended. For example, most DC fast charging devices on the market have a power range of up to 50kW-350kW. Because of that high output voltage and power, it’s easier, faster, and safer to replace the actual battery pack with a scalable solution like Chroma battery simulation software and a new regenerative 17040E battery cycler,” said Luis Veliz, Director of Automated Systems for Chroma. The company states this allows simulation of the device under test’s electrical boundaries in a safe, repetitive, and predictable routine.
The A170202 Battery Simulation Software is said to seamlessly integrate with any of the company’s regenerative battery cyclers or bidirectional DC power supplies. Real-time test results include voltage, current, power, SOC%, charge/discharge state, and capacity. In addition, when battery charge/discharge testing is needed, users can switch from battery simulation to battery cycling. The operation of the cycler and A170202 simulator allows the values of internal resistance, energy capacity, and output voltage to be changed in real-time. Users can also take advantage of the regenerative functions that enable the recycling of the energy discharged, reducing the cost of treating wasted heat. Also included are safety features such as real-time monitoring and automatic protection.
Chroma will continue developing flexible EV, EVSE, and Battery test solutions, including the 8610 Battery Pack Power HIL testbed for verification, reliability, and durability testing of electric vehicle battery systems and components to ISO 26262.
For testing battery-connected devices like electric vehicles, onboard chargers, DC-DC converters, and motor drivers, high-power battery emulation is a great solution to confirm if the device under test is performing as intended. For example, most DC fast charging devices on the market have a power range of up to 50kW-350kW. Because of that high output voltage and power, it’s easier, faster, and safer to replace the actual battery pack with a scalable solution like Chroma's battery simulation software and a new regenerative 17040E battery cycler. This allows simulation of the device under test’s electrical boundaries in a safe, repetitive, and predictable routine.
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8610 Battery Pack Integrated Testbed for Testing New Energy Vehicle Battery Systems and Subparts | Chroma
Chroma ATE launches the 8610 Battery Pack Integrated Testbed. The 8610 system integrated with Chroma’s 17040 Regenerative Battery Pack Test System can simulate the charging and discharging of battery pack using the power system under various driving conditions to increase the test reliability when testing a whole vehicle.On the part of communication, the 8610 testbed supports the common CAN, CAN FD, and LIN interfaces and is capable of loading CAN communication DBC files.
【产品】您的测试能量足以面对高压电池系统的质量验证吗? 致茂提供最佳高压电池包测试利器17040E
【产品】多通道电池模拟器Softpanel A170202
Chroma推出的电池模拟器Softpanel Model A170202。解决了在实验时中不便设置大容量电池,应该使用电池模拟器进行测试。基于电池充电需要时间,要马上变更输出电压,来测试电能转换器的上下限值不方便,最重要的,大容量电池占体积,使用后老化,更换需要不少成本,加上若电池损坏,不小心过充或过放电会有火灾的危险。电池模拟器Softpanel Model A170202的使用,带来了很好处
描述- Chroma ATE Inc. 提供全面的储能与电力转换系统测试解决方案,包括储能逆变器、光伏逆变器、电池包等设备的性能验证。公司产品涵盖自动化测试系统、电网/电池模拟器、电池模拟器等,满足研发、项目验证、法规测试及大规模生产测试需求。Chroma ATE 的解决方案专注于提高测试精度、可靠性和独特性,助力客户实现系统性能验证。
型号- 62000H-S,8630,19501,17020,17040E,61800-100HF,63800系列,17020E,61860,61800-100,63700,17040,63800,19055-C,61800,61845,61815,63700系列,62000H-S系列,63800R,8900,62000D 系列,8000,63800R系列,8700,17020E系列,8720,61830,19501-K001,62000D,19501系列,61812,61800系列,17020系列,61809,19032-P,87001
Chroma携手运算智能全球领导者Altair和创奕能源,展开了一项先进的动态电池充放电测试合作,旨在透过先进设备和精密模拟技术,验证并提升电池使用性能寿命。此次测试计划结合了Chroma Battery Pack Power HIL系统、Altair车辆动态与电池精准模型以及创奕电动巴士的实际运行数据,在实验室台架中模拟创奕电巴的行驶工况,进行多次动态充放电与循环测试。
Chroma ATE Presents Electric Vehicle Test Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Chroma 61800 grid simulator and 17040/17040E battery simulator have energy recovery capability, reducing equipment power consumption as well as environmental temperatures. This array of features helps users save on costs and contributes to energy conservation and carbon reduction goals.
电池容量测试(Capacity Test)是评价电池充放电能力的关键测试。一般的充放电机只能使用定流充电(CC),或是定流转定压(CC-CV)的方式做测试,但是实际的电池使用状况是电池管理系统(BMS)会依据当下温度、安全状态而去动态调整输出,因此为了让电池测试能更符合情况,电池测试期间依据BMS 讯息动态更改测试条件变得十分重要。Chroma的电池测试软件BatteryPro可以帮助解决此问题。
描述- Chroma ATE Inc. 提供全面的储能与电力转换系统测试解决方案,涵盖储能逆变器、光伏逆变器、电池包等设备的性能验证。产品包括针对不同标准和规范的测试设备,如GB/T 34120、IEC62933等,并提供自动化测试系统和软件平台,支持研发、项目验证和生产测试。此外,还提供定制化的生产线和电池管理系统(BMS)测试方案,确保产品质量和可靠性。
型号- 62000H-S,8630,19501,17020,17040E,61800-100HF,63800系列,17020E,61860,61800-100,63700,17040,63800,19055-C,61800,61845,61815,63700系列,62000H-S系列,63800R,8900,62000D 系列,8000,63800R系列,8700,8720,61830,62000D,19501系列,61812,61800系列,61809,19032-P,87001
【技术】有关储能系统法规UL 9540电池包测试的重点介绍
Chroma 17040/Chroma 17040E能源回收式充放电设备,可对UL 9540、UL 1973法规验证项目进行测试,包含充放电循环测试、过充电测试、过放电保护测试、操作温度极限测试、电芯不平衡仿真测试、工作电压范围量测等六个主要测项。
描述- 致茂电子(Chroma ATE Inc.)提供全面的电动车辆电力电子测试解决方案,涵盖电池芯、电池模块、电池管理系统(BMS)、车载充电机、直流变换器、充电桩、无线充电器与电气安规等。公司专注于测试与自动化整合式解决方案,满足客户一次性购买的需求。产品包括电池模拟器、电动汽车充电测试系统、电气安规测试设备、电力电子测试仪器等,旨在提高测试的精准度、可靠性和独特性。
型号- 8630,17010 系列,63700 系列,19501,17020,17040E,63200A,8610,19200,61860,61800-100,17040,63700,61800,61845,63800R 系列,61815,63800 系列,1210,63800R,A170202,8900,RTSTAND LV124 PRO F24,62000D 系列,8000,17010,8700,8620,19036,8720,61830,62000D,19501系列,62000E,63200A 系列,17040 系列,61812,1920,17216M-10-6,61800 系列,61809,11210,62000E 系列,19032-P,87001,17208M-6-60
描述- 该资料介绍了Chroma ATE公司推出的8610电池包功率硬件在环测试平台(Power HIL Testbed)。该平台旨在为电动汽车(EV)电池系统提供全面的测试解决方案,支持实时模拟故障注入、动态充电和放电验证等功能。它集成了多种通信接口,并具备高可靠性的实时监控功能。
型号- MODEL 8610,8610
MODEL 17040 能源回收式电池模组测试系统
描述- Chroma 17040电池模块测试系统是一款专为高功率二次电池组测试设计的高精度、高安全与高效益充放电设备,具备能源回收功能,可节省放电过程所消耗的大量电能。系统支持多种国际标准测试,并具有动态工况模拟测试功能。
型号- 17040,A170201,A170202,A170400,MODEL 17040,VN1610
Chroma 17040/17040E Regenerative Battery Pack Test Systems Provide 1700V Charge and Discharge Capability, Suitable for Energy Storage System Applications
Chroma 17040/17040E Regenerative Battery Pack Test Systems address developments in high voltage demands of energy storage systems, providing 1700V charge and discharge capability suitable for energy storage system applications.
MODEL 17040E 能源回收式電池模組測試系統
描述- Chroma 17040E是一款专为高功率二次电池组测试设计的高精度、高安全与高效益充电放电设备。它具备能源回收功能,可节省放电过程所消耗的大量电能,并符合多种国际标准,如IEC、ISO、UL、GB/T等。
型号- 17040E,MODEL 17040E
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