InvenSense Announces World’s First TDM Microphone with an Array of 16 Devices on a Single Bus
SAN JOSE, Calif. & SHANGHAI–(BUSINESS WIRE)–May 10, 2016– InvenSense, a leading provider of MEMS sensor platforms, today announced the world's first Time Division Multiplexed MEMS microphone (TDM MEMS microphone) that can support up to 16 microphones on one bus. With the proliferation of connected devices where the main means of communication is far-field voice communication, having an array of microphones that can pick up the user's voice from any direction is key to their success. These microphone arrays allow the device to form a narrow audio band to pick up the user's command in its direction while effectively ignoring the noise from every other direction making reliable communication possible. Up to now, device makers had to pick from microphones with interfaces that supported no more than two on a bus leading to complex and expensive solutions for an array of microphones. InvenSense's ICS-52000 is a low-noise microphone that allows a microphone array to connect directly to digital processors without the need for audio converters in the system. All microphones in the array are able to synchronize their acoustic capture enabling precise audio processing.
There are a growing number of applications that require multiple microphones to support reliable voice recognition in the IoT market, home automation, audio and video conferencing, and drones. The ICS-52000 addresses the challenges of interfacing microphone arrays by simplifying system design and significantly reducing overall system cost.
"Far-field voice recognition has become a critical feature in the IoT market and AR/VR applications that need to have wrap-around audio processing. The ICS-52000 compliments our market-leading high-performance microphone portfolio by addressing the specific needs of these markets," said Eitan Medina, vice president of marketing and product management at InvenSense. "InvenSense patented microphone array architecture based on standard TDM interface enables efficient and elegant industrial designs."
InvenSense's ICS-52000 TDM microphone is sampling now and will be in mass production in 3Q this year. The product is packaged in a standard bottom port configuration.
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描述- 该资料介绍了ICS-52000数字TDM接口底座麦克风。它由MEMS传感器、信号调节、模数转换器、降采样和抗混叠滤波器、电源管理和行业标准24位TDM接口组成。ICS-52000支持多达16个麦克风的同步连接,适用于语音识别阵列、智能电视、会议系统、游戏机、安全系统和麦克风阵列等应用。
型号- ICS‐52000,EV_ICS‐52000‐FX
描述- 随着音频集成电路(IC)设计向更精细的几何形状发展,将高性能模拟电路集成在具有高密度数字电路的同一块硅片上变得更加困难且成本效益较低。音频系统架构师正在将音频信号链的模拟部分推向输入和输出换能器,并在之间进行数字连接。随着模拟电路被推到信号链的边缘,IC之间的数字接口变得更加普遍。DSP始终具有数字连接,但现在数字接口也被包含在通常只有模拟接口的换能器和放大器中。传统的音频信号链可能在麦克风、前置放大器、ADC、DAC、输出放大器和扬声器之间有模拟信号连接,如图1所示。IC设计人员正在将信号链两端换能器上的ADC、DAC和调制器集成在一起,从而消除了在PCB上路由任何模拟音频信号的需求,并减少了信号链中的设备数量。图2显示了一个完全数字音频信号链的示例。有许多不同的标准用于在两个地方之间传输数字音频数据。一些格式,如I2S、TDM和PDM,通常用于同一PCB上的IC间通信。其他格式,如S/PDIF和Ethernet AVB,主要用于通过电缆从一块PCB到另一块PCB的数据连接。本文将重点介绍IC间而不是PCB间数字音频格式的差异、优点和缺点。在选择具有不匹配数字接口的音频组件时,会不必要地复杂化系统设计;在选择组件之前了解不同接口的优缺点,有助于简化组件选择并确保信号链的实现效率最高。
型号- ADMP441
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TDK InvenSense IMU PCB设计和MEMS装配指南,适用于ICM/IAM/IIM-4xxxx、2xxxx和MPU-6xxx产品
描述- 本资料为TDK InvenSense公司提供的IMU产品PCB设计、传感器安装和处理指南,适用于ICM/IAM/IIM-4xxxx、2xxxx和MPU-6xxx系列产品。内容包括PCB设计规范、PCB放置和板安装指南、IMU产品处理指南等,旨在确保IMU产品在最终产品中的最高性能。指南涵盖了PCB设计、布局、放置、热管理、振动和冲击防护、存储和处理等方面的详细要求。
本文介绍了爱星物联IoT云平台,该平台专为环境电器与智能家电行业提供一站式智能化解决方案。通过实例展示了空气净化器设备接入的基本原理,并突出了平台的四大亮点:1) 物联网功能全面;2) 支持品类可扩展;3) 低代码开发支持完善;4) 云平台技术可扩展、易定制。这些特性使得爱星物联IoT平台能够帮助客户缩短研发周期,降低成本,快速开发AIoT产品,构建安全稳定且可定制化的解决方案。
TDK InvenSense ICM-45605和ICM-45686用户指南
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型号- ICM-45605,ICM-45686
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