AI at the IoT Edge Is Disrupting the Industrial Market
Artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge of the network is a cornerstone that will influence the future direction of the technology industry. If AI is an engine of change, then semiconductors are the oil driving the new age that is being defined by machine learning (ML), neural networks, 5G connectivity, and the advent of blockchain, digital twins, and the metaverse.
Despite recent disruptions to the chip industry due to supply chain and more recently, macroeconomic factors, the confluence of AI – and the Internet of Things (IoT) known as AIoT– is poised to shift the world from cloud-centric intelligence to a more distributed intelligence architecture.
It is expected that a staggering 73.1 zettabytes of data are expected to be generated by IoT devices, in 2025 according to IDC Research. As a result, endpoint data will increase at a CAGR of 85% from 2017 to 2025, driving intelligence from the cloud to the endpoint to run AI/ML workloads within tiny machines (TinyML). Some of the applications that are seeing the most disruption include the development of "voice as a user interface" to improve human-to-machine communication, as well as environmental sensing and predictive analytics and maintenance. Major growth segments include wearables, smart homes, smart cities, and intelligent industrial automation.
What are the benefits of embedding intelligence at the endpoint? Many industrial IoT applications operate within environments constrained by memory capacity, limited coMPUting, battery power, and sub-optimal connectivity. Moreover, these applications often require real-time responses that may be mission and system critical. Expecting such devices and applications to operate in a cloud-centric intelligence architecture just does not work.
This is where the power of embedding intelligence at the endpoint is evolving from standard industrial IoT implementations to what RENESAS is calling AIoT for industrial applications.
Transforming data at the source of collection minimizes latency and enables optimized processing for time-critical applications. Because data is not processed and transported over the network, the security concerns related to the transfer and flow of data, are greatly minimized. Another advantage is that data handling can be linked with root-of-trust at the endpoint, making the implementation impervious to attacks. Since data processing is handled at or very near the source, Renesas can fully leverage data gravity and reduce the power consumption associated with turning on radios or moving data through the network.
Renesas' commitment to customers is to lead the industry in endpoint computing technology with the broadest range of MCUs and MPUs. Already this has enabled designers to leverage Renesas' rich ecosystem of IoT and AI/ML building blocks by tapping into a technology ecosystem that features more than 300 building blocks of commercial-grade software provided by Renesas's trusted partners.
Renesas growing AIoT portfolio also explains Renesas' recent acquisition of Reality AI, a new platform powering edge and endpoint AI in industrial IoT applications using Renesas processors. Reality AI automatically searches a wide range of signal-processing transforms and generates custom machine learning models while retaining traceability in its approach and offering valuable hardware design analytics. The models run on nearly every MCU and MPU core available from Renesas – with new ones added constantly.
This puts an incredibly powerful tool into the hands of designers to help them solve their most difficult problems because the model development is specifically for non-visual sensing use cases and is based on advanced signal processing math and edge deployment. This enables advanced analytics capable of supporting full hardware design and complete frameworks, including data collection, instrumentation, firmware, and ML workflows. Other solutions simply generate algorithms and models that often account for only 5% of typical project costs, while ignoring the other 95% of development expenses.
Renesas' comprehensive approach to AIoT design allows developers to reduce unscheduled equipment downtime, improve production efficiencies and perform sophisticated quality assurance tasks that are costly or difficult to replicate in a current testing environment.
In a real-world use case tested under 51 different environmental and load conditions in a three-ton residential HVAC system, Reality AI was able to achieve a greater than 95% accuracy when detecting and distinguishing single fault conditions. The test also detected indoor and outdoor air-flow blockage and charge faults as small as 5% from OEM specifications in both heating and cooling modes.
The convergence of AI and IoT for industrial applications is a megatrend with significant potential. The acquisition of Reality AI unlocks the potential of combining advanced signal processing with AI at the edge and is supported by Renesas' extensive hardware, software, tools, and ecosystem to provide all the building blocks you need to unleash your creativity.
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Silicon Labs Extends Award-Winning xG22 Platform to Deliver Optimized 32-Bit MCU for IoT Edge Applications
March 3, 2021 – Silicon Labs announced the launch of the EFM32PG22 (PG22) 32-bit microcontroller unit (MCU), a low-cost, high-performance solution with an industry-leading combination of energy efficiency, performance and security. With easy-to-use, cost-efficient analog capabilities, the PG22 MCU is ideally suited for rapid development of consumer and industrial applications with demanding size constraints and low-power operation requirements.“
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【经验】瑞萨MPU RZ/T1使用中断方式DMA传输的方法介绍
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【经验】解析瑞萨MPU RZ/T1在e2 studio环境下的双核仿真步骤方法
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【经验】基于瑞萨RH850/F1K的MCU 15833 CAN通信中断接收实现注意点
最近有客户在调试基于RH850/F1K的MCU CAN通信功能程序时,一直无法进入中断接收程序;经过查验总结问题所在点,步骤如下:1.在boot.asm文件,如果使用eiint作为表引用方法,启用下一行的宏。
【经验】瑞萨MPU RZ/T1使用双寄存器切换开启DMA传输的方法介绍
在项目中使用瑞萨(Renesas)MPU RZ/T1做从机接收大量数据时,为了传输和接收数据效率,我们会启用DMA传输的功能,有时候项目中需要传输的是两块数据,这时候我们可以使用双寄存器切换的方式来完成,本文主要介绍启用双寄存器切换启用DMA传输的方法。
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