Energous通过日本1W PowerBridge认证,促使其将主动能量收集技术引入物联网应用
加利福尼亚州圣何塞--(BUSINESS WIRE)--基于射频的无线电力网络的领先开发商ENERGOUS于2023年4月5日宣布,其1W PowerBridge已获得日本监管机构的无限功率距离传输批准。这一批准使Energous能够在技术先进的日本市场部署其主动能量收集技术,用于智能家居、工业、零售、医疗保健物联网应用,如实时资产跟踪和无距离限制的数字供应链管理。
Energous在日本的监管批准是1Watt PowerBridge一系列主要市场批准中的最新里程碑,此前在韩国、中国、美国、加拿大、英国、欧洲、印度、澳大利亚和新西兰也获得了类似的认证。
Energous首席执行官Cesar Johnston表示:“日本的这一监管批准是一项重大成就,符合我们的整体商业战略,巩固了我们作为全球主动能源收集技术领导者的地位。这一批准使我们的日本业务合作伙伴能够利用Energous基于射频的无线能量采集的可靠力量,为我们打开市场,提供多种机会。”
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Energous新型2W PowerBridge发射器供电能力翻倍,可将物联网无线电源网络的性能提升到更高水平
基于射频的智能无线电力网络的领先开发商Energous Corporation与2023年5月9日宣布推出一款全新的2W传导功率发射器,该发射器可满足日益增长的需求供应链、物流、零售、工业和农业等行业快速扩展的物联网生态系统的电力需求。
Energous Ships First Orders to Multinational Technology Company for Reverse Logistics
Energous today announced it has shipped the first orders of its 2W PowerBridge transmitter system to a Fortune 100 technology company. The Energous transmitters will be the foundation of new WPNs that will deliver always-on, advanced asset tracking capabilities for certain reverse logistics processes at the company’s distribution centers.
Energous and ams OSRAM Collaborate to Develop Wirelessly Powered Solutions for Agricultural Sensor Applications
Energous’ WattUp PowerBridge technology provides a reliable source of power simultaneously to multiple devices, allowing for more flexible, waterproof device designs and reducing the burdens that keep them powered.
全球首个远距离无线充电 FCC 认证,Energous可隔空5米5.5W无线充电
相较于磁感应无线充电需要对准吸附的充电方式,射频无线充电可以实现远距离隔空充电,并可以同时给多个设备充电,充电更加自由灵活。作为世界上第一个FCC Part 18远程无线充电认证的无线电力网络公司Energous,其无线充电技术迄今已获得超过240项专利。
Energous wireless power solutionst: Enabling Digital Twins Across Industries
One of the biggest challenges to realizing their full potential for supply chain applications has been powering the many IoT devices required to generate critical data. Energous wireless power solutions address this issue, unlocking new possibilities for digital twins across a wide range of industries.
Energous Wins Mobile Breakthrough Award for IoT Innovation
Energous today announced the Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter system has been selected as winner of the “IoT Innovation of the Year” award in the 8th annual Mobile Breakthrough Awards program conducted by Mobile Breakthrough.
Energous WattUp PowerBridge发射器技术获中国监管部门批准,用于无限距离传输的物联网应用
近期,Energous公司宣布其1W WattUp PowerBridge发射器技术已获得中国工业和信息化部的批准,用于物联网应用。Energous的WattUp PowerBridge支持多种下一代应用,包括智能标签、电子货架标签、传感器、资产追踪器等。
描述- Energous公司专注于RF无线充电技术,提供WattUp无线充电平台,包括控制器、功率放大器和接收器等半导体产品。其技术已获得FCC和欧盟认证,适用于移动和物联网设备。Energous提供多种无线充电解决方案,包括近场、中远场充电,适用于工业、医疗、汽车、公共安全和智能家居等领域。公司拥有多项专利,并致力于推动无线充电技术的全球监管审批。
型号- EN7413M,EN3210,EN4100,EN2210,EN2223,EN3913M,EN3921
Energous PowerBridge Transmitters to Help Improve Transportation Efficiency for Multinational Retailer
Energous today announced it has shipped its Energous 1W PowerBridge transmitter systems for use by a Fortune 10 multinational retail organization. The transmitters, which are ruggedized and weatherproof, are purpose built for commercial transportation applications, allowing real time inventory tracking during distribution.
介绍Silicon Labs的全新 Z-Wave 800开发套件,用于轻松开发智能家居物联网应用
Silicon Labs 发布了 Z-Wave 800 系列模块的开发套件,以进一步简化各种物联网应用的开发体验。全新套件基于 Silicon Labs ZGM230S SiP 模块,采用流行的 Thunderboard 封装,提供一系列压力、温度和湿度等传感器选项,以及环境光传感器和霍尔效应磁性传感器等。
Energous‘s 2w Powerbridge Transmitter Systems Delivers Continuous Access to Wireless Power, Enabling the Retailer to Optimize Grocery Distribution Network
Energous Corporation (NASDAQ: WATT), a pioneer in scalable, over-the-air wireless power networks (WPNs), announced it has received multiple orders from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer for the Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems. Energous recently completed a successful proof of concept (PoC) project for the retailer: a comprehensive WPN that delivers always-on, data-rich asset tracking capabilities for improved grocery and store supply chain visibility and control.
Energous 2W PowerBridge Transmitter Receives Full FCC Certification
The unique design of the Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter enables the delivery of significantly increased power—up to 8W Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)—providing customers with better visibility across their supply chain operations.
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